/* * Helpers for using enzyme and react-test-renderer with react-intl */ import React from 'react'; import renderer from 'react-test-renderer'; import {createIntl, IntlProvider} from 'react-intl'; import {mount, shallow} from 'enzyme'; import intlShape from '../../src/lib/intl-shape'; const shallowWithIntl = (node, {context} = {}) => shallow( node, { context: Object.assign({}, context), wrappingComponent: IntlProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { locale: 'en', messages: {} } } ).dive(); const mountWithIntl = (node, {context, childContextTypes} = {}) => { const intl = createIntl({locale: 'en', messages: {}}); return mount( node, { context: Object.assign({}, context, {intl}), childContextTypes: Object.assign({}, {intl: intlShape}, childContextTypes), wrappingComponent: IntlProvider, wrappingComponentProps: { locale: 'en', messages: {} } } ); }; // react-test-renderer component for use with snapshot testing const componentWithIntl = (children, props = {locale: 'en'}) => renderer.create( <IntlProvider textComponent="span" {...props} > {children} </IntlProvider> ); export { componentWithIntl, shallowWithIntl, mountWithIntl };