/* UI Primary Colors */ $ui-blue: hsla(215, 100, 65, 1); // #4C97FF Motion Primary $ui-blue-dark: hsla(215, 65, 55, 1); // #3373CC Motion Secondary $ui-blue-10percent: hsla(215, 100, 65, .1); $ui-blue-25percent: hsla(215, 100, 65, .25); $ui-orange: hsla(38, 100, 55, 1); // #FFAB19 Control Primary $ui-orange-high-contrast: hsla(30, 100, 55, 1); // #FFAB19 Control Primary $ui-orange-10percent: hsla(35, 90, 55, .1); $ui-orange-25percent: hsla(35, 90, 55, .25); $ui-orange-90percent: hsla(38, 100, 55, .9); $ui-dark-orange: hsla(30, 100, 55, 1); // ##FF8C1A Variables Primary $ui-red: hsla(20, 100%, 55%, 1); /* #FF661A */ $ui-red-25percent: hsla(20, 100%, 55%, .25); $ui-green-35percent: rgba(126, 225, 195, .35); $ui-light-gray: hsla(0, 0, 98, 1); //#FAFAFA $ui-gray: hsla(0, 0, 95, 1); //#F2F2F2 $ui-dark-gray: hsla(0, 0, 70, 1); //#B3B3B3 $background-color: hsla(0, 0, 99, 1); //#FDFDFD /* UI Secondary Colors */ /* 3.0 colors */ /* Using www naming convention for now, should be consistent with gui */ $ui-aqua: hsla(163, 85, 40, 1); // #0FBD8C Extension Primary $ui-purple: hsla(260, 100, 70, 1); // #9966FF Looks Primary $ui-purple-dark: hsla(260, 60, 60, 1); // #774DCB Looks Secondary $ui-yellow: hsla(45, 100, 50, 1); // #FFBF00 Events Primary $ui-coral: hsla(350, 100, 70, 1); // #FF6680 More Blocks Primary $ui-coral-dark: hsla(350, 100, 60, 1); // #FF3355 More Blocks tertiary $ui-white: hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 1); //#FFF $ui-white-15percent: hsla(0, 100%, 100%, .15); //#FFF $ui-light-primary: hsl(215, 100, 95); $ui-light-primary-transparent: hsla(215, 100, 95, 0); $ui-border: hsla(0, 0, 85, 1); //#D9D9D9 /* modals */ $ui-mint-green: hsl(163, 69, 44); $ui-light-mint: hsl(163, 53, 67); /* Overlay UI Gray Colors */ $active-gray: hsla(0, 0, 0, .1); $active-dark-gray: hsla(0, 0, 0, .2); $box-shadow-gray: hsla(0, 0, 0, .25); $box-shadow-light-gray: hsla(0, 0, 0, .15); $overlay-gray: hsla(0, 0, 0, .75); $transparent-light-blue: rgba(229, 240, 254, 0); /* Typography Colors */ $header-gray: hsla(225, 15, 40, 1); //#575E75 $type-gray: hsla(225, 15, 40, 1); //#575E75 $type-gray-75percent: hsla(225, 15, 40, .75); $type-gray-60percent: hsla(225, 15, 40, .6); $type-white: hsla(0, 100, 100, 1); //#FFF $link-blue: $ui-blue; /* Down Deep */ $dd-darkblue: hsla(195, 72.4, 17.1, 1);