version: 2.1 aliases: - &defaults docker: - image: cimg/node:12.20.1-browsers auth: username: $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD working_directory: ~/repo - &save_git_cache save_cache: paths: - .git key: v1-git-{{ .Revision }} - &restore_git_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-git-{{ .Revision }} - v1-git- - &save_npm_cache save_cache: paths: - node_modules key: v1-npm-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - &restore_npm_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-npm-{{ checksum "package-lock.json" }} - &save_build_cache save_cache: paths: - ./build - ./intl key: v1-build-{{ .Revision }} - &restore_build_cache restore_cache: keys: - v1-build-{{ .Revision }} - v1-build- - &build <<: *defaults resource_class: medium+ steps: - *restore_git_cache - checkout - run: name: "setup" command: | npm --production=false ci mkdir ./test/results - run: name: "run lint tests" command: | npm run test:lint:ci - run: name: "run npm build" command: | WWW_VERSION=${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:5} npm run build - run: name: "Run unit tests" command: | JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=unit-jest-results.xml npm run test:unit:jest:unit -- --reporters=jest-junit JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=localization-jest-results.xml npm run test:unit:jest:localization -- --reporters=jest-junit npm run test:unit:tap -- --output-file ./test/results/unit-raw.tap npm run test:unit:convertReportToXunit - *save_npm_cache - *save_git_cache - *save_build_cache - store_test_results: path: test/results - store_artifacts: path: build - &deploy <<: *defaults steps: - *restore_git_cache - checkout - *restore_npm_cache - *restore_build_cache - run: name: "setup python" command: | curl -o python3 pip==21.0.1 pip install s3cmd==2.1.0 - run: name: "deploy" command: | npm run deploy - &integration_jest <<: *defaults steps: - *restore_git_cache - checkout - *restore_npm_cache - run: name: "integration tests with Jest" command: | JEST_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=integration-jest-results.xml npm run test:integration:jest:remote -- --reporters=jest-junit - store_test_results: path: test/results - &integration_tap <<: *defaults steps: - *restore_git_cache - checkout - *restore_npm_cache - run: name: "integration tests with Tap" command: | mkdir ./test/results npm run test:smoke:sauce -- --output-file ./test/results/integration-raw-tap.tap npm run test:smoke:convertReportToXunit - store_test_results: path: test/results - &update-translations <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - run: name: "setup" command: npm --production=false ci - run: name: "run i18n script" command: npm run i18n:push jobs: build-staging: <<: *build build-production: <<: *build deploy-staging: <<: *deploy deploy-production: <<: *deploy integration-staging-jest: <<: *integration_jest integration-staging-tap: <<: *integration_tap integration-production-jest: <<: *integration_jest integration-production-tap: <<: *integration_tap update-translations: <<: *update-translations workflows: build-test-deploy: jobs: - build-staging: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-staging filters: branches: ignore: - master - build-production: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-production filters: branches: only: - master - deploy-staging: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-staging requires: - build-staging filters: branches: only: - develop - /^hotfix\/.*/ - /^release\/.*/ - deploy-production: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-production requires: - build-production filters: branches: only: - master - integration-staging-jest: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-staging requires: - deploy-staging filters: branches: only: - develop - /^hotfix\/.*/ - /^release\/.*/ - integration-staging-tap: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-staging requires: - deploy-staging filters: branches: only: - develop - /^hotfix\/.*/ - /^release\/.*/ - integration-production-jest: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-production requires: - deploy-production filters: branches: only: - master - integration-production-tap: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-production requires: - deploy-production filters: branches: only: - master Update-translations: triggers: - schedule: # every evening at 7pm EST (8pm EDT, Midnight UTC) cron: "0 0 * * *" filters: branches: only: develop jobs: - update-translations: context: - scratch-www-all - scratch-www-staging filters: branches: only: - develop