const tap = require('tap'); const Comments = require('../../../src/redux/comments'); const initialState = Comments.getInitialState(); const reducer = Comments.commentsReducer; let state; tap.tearDown(() => process.nextTick(process.exit)); tap.test('Reducer', t => { t.type(reducer, 'function'); t.type(initialState, 'object'); // Reducers should return their default state when called without state let undefinedState; t.deepEqual(initialState, reducer(undefinedState, {type: 'fake action'})); t.end(); }); tap.test('setFetchStatus', t => { // initial value t.equal(initialState.status.comments, Comments.Status.NOT_FETCHED); state = reducer(initialState, Comments.setFetchStatus('comments', Comments.Status.FETCHING)); t.equal(state.status.comments, Comments.Status.FETCHING); state = reducer(state, Comments.setFetchStatus('comments', Comments.Status.FETCHED)); t.equal(state.status.comments, Comments.Status.FETCHED); t.end(); }); tap.test('setComments', t => { // Initial value t.deepEqual(initialState.comments, []); state = reducer(initialState, Comments.setComments([{id: 1}, {id: 2}])); state = reducer(state, Comments.setComments([{id: 3}, {id: 4}])); t.deepEqual(state.comments, [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}]); t.end(); }); const commentState = { comments: [ {id: 'id1', visibility: 'visible', reply_count: 2}, {id: 'id2', visibility: 'visible', reply_count: 0}, {id: 'id3', visibility: 'visible', reply_count: 0} ], replies: { id1: [ {id: 'id4', visibility: 'visible'}, {id: 'id5', visibility: 'visible'} ] } }; tap.test('setComments, discards duplicates', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setComments([{id: 'id1'}])); // Does not increase the number of comments, still 3 t.equal(state.comments.length, 3); t.end(); }); tap.test('setCommentDeleted, top level comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setCommentDeleted('id2')); t.equal(state.comments[1].visibility, 'deleted'); t.end(); }); tap.test('setCommentDeleted, reply comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setCommentDeleted('id4', 'id1')); t.equal(state.replies.id1[0].visibility, 'deleted'); t.end(); }); tap.test('setRepliesDeleted/Restored', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setRepliesDeleted('id1')); t.equal(state.replies.id1[0].visibility, 'deleted'); t.equal(state.replies.id1[1].visibility, 'deleted'); state = reducer(state, Comments.setRepliesRestored('id1')); t.equal(state.replies.id1[0].visibility, 'visible'); t.equal(state.replies.id1[1].visibility, 'visible'); t.end(); }); tap.test('setCommentReported, top level comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setCommentReported('id2')); t.equal(state.comments[1].visibility, 'reported'); t.end(); }); tap.test('setCommentReported, reply comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setCommentReported('id4', 'id1')); t.equal(state.replies.id1[0].visibility, 'reported'); t.end(); }); tap.test('addNewComment, top level comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.addNewComment({id: 'new comment'})); // Adds comment to beginning of list t.equal(state.comments[0].id, 'new comment'); t.end(); }); tap.test('addNewComment, reply comment', t => { state = reducer(commentState, Comments.addNewComment({id: 'new comment'}, 'id1')); // Adds replies to the end of the replies list t.equal(state.replies.id1[2].id, 'new comment'); t.equal(state.comments[0].reply_count, 3); // Also check a top-level comment that doesn't have replies yet state = reducer(commentState, Comments.addNewComment({id: 'new comment2'}, 'id2')); t.equal(state.replies.id2[0].id, 'new comment2'); t.equal(state.comments[1].reply_count, 1); t.end(); }); tap.test('setReplies', t => { // setReplies should append new replies state = reducer(commentState, Comments.setReplies({ id1: {id: 'id6'} })); t.equal(state.replies.id1[2].id, 'id6'); t.equal(state.comments[0].moreRepliesToLoad, false); // setReplies should ignore duplicates, do the same as above again t.equal(state.replies.id1.length, 3); state = reducer(state, Comments.setReplies({id1: {id: 'id6'}})); t.equal(state.replies.id1.length, 3); // setReplies can add replies to a comment that didn't have any state = reducer(state, Comments.setReplies({ id2: {id: 'id7'} })); t.equal(state.replies.id1.length, 3); t.equal(state.replies.id2.length, 1); t.equal(state.replies.id2[0].id, 'id7'); t.equal(state.comments[0].moreRepliesToLoad, false); t.equal(state.comments[1].moreRepliesToLoad, false); // Getting 20 (COMMENT_LIMIT) replies sets moreRepliesToLoad to true state = reducer(state, Comments.setReplies({ id3: (new Array(20)).map((_, i) => ({id: `id${i + 1}`})) })); t.equal(state.comments[0].moreRepliesToLoad, false); t.equal(state.comments[1].moreRepliesToLoad, false); t.equal(state.comments[2].moreRepliesToLoad, true); // Getting one more reply sets moreRepliesToLoad back to false state = reducer(state, Comments.setReplies({ id3: {id: 'id21'} })); t.equal(state.comments[2].moreRepliesToLoad, false); t.end(); });