const SeleniumHelper = require('./selenium-helpers.js'); const { clickText, findByXpath, clickXpath, clickButton, buildDriver } = new SeleniumHelper(); let username = process.env.SMOKE_USERNAME; let password = process.env.SMOKE_PASSWORD; let remote = process.env.SMOKE_REMOTE || false; let rootUrl = process.env.ROOT_URL || ''; let url = rootUrl + '/users/' + username; if (remote){ jest.setTimeout(60000); } let driver; describe('www-integration my-stuff', () => { beforeAll(() => { driver = buildDriver('www-integration my-stuff'); }); beforeEach(() => { return driver.get(url) .then(() => clickText('Sign in')) .then(() => findByXpath('//input[@id="login_dropdown_username"]')) .then((element) => element.sendKeys(username)) .then(() => findByXpath('//input[@name="password"]')) .then((element) => element.sendKeys(password)) .then(() => clickButton('Sign in')); }); afterEach(() => { return clickXpath('//span[@class="user-name dropdown-toggle"]') .then(() => clickXpath('//li[@id="logout"] ')) .then(() => findByXpath('//div[@class="title-banner intro-banner"]')); }); // afterAll must be async in order to actually call driver.quit afterAll(async () => { await driver.quit(); }); test('Sign into Scratch using scratchr2 navbar', () => { findByXpath('//li[contains(@class, "logged-in-user")' + 'and contains(@class, "dropdown")]/span') .then((element) => element.getText('span')) .then((text) => expect(text.toLowerCase()).toEqual(username.toLowerCase())); }); });