import { Errors, loadProjects, addProject, removeProject } from '../../../src/views/studio/lib/studio-project-actions'; import {projects} from '../../../src/views/studio/lib/redux-modules'; import {reducers, initialState} from '../../../src/views/studio/studio-redux'; import configureStore from '../../../src/lib/configure-store'; jest.mock('../../../src/lib/api'); import api from '../../../src/lib/api'; let store; beforeEach(() => { api.mockClear(); }); describe('loadProjects', () => { test('it populates the projects list', () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); api.mockImplementation((opts, callback) => { const body = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}]; callback(null, body, {statusCode: 200}); }); store.dispatch(loadProjects()); let items = projects.selector(store.getState()).items; expect(api.mock.calls[0][0].uri).toBe('/studios/123123/projects/'); expect(api.mock.calls[0][0].params.offset).toBe(0); expect(items.length).toBe(3); expect(items[0].id).toBe(1); // Include the new offset next time it is called store.dispatch(loadProjects()); expect(api.mock.calls[1][0].params.offset).toBe(3); items = projects.selector(store.getState()).items; expect(items.length).toBe(6); }); test('it correctly uses the admin route when possible', () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123}, session: { session: { user: {token: 'a-token'}, permissions: {admin: true} } } }); api.mockImplementation((opts) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/admin/studios/123123/projects/'); expect(opts.authentication).toBe('a-token'); }); store.dispatch(loadProjects()); }); test('errors are set on the projects state', () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); api.mockImplementation((opts, callback) => { callback(null, null, {statusCode: 500}); }); store.dispatch(loadProjects()); expect(projects.selector(store.getState()).error).toBe(Errors.SERVER); }); }); describe('addProject', () => { beforeEach(() => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123} }); }); test('makes a POST and a GET and then combines the result and puts it in redux', async () => { const postResponse = { projectId: '111', actorId: 'actor-id' }; const getResponse = { title: 'project-title', image: 'project-image', author: { id: 'author-id', username: 'author-username', profile: {images: [1, 2, 3]} } }; api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/project/111'); expect(opts.method).toBe('POST'); callback(null, postResponse, {statusCode: 200}); }).mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/projects/111'); callback(null, getResponse, {statusCode: 200}); }); await store.dispatch(addProject('')); const {items} = projects.selector(store.getState()); expect(items.length).toBe(1); // Item in redux is a combination of get/post that matches the shape of the studio projects endpoint expect(items[0]).toMatchObject({ id: 111, actor_id: 'actor-id', title: 'project-title', image: 'project-image', creator_id: 'author-id', username: 'author-username', avatar: [1, 2, 3] }); }); test('submitting an invalid returns error without network requests', async () => { await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('abc'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.UNKNOWN_PROJECT); expect(api.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); test('submitting an existing project returns error without network requests', async () => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123}, projects: {items: [{id: 999}]} }); await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('localhost:800/projects/999'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.DUPLICATE); expect(api.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); }); test('rate limit server response', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { callback(null, null, {statusCode: 429}); }); await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('localhost:800/projects/999'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.RATE_LIMIT); }); test('unknown project server response', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { callback(null, null, {statusCode: 404}); }); await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('localhost:800/projects/999'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.UNKNOWN_PROJECT); }); test('not allowed server response', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { callback(null, null, {statusCode: 403}); }); await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('localhost:800/projects/999'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.PERMISSION); }); test('muted server response', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { callback(null, {mute_status: {}}, {statusCode: 403}); }); await expect(store.dispatch(addProject('localhost:800/projects/999'))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.USER_MUTED); }); }); describe('removeProject', () => { beforeEach(() => { store = configureStore(reducers, { ...initialState, studio: {id: 123123}, projects: {items: [{id: 999}]} }); }); test('makes a DELETE and removes the item from redux', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { expect(opts.uri).toBe('/studios/123123/project/999'); expect(opts.method).toBe('DELETE'); callback(null, {}, {statusCode: 200}); }); await store.dispatch(removeProject(999)); const {items} = projects.selector(store.getState()); expect(items.length).toBe(0); }); test('errors are set on the projects state', async () => { api.mockImplementationOnce((opts, callback) => { callback(null, {}, {statusCode: 500}); }); await expect(store.dispatch(removeProject(999))) .rejects.toBe(Errors.SERVER); }); });