const React = require('react'); // eslint-disable-line const reactStringReplace = require('react-string-replace'); /** * Helper method that replaces @mentions and #hashtags in plain text * * @param {string} text string to convert * @param {?object} opts options object of boolean flags, defaults to all true * @property {boolean} opts.hashtag If #hashtags should be converted to search links * @property {boolean} opts.usernames If @usernames should be converted to /users/username links * @property {boolean} opts.scratchLinks If scratch-domain links should be converted to links * @return {Array} Array with strings and react components for links */ module.exports = (text, opts) => { opts = opts || { usernames: true, hashtags: true, scratchLinks: true }; let replacedText = [text]; // Match @-mentions (username is alphanumeric, underscore and dash) if (opts.usernames) { replacedText = reactStringReplace(replacedText, /@([\w-]+)/g, (match, i) => ( @{match} )); } // Match hashtags if (opts.hashtags) { replacedText = reactStringReplace(replacedText, /(#[\w-]+)/g, (match, i) => ( {match} )); } // Match scratch links /* Ported from the python... "Oh boy a giant regex!" Said nobody ever. (^|\s)(https?://(?:[\w-]+\.)*scratch\.mit\.edu(?:/(?:\S*[\w:/#[\]@\$&\'()*+=])?)?(?![^?!,:;\w\s]\S)) (^|\s) Only begin capturing after a space, or at the beginning of a word https? URLs beginning with http or https ://(?:[\w-]+\.)*scratch\.mit\.edu allow * urls (?:/...)? optionally followed by a slash (?:\S*[\w:/#[\]@\$&\'()*+=])? optionally that slash is followed by anything that's not a space, until that string is followed by URL-valid characters that aren't punctuation (?![^?!,:;\w\s]\S)) Don't capture if this string is embedded in another string (e.g., the beginning of a non-scratch URL), but allow punctuation */ if (opts.scratchLinks) { // eslint-disable-next-line max-len const linkRegexp = /((?:^|\s)https?:\/\/(?:[\w-]+\.)*(?:scratch\.mit\.edu|scratch-wiki\.info)(?:\/(?:\S*[\w:/#[\]@$&'()*+=])?)?(?![^?!,:;\w\s]\S))/g; replacedText = reactStringReplace(replacedText, linkRegexp, (match, i) => ( {match} )); } return replacedText; };