const keyMirror = require('keymirror'); const mergeWith = require('lodash.mergewith'); const uniqBy = require('lodash.uniqby'); const COMMENT_LIMIT = 20; module.exports.Status = keyMirror({ FETCHED: null, NOT_FETCHED: null, FETCHING: null, ERROR: null }); module.exports.getInitialState = () => ({ status: { comments: module.exports.Status.NOT_FETCHED }, comments: [], replies: {}, moreCommentsToLoad: false }); module.exports.commentsReducer = (state, action) => { if (typeof state === 'undefined') { state = module.exports.getInitialState(); } switch (action.type) { case 'RESET_TO_INTIAL_STATE': return module.exports.getInitialState(); case 'RESET_COMMENTS': return Object.assign({}, state, { comments: [], replies: {} }); case 'SET_COMMENT_FETCH_STATUS': return Object.assign({}, state, { status: Object.assign({}, state.status, { [action.infoType]: action.status }) }); case 'SET_COMMENTS': return Object.assign({}, state, { comments: uniqBy(state.comments.concat(action.items), 'id') }); case 'UPDATE_COMMENT': if (action.topLevelCommentId) { return Object.assign({}, state, { replies: Object.assign({}, state.replies, { [action.topLevelCommentId]: state.replies[action.topLevelCommentId].map(comment => { if ( === action.commentId) { return Object.assign({}, comment, action.comment); } return comment; }) }) }); } return Object.assign({}, state, { comments: => { if ( === action.commentId) { return Object.assign({}, comment, action.comment); } return comment; }) }); case 'ADD_NEW_COMMENT': if (action.topLevelCommentId) { return Object.assign({}, state, { replies: Object.assign({}, state.replies, { // Replies to comments go at the end of the thread [action.topLevelCommentId]: (state.replies[action.topLevelCommentId] || []) .concat(action.comment) }), comments: => { if ( === action.topLevelCommentId) { return Object.assign({}, comment, { reply_count: comment.reply_count + 1 }); } return comment; }) }); } // Reply to the top level project, put the reply at the beginning return Object.assign({}, state, { comments: [action.comment, ...state.comments], replies: Object.assign({}, state.replies, {[]: []}) }); case 'UPDATE_ALL_REPLIES': return Object.assign({}, state, { replies: Object.assign({}, state.replies, { [action.commentId]: state.replies[action.commentId].map(reply => Object.assign({}, reply, action.comment) ) }) }); case 'SET_REPLIES': return Object.assign({}, state, { // Append new replies to the state.replies structure replies: mergeWith({}, state.replies, action.replies, (replies, newReplies) => ( uniqBy((replies || []).concat(newReplies || []), 'id') )), // Also set the `moreRepliesToLoad` property on the top-level comments comments: => { if (action.replies[]) { return Object.assign({}, comment, { moreRepliesToLoad: action.replies[].length === COMMENT_LIMIT }); } return comment; }) }); case 'SET_MORE_COMMENTS_TO_LOAD': return Object.assign({}, state, { moreCommentsToLoad: action.moreCommentsToLoad }); default: return state; } }; module.exports.setFetchStatus = (type, status) => ({ type: 'SET_COMMENT_FETCH_STATUS', infoType: type, status: status }); module.exports.setComments = items => ({ type: 'SET_COMMENTS', items: items }); module.exports.setReplies = replies => ({ type: 'SET_REPLIES', replies: replies }); module.exports.setCommentDeleted = (commentId, topLevelCommentId) => ({ type: 'UPDATE_COMMENT', commentId: commentId, topLevelCommentId: topLevelCommentId, comment: { visibility: 'deleted' } }); module.exports.setRepliesDeleted = commentId => ({ type: 'UPDATE_ALL_REPLIES', commentId: commentId, comment: { visibility: 'deleted' } }); module.exports.setCommentReported = (commentId, topLevelCommentId) => ({ type: 'UPDATE_COMMENT', commentId: commentId, topLevelCommentId: topLevelCommentId, comment: { visibility: 'reported' } }); module.exports.setCommentRestored = (commentId, topLevelCommentId) => ({ type: 'UPDATE_COMMENT', commentId: commentId, topLevelCommentId: topLevelCommentId, comment: { visibility: 'visible' } }); module.exports.setRepliesRestored = commentId => ({ type: 'UPDATE_ALL_REPLIES', commentId: commentId, comment: { visibility: 'visible' } }); module.exports.addNewComment = (comment, topLevelCommentId) => ({ type: 'ADD_NEW_COMMENT', comment: comment, topLevelCommentId: topLevelCommentId }); module.exports.setMoreCommentsToLoad = moreCommentsToLoad => ({ type: 'SET_MORE_COMMENTS_TO_LOAD', moreCommentsToLoad: moreCommentsToLoad }); module.exports.resetComments = () => ({ type: 'RESET_COMMENTS' }); // Selectors module.exports.selectCommentCount = state => state.comments.comments.length;