/** * Tests whether any page in www has any languages which are missing string IDs * - checks every language against the list of english IDs for that page * - test fails if the length of the list of languages missing any IDs is not 0 * - if the test fails, you can see which pages/ languages/ IDs are causing the failure: * - Object.keys(pagesWithLanguagesMissingIds) gives you a list * of the pages which had languages with missing IDs * - pagesWithLanguagesMissingIds['pageName.intl.js'] gives you an object * with languages as keys and the missing IDs as values */ var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var tap = require('tap'); /** * To get the files (containing message IDs and localized strings for each page in www) * from the intl directory */ var intlDirPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../intl/'); var intlFiles = fs.readdirSync(intlDirPath); /* * Tells tap whether the test should pass or fail for a given file. * @param {string} fileName * @param {Object} missingMessageId * @param {Object} pagesMissingIds */ const noMissingStrings = (fileName, missingMessageId, pagesMissingIds) => { if (Object.keys(missingMessageId).length === 0) { tap.pass(); } else { tap.fail(fileName + ' is missing string IDs'); pagesMissingIds[fileName] = []; pagesMissingIds[fileName].push(missingMessageId); } }; var pagesWithLanguagesMissingIds = {}; for (var i in intlFiles) { var file = intlFiles[i]; var filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../intl/' + file); var pageMessagesString = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); /** * To make the string of the file of the page.intl.js back into useable objects */ var window = {}; var pageMessages = eval(pageMessagesString); // eslint-disable-line no-eval /** * The goal is to compare the IDs for each language to the IDs for English, * so we need the list of IDs for the given page in English */ var englishIdList = window._messages.en; var messageIdNotInLanguage = {}; for (var languageKey in pageMessages) { var currentLanguageObject = pageMessages[languageKey]; for (var messageId in englishIdList) { if (!(messageId in currentLanguageObject)) { if (typeof messageIdNotInLanguage[languageKey] === 'undefined') { messageIdNotInLanguage[languageKey] = []; } messageIdNotInLanguage[languageKey].push(messageId); } } } noMissingStrings(file, messageIdNotInLanguage, pagesWithLanguagesMissingIds); }