/* * Checks that the links in the navbar on the homepage have the right URLs to redirect to * * Test cases: https://github.com/LLK/scratch-www/wiki/Most-Important-Workflows#Create_should_take_you_to_the_editor */ var tap=require('tap'); var seleniumWebdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'); //chrome driver var driver = new seleniumWebdriver.Builder().withCapabilities(seleniumWebdriver.Capabilities.chrome()).build(); //open scratch.ly in a new instance of the browser driver.get('https://scratch.ly'); //return only the part of the URL that is in the href in the page's html, //and the index that the href was found at function getHrefFromUrl(url, expectedHref) { var hrefOnly = ""; var hrefIndex = url.lastIndexOf(expectedHref); if (hrefIndex != -1) { var hrefOnly = url.substr(hrefIndex); }; return {hrefIndex: hrefIndex, hrefOnly: hrefOnly}; }; //find the create link within the navbar //the create link depends on whether the user is signed in or not (tips window opens) tap.test('checkCreateLinkWhenSignedOut', function (t) { var xPathLink = '//li[contains(@class, "link") and contains(@class, "create")]/a'; var createLinkSignedOut = driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.xpath(xPathLink)); createLinkSignedOut.getAttribute('href').then( function (url) { //expected value of the href var expectedHref = '/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home'; var hrefInfo = getHrefFromUrl(url, expectedHref); var hrefIndex = hrefInfo.hrefIndex; var hrefOnly = hrefInfo.hrefOnly; //the create href should match `/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home` t.equal(expectedHref, hrefOnly); //the create href should be at the end of the URL var urlLength = url.length; var urlLengthFromHrefInfo = hrefOnly.length + hrefIndex; t.equal(urlLengthFromHrefInfo, urlLength) t.end(); }); }); // close the instance of the browser driver.quit();