const baseUrl = Cypress.config('baseUrl'); Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false; }); describe('test About links in footer', function () { beforeEach(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); after(function (){ // this is here to fix the problem with the statistics page causing // the next test to fail. Since it is a before each it makes the rest // of all the tests fail. If it happens in an after, the beforeEach is fine cy.visit('/'); }); it('click About Scratch', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(2) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/about'); }); it('click For Parents', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(3) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/parents/'); }); it('click For Educators', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(4) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/educators'); }); it('click For Developers', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(5) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/developers'); }); it('click Credits', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(6) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/info/credits'); }); it('click Jobs', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(7) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/jobs'); }); it('click Press', function (){ cy .get('.lists :first-child :nth-child(8) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /https:\/\/www\.scratchfoundation\.org\/media-kit\/?$/); }); }); describe('test Community links in footer', function () { beforeEach(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); after(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); it('click Community Guidelines', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(2) :nth-child(2) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/community_guidelines'); }); it('click Discussion Forums', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(2) :nth-child(3) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/discuss/'); }); it('click Scratch Wiki', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(2) :nth-child(4) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /https:\/\/wiki\.scratch\.mit\.edu\/wiki\/Scratch_Wiki_Home\/?$/); }); it('click Statistics', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(2) :nth-child(5) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/statistics/'); }); }); describe('test Support links in footer', function () { beforeEach(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); after(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); it('click Tips', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(2) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/tips'); }); it('click For FAQ', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(3) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/info/faq'); }); it('click Offline Editor', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(4) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/download'); }); it('click Contact Us', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(5) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/contact-us/'); }); it('click Scratch Store', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(6) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^https:\/\/scratch-foundation\.myshopify\.com\/?$/); }); it('click Donate', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(3) :nth-child(7) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^https:\/\/secure\.donationpay\.org\/scratchfoundation\/?/); }); }); describe('test Legal links in footer', function () { beforeEach(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); after(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); it('click Terms of Use', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(4) :nth-child(2) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/terms_of_use'); }); it('click For Privacy Policy', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(4) :nth-child(3) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/privacy_policy'); }); it('click DMCA', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(4) :nth-child(4) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/DMCA'); }); }); describe('test Scratch Family links in footer', function () { beforeEach(function (){ cy.visit('/'); }); it('click ScratchEd', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(5) :nth-child(2) a') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^http:\/\/scratched\.gse\.harvard\.edu\/?$/); }); it('click For ScratchJr', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(5) :nth-child(3) a') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^http:\/\/www\.scratchjr\.org\/?$/); }); it.skip('click Scratch Day', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(5) :nth-child(4) a') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^https:\/\/day\.scratch\.mit\.edu\/?$/); }); it('click Scratch Conference', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(5) :nth-child(5) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('eq', baseUrl + '/conference'); }); it('click Scratch Foundation', function (){ cy .get('.lists :nth-child(5) :nth-child(6) :first-child :first-child') .click(); cy .url() .should('match', /^https:\/\/www\.scratchfoundation\.org\/?$/); }); });