// preview view can show either project page or editor page; // idea is that we shouldn't require a page reload to switch back and forth const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall'); const React = require('react'); const PropTypes = require('prop-types'); const connect = require('react-redux').connect; const injectIntl = require('react-intl').injectIntl; const parser = require('scratch-parser'); const Page = require('../../components/page/www/page.jsx'); const render = require('../../lib/render.jsx'); const storage = require('../../lib/storage.js').default; const log = require('../../lib/log'); const EXTENSION_INFO = require('../../lib/extensions.js').default; const PreviewPresentation = require('./presentation.jsx'); const projectShape = require('./projectshape.jsx').projectShape; const sessionActions = require('../../redux/session.js'); const previewActions = require('../../redux/preview.js'); const GUI = require('scratch-gui'); const IntlGUI = injectIntl(GUI.default); class Preview extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); bindAll(this, [ 'addEventListeners', 'handleToggleStudio', 'handleFavoriteToggle', 'handleLoveToggle', 'handlePermissions', 'handlePopState', 'handleReportClick', 'handleReportClose', 'handleReportSubmit', 'handleAddToStudioClick', 'handleAddToStudioClose', 'handleSeeInside', 'handleUpdate', 'initCounts', 'isShared', 'pushHistory', 'userOwnsProject' ]); const pathname = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase(); const parts = pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean); // parts[0]: 'preview' // parts[1]: either :id or 'editor' // parts[2]: undefined if no :id, otherwise either 'editor' or 'fullscreen' this.state = { editable: false, extensions: [], favoriteCount: 0, loveCount: 0, projectId: parts[1] === 'editor' ? 0 : parts[1], addToStudioOpen: false, report: { category: '', notes: '', open: false, waiting: false } }; this.getExtensions(this.state.projectId); this.addEventListeners(); } componentDidUpdate (prevProps) { if (this.props.sessionStatus !== prevProps.sessionStatus && this.props.sessionStatus === sessionActions.Status.FETCHED && this.state.projectId) { if (this.props.user) { const username = this.props.user.username; const token = this.props.user.token; this.props.getProjectInfo(this.state.projectId, token); this.props.getRemixes(this.state.projectId, token); this.props.getProjectStudios(this.state.projectId, token); this.props.getCuratedStudios(username, token); this.props.getFavedStatus(this.state.projectId, username, token); this.props.getLovedStatus(this.state.projectId, username, token); } else { this.props.getProjectInfo(this.state.projectId); this.props.getRemixes(this.state.projectId); this.props.getProjectStudios(this.state.projectId); } } if (this.props.projectInfo.id !== prevProps.projectInfo.id) { this.getExtensions(this.state.projectId); this.initCounts(this.props.projectInfo.stats.favorites, this.props.projectInfo.stats.loves); this.handlePermissions(); if (this.props.projectInfo.remix.parent !== null) { this.props.getParentInfo(this.props.projectInfo.remix.parent); } if (this.props.projectInfo.remix.root !== null && this.props.projectInfo.remix.root !== this.props.projectInfo.remix.parent ) { this.props.getOriginalInfo(this.props.projectInfo.remix.root); } } if (this.props.playerMode !== prevProps.playerMode || this.props.fullScreen !== prevProps.fullScreen) { this.pushHistory(history.state === null); } } componentWillUnmount () { this.removeEventListeners(); } addEventListeners () { window.addEventListener('popstate', this.handlePopState); } removeEventListeners () { window.removeEventListener('popstate', this.handlePopState); } getExtensions (projectId) { storage .load(storage.AssetType.Project, projectId, storage.DataFormat.JSON) .then(projectAsset => { let input = projectAsset.data; if (typeof input === 'object' && !(input instanceof ArrayBuffer) && !ArrayBuffer.isView(input)) { // taken from scratch-vm // If the input is an object and not any ArrayBuffer // or an ArrayBuffer view (this includes all typed arrays and DataViews) // turn the object into a JSON string, because we suspect // this is a project.json as an object // validate expects a string or buffer as input // TODO not sure if we need to check that it also isn't a data view input = JSON.stringify(input); } parser(projectAsset.data, false, (err, projectData) => { if (err) { log.error(`Unhandled project parsing error: ${err}`); return; } const extensionSet = new Set(); if (projectData[0].extensions) { projectData[0].extensions.forEach(extension => { extensionSet.add(EXTENSION_INFO[extension]); }); } this.setState({ extensions: Array.from(extensionSet) }); }); }); } handleReportClick () { this.setState({report: {...this.state.report, open: true}}); } handleReportClose () { this.setState({report: {...this.state.report, open: false}}); } handleAddToStudioClick () { this.setState({addToStudioOpen: true}); } handleAddToStudioClose () { this.setState({addToStudioOpen: false}); } // NOTE: this is a copy, change it handleReportSubmit (formData) { this.setState({report: { category: formData.report_category, notes: formData.notes, open: this.state.report.open, waiting: true} }); const data = { ...formData, id: this.state.projectId, user: this.props.user.username }; console.log('submit report data', data); // eslint-disable-line no-console this.setState({report: { category: '', notes: '', open: false, waiting: false} }); } handlePopState () { const path = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase(); const playerMode = path.indexOf('editor') === -1; const fullScreen = path.indexOf('fullscreen') !== -1; if (this.props.playerMode !== playerMode) { this.props.setPlayer(playerMode); } if (this.props.fullScreen !== fullScreen) { this.props.setFullScreen(fullScreen); } } pushHistory (push) { // update URI to match mode const idPath = this.state.projectId ? `${this.state.projectId}/` : ''; let modePath = ''; if (!this.props.playerMode) modePath = 'editor/'; // fullscreen overrides editor if (this.props.fullScreen) modePath = 'fullscreen/'; const newPath = `/preview/${idPath}${modePath}`; if (push) { history.pushState( {}, document.title, newPath ); } else { history.replaceState( {}, document.title, newPath ); } } handleToggleStudio (studioId) { const studio = this.props.studios.find((studio) => {return studio.id === studioId}); // only send add or leave request to server if we know current status if (studio !== undefined && ('includesProject' in studio)) { this.props.toggleStudio( (studio.includesProject === false), studioId, this.props.projectInfo.id, this.props.user.token ); } } handleFavoriteToggle () { this.props.setFavedStatus( !this.props.faved, this.props.projectInfo.id, this.props.user.username, this.props.user.token ); if (this.props.faved) { this.setState(state => ({ favoriteCount: state.favoriteCount - 1 })); } else { this.setState(state => ({ favoriteCount: state.favoriteCount + 1 })); } } handleLoveToggle () { this.props.setLovedStatus( !this.props.loved, this.props.projectInfo.id, this.props.user.username, this.props.user.token ); if (this.props.loved) { this.setState(state => ({ loveCount: state.loveCount - 1 })); } else { this.setState(state => ({ loveCount: state.loveCount + 1 })); } } handlePermissions () { // TODO: handle admins and mods if (this.props.projectInfo.author.username === this.props.user.username) { this.setState({editable: true}); } } handleSeeInside () { this.props.setPlayer(false); } handleUpdate (jsonData) { this.props.updateProject( this.props.projectInfo.id, jsonData, this.props.user.username, this.props.user.token ); } initCounts (favorites, loves) { this.setState({ favoriteCount: favorites, loveCount: loves }); } isShared () { return ( // if we don't have projectInfo assume shared until we know otherwise Object.keys(this.props.projectInfo).length === 0 || ( this.props.projectInfo.history && this.props.projectInfo.history.shared.length > 0 ) ); } isLoggedIn () { return ( this.props.sessionStatus === sessionActions.Status.FETCHED && Object.keys(this.props.user).length > 0 ); } userOwnsProject () { return ( this.isLoggedIn() && Object.keys(this.props.projectInfo).length > 0 && this.props.user.id === this.props.projectInfo.author.id ); } render () { return ( this.props.playerMode ? : ); } } Preview.propTypes = { comments: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), faved: PropTypes.bool, fullScreen: PropTypes.bool, getFavedStatus: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getLovedStatus: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getOriginalInfo: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getParentInfo: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getProjectInfo: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getRemixes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getProjectStudios: PropTypes.func.isRequired, getCuratedStudios: PropTypes.func.isRequired, toggleStudio: PropTypes.func.isRequired, loved: PropTypes.bool, original: projectShape, parent: projectShape, playerMode: PropTypes.bool, projectInfo: projectShape, remixes: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), sessionStatus: PropTypes.string, setFavedStatus: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setFullScreen: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setLovedStatus: PropTypes.func.isRequired, setPlayer: PropTypes.func.isRequired, projectStudios: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), studios: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object), updateProject: PropTypes.func.isRequired, user: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.number, banned: PropTypes.bool, username: PropTypes.string, token: PropTypes.string, thumbnailUrl: PropTypes.string, dateJoined: PropTypes.string, email: PropTypes.string, classroomId: PropTypes.string }) }; Preview.defaultProps = { sessionStatus: sessionActions.Status.NOT_FETCHED, user: {} }; // Build consolidated curatedStudios object from all studio info. // We add data to curatedStudios so it knows which of the studios the // project belongs to, and the status of requests to join/leave studios. function consolidateStudiosInfo (curatedStudios, projectStudios, studioRequests) { let consolidatedStudios = []; let projectStudiosFoundInCurated = {}; // temp, for time complexity // copy curated studios, updating any that are also in other data structures curatedStudios.forEach(curatedStudio => { let studioCopy = Object.assign({}, curatedStudio, {includesProject: false}); projectStudios.some(projectStudio => { if (curatedStudio.id === projectStudio.id) { studioCopy.includesProject = projectStudio.includesProject; projectStudiosFoundInCurated[projectStudio.id] = true; return true; // break out of the Array.some loop } }); consolidatedStudios.push(studioCopy); }); // if there are any other studios this project is in that are NOT in // the list of studios this user curates, like anyone-can-add-their-project // studios, add to front of list projectStudios.forEach(projectStudio => { if (!(projectStudio.id in projectStudiosFoundInCurated)) { // no need to specify includesProject = true or false, because // that state is managed by redux actions. consolidatedStudios.unshift(Object.assign({}, projectStudio)); } }); // set studio state to hasRequestOutstanding==true if it's being fetched, // false if it's not consolidatedStudios.forEach(consolidatedStudio => { const id = consolidatedStudio.id; consolidatedStudio.hasRequestOutstanding = ((id in studioRequests) && (studioRequests[id] === previewActions.Status.FETCHING)); }); return consolidatedStudios; } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ projectInfo: state.preview.projectInfo, comments: state.preview.comments, faved: state.preview.faved, loved: state.preview.loved, original: state.preview.original, parent: state.preview.parent, remixes: state.preview.remixes, sessionStatus: state.session.status, projectStudios: state.preview.projectStudios, studios: consolidateStudiosInfo(state.preview.curatedStudios, state.preview.projectStudios, state.preview.status.studioRequests), user: state.session.session.user, playerMode: state.scratchGui.mode.isPlayerOnly, fullScreen: state.scratchGui.mode.isFullScreen }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ getOriginalInfo: id => { dispatch(previewActions.getOriginalInfo(id)); }, getParentInfo: id => { dispatch(previewActions.getParentInfo(id)); }, getProjectInfo: (id, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.getProjectInfo(id, token)); }, getRemixes: id => { dispatch(previewActions.getRemixes(id)); }, getProjectStudios: id => { dispatch(previewActions.getProjectStudios(id)); }, getCuratedStudios: (username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.getCuratedStudios(username, token)); }, toggleStudio: (isAdd, studioId, id, token) => { if (isAdd === true) { dispatch(previewActions.addToStudio(studioId, id, token)); } else { dispatch(previewActions.leaveStudio(studioId, id, token)); } }, getFavedStatus: (id, username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.getFavedStatus(id, username, token)); }, setFavedStatus: (faved, id, username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.setFavedStatus(faved, id, username, token)); }, getLovedStatus: (id, username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.getLovedStatus(id, username, token)); }, setLovedStatus: (loved, id, username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.setLovedStatus(loved, id, username, token)); }, refreshSession: () => { dispatch(sessionActions.refreshSession()); }, setOriginalInfo: info => { dispatch(previewActions.setOriginalInfo(info)); }, setParentInfo: info => { dispatch(previewActions.setParentInfo(info)); }, updateProject: (id, formData, username, token) => { dispatch(previewActions.updateProject(id, formData, username, token)); }, setPlayer: player => { dispatch(GUI.setPlayer(player)); }, setFullScreen: fullscreen => { dispatch(GUI.setFullScreen(fullscreen)); } }); const ConnectedPreview = connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps )(Preview); GUI.setAppElement(document.getElementById('app')); const initGuiState = guiInitialState => { const pathname = window.location.pathname.toLowerCase(); const parts = pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean); // parts[0]: 'preview' // parts[1]: either :id or 'editor' // parts[2]: undefined if no :id, otherwise either 'editor' or 'fullscreen' if (parts.indexOf('editor') === -1) { guiInitialState = GUI.initPlayer(guiInitialState); } if (parts.indexOf('fullscreen') !== -1) { guiInitialState = GUI.initFullScreen(guiInitialState); } return guiInitialState; }; render( , document.getElementById('app'), { preview: previewActions.previewReducer, ...GUI.guiReducers }, {scratchGui: initGuiState(GUI.guiInitialState)}, GUI.guiMiddleware );