/* * Tests stats page according to smoke-tests at: * * https://github.com/LLK/scratchr2/wiki/Smoke-Testing-Test-Cases * */ const { clickText, findByXpath, findByCss, driver } = require('../selenium-helpers.js'); var tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; tap.plan(2); tap.tearDown(function () { driver.quit(); }); tap.beforeEach(function () { /* * load the page with the driver * note that for now this is not testable on Staging, * so I left it pointing to Production - * we can at least use it post-deploy. * * var stagingURL = 'https://scratch.ly/statistics'; */ var productionURL = 'https://scratch.mit.edu/statistics'; return driver.get(productionURL); }); test('check that Monthly Activity Trends title is present & correct', t => { var chartTitle = 'Monthly Activity Trends'; findByCss('div.box-head h3') .then((element) => element.getText('h3')) .then((text) => t.equal(text, chartTitle, 'chart title should be Monthly Activity Trends')) .then(() => t.end()); }); test('check that Monthly Activity Trends chart > New Projects label is toggleable', t => { var classXpath = `(//div[@id="activity_chart"]/*[name()='svg']/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']/*` + `[name()='g'])[4]/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']`; findByXpath(classXpath) .then((element) => element.getAttribute('class')) .then((classtext) => t.equal(classtext, 'nv-series', 'by default, New Projects should be enabled')) .then(() => clickText('New Projects')) .then(() => findByXpath(classXpath)) .then((element) => element.getAttribute('class')) .then((classtext) => t.equal( classtext, 'nv-series nv-disabled', 'when clicked, New Projects should be disabled' )) .then(() => clickText('New Projects')) .then(() => findByXpath(classXpath)) .then((element) => element.getAttribute('class')) .then((classtext) => t.equal(classtext, 'nv-series', 'when clicked again, New Projects should be enabled')) .then(() => t.end()); });