import InfiniteList from '../../../src/redux/infinite-list'; const module = InfiniteList('test-key'); let initialState; describe('Infinite List redux module', () => { beforeEach(() => { initialState = module.reducer(undefined, {}); // eslint-disable-line no-undefined }); describe('reducer', () => { test('module contains a reducer', () => { expect(typeof module.reducer).toBe('function'); }); test('initial state', () => { expect(initialState).toMatchObject({ loading: true, error: null, items: [], moreToLoad: false }); }); describe('LOADING', () => { let action; beforeEach(() => { action = module.actions.loading(); initialState.loading = false; initialState.items = [1, 2, 3]; initialState.error = new Error(); }); test('sets the loading state', () => { const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.loading).toBe(true); }); test('maintains any existing data', () => { const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toBe(initialState.items); }); test('clears any existing error', () => { const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.error).toBe(null); }); }); describe('APPEND', () => { let action; beforeEach(() => { action = module.actions.append([4, 5, 6], true); }); test('appends the new items', () => { initialState.items = [1, 2, 3]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]); }); test('sets the moreToLoad state', () => { initialState.moreToLoad = false; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.moreToLoad).toEqual(true); }); test('clears any existing error and loading state', () => { initialState.error = new Error(); initialState.loading = true; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.error).toBe(null); expect(newState.error).toBe(null); }); }); describe('REPLACE', () => { let action; beforeEach(() => { action = module.actions.replace(2, 55); }); test('replaces the given index with the new item', () => { initialState.items = [8, 9, 10, 11]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([8, 9, 55, 11]); }); }); describe('REMOVE', () => { let action; beforeEach(() => { action = module.actions.remove(2); }); test('removes the given index', () => { initialState.items = [8, 9, 10, 11]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([8, 9, 11]); }); }); describe('CREATE', () => { test('prepends the given item by default', () => { const action = module.actions.create(7); initialState.items = [8, 9, 10, 11]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([7, 8, 9, 10, 11]); }); test('appends the given item if given `atEnd` arg', () => { const action = module.actions.create(7, true); initialState.items = [8, 9, 10, 11]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([8, 9, 10, 11, 7]); }); }); describe('CLEAR', () => { test('resets everything back to the initial state', () => { const state = { error: new Error(), items: [1, 2, 3], loading: 'something not initial', moreToLoad: 'something not initial' }; const newState = module.reducer(state, module.actions.clear()); expect(newState).toEqual(initialState); }); }); describe('ERROR', () => { let action; const error = new Error(); beforeEach(() => { action = module.actions.error(error); }); test('sets the error state', () => { const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.error).toBe(error); }); test('resets loading to false', () => { initialState.loading = true; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.loading).toBe(false); }); test('maintains any existing data', () => { initialState.items = [1, 2, 3]; const newState = module.reducer(initialState, action); expect(newState.items).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); }); }); describe('action creators', () => { test('module contains actions creators', () => { // The actual action creators are tested above in the reducer tests for (const key in module.actions) { expect(typeof module.actions[key]).toBe('function'); } }); }); describe('selector', () => { test('will return the slice of state defined by the key', () => { const state = { [module.key]: initialState }; expect(module.selector(state)).toBe(initialState); }); }); });