ESLINT=./node_modules/.bin/eslint NODE=node SASSLINT=./node_modules/.bin/sass-lint -v TAP=./node_modules/.bin/tap WATCH=./node_modules/.bin/watch WEBPACK=./node_modules/.bin/webpack GIT_VERSION=$(shell git rev-parse --verify --short=5 HEAD 2> /dev/null) GIT_VERSION?=$(WWW_VERSION) GIT_MESSAGE=$(shell git log -1 --pretty=%s 2> /dev/null) # ------------------------------------ build: @make clean @make translations @make webpack @make tag clean: rm -rf ./build rm -rf ./intl mkdir -p build mkdir -p intl deploy: ifeq ($(shell grep "artifact:" .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml 2> /dev/null), ) @echo "You must configure elasticbeanstalk to deploy an artifact." @echo "Add the following to your .elasticbeanstalk/config.yml" @echo "deploy:\n artifact:" else @make build git archive -o HEAD zip -rv build eb deploy -l $(GIT_VERSION) -m "$(GIT_MESSAGE)" endif tag: echo $(GIT_VERSION) > ./build/version.txt translations: ./bin/build-locales intl webpack: $(WEBPACK) --bail configure-fastly: $(NODE) ./bin/configure-fastly.js # ------------------------------------ start: $(NODE) ./dev-server/index.js # ------------------------------------ test: @make lint @make build @echo "" @make unit @echo "" @make functional @echo "" @make localization @echo "" lint: $(ESLINT) ./*.js $(ESLINT) ./server/*.js $(ESLINT) ./src/*.js $(ESLINT) ./src/mixins/*.jsx $(ESLINT) ./src/views/**/*.jsx $(ESLINT) ./src/components/**/*.jsx $(SASSLINT) ./src/*.scss $(SASSLINT) ./src/views/**/*.scss $(SASSLINT) ./src/components/**/*.scss unit: $(TAP) ./test/unit/*.js functional: $(TAP) ./test/functional/*.js integration: $(TAP) ./test/integration/*.js localization: $(TAP) ./test/localization/*.js # ------------------------------------ .PHONY: build clean deploy static tag translations webpack watch stop start test lint