const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall'); const connect = require('react-redux').connect; const defaults = require('lodash.defaultsdeep'); const PropTypes = require('prop-types'); const React = require('react'); const api = require('../../lib/api'); const injectIntl = require('../../lib/intl.jsx').injectIntl; const intlShape = require('../../lib/intl.jsx').intlShape; const sessionActions = require('../../redux/session.js'); const Progression = require('../progression/progression.jsx'); const UsernameStep = require('./username-step.jsx'); const BirthDateStep = require('./birthdate-step.jsx'); const GenderStep = require('./gender-step.jsx'); const CountryStep = require('./country-step.jsx'); const EmailStep = require('./email-step.jsx'); const WelcomeStep = require('./welcome-step.jsx'); const RegistrationErrorStep = require('./registration-error-step.jsx'); /* eslint-disable react/prefer-stateless-function, react/no-unused-prop-types, no-useless-constructor */ class JoinFlow extends React.Component { constructor (props) { super(props); bindAll(this, [ 'handleAdvanceStep', 'handleRegister', 'handleResetForm' ]); this.state = { formData: {}, registrationError: null, step: 0, waiting: false }; } handleRegister (formData) { this.setState({waiting: true}, () => { api({ host: '', uri: '/accounts/register_new_user/', method: 'post', useCsrf: true, /* eslint-disable quote-props */ formData: { username: formData.username, email:, password: formData.password, birth_month: formData.birth_month, birth_year: formData.birth_year, 'g-recaptcha-response': null, gender: ( formData.gender === 'other' ? formData.genderOther : formData.gender ), country:, subscribe: true, is_robot: formData.yesno // no need to include csrfmiddlewaretoken; will be provided in // X-CSRFToken header, which scratchr2 looks for in // scratchr2/middleware/ line 237. } /* eslint-enable quote-props */ }, (err, body, res) => { this.setState({waiting: false}, () => { let errStr = ''; if (!err && res.statusCode === 200) { if (body && body[0]) { if (body[0].success) { this.props.refreshSession(); this.setState({ step: this.state.step + 1 }); return; } if (body[0].errors) { // body can include zero or more error objects, each // with its own key and description. Here we assemble // all of them into a single string, errStr. const errorKeys = Object.keys(body[0].errors); errorKeys.forEach(key => { const val = body[0].errors[key]; if (val && val[0]) { if (errStr.length) errStr += '; '; errStr += `${key}: ${val[0]}`; } }); } if (!errStr.length && body[0].msg) errStr = body[0].msg; } } this.setState({ registrationError: errStr || `${this.props.intl.formatMessage({ id: 'registration.generalError' })} (${res.statusCode})` }); }); }); }); } handleAdvanceStep (newFormData) { newFormData = newFormData || {}; const newState = { formData: defaults({}, newFormData, this.state.formData) }; // for the first 4 steps, automatically advance to next step. // but for email step, we need to submit registration and wait. const shouldAdvance = (this.state.step < 4); const shouldRegister = (this.state.step === 4); if (shouldAdvance) newState.step = this.state.step + 1; this.setState(newState, () => { if (shouldRegister) this.handleRegister(this.state.formData); }); } handleResetForm () { this.setState({ formData: {}, registrationError: null, step: 0, waiting: false }); } render () { return ( {this.state.registrationError ? ( this.handleRegister(this.state.formData)} /* eslint-enable react/jsx-no-bind */ /> ) : ( )} ); } } JoinFlow.propTypes = { intl: intlShape, onCompleteRegistration: PropTypes.func, refreshSession: PropTypes.func }; const IntlJoinFlow = injectIntl(JoinFlow); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ refreshSession: () => { dispatch(sessionActions.refreshSession()); } }); const ConnectedJoinFlow = connect( () => ({}), mapDispatchToProps )(IntlJoinFlow); module.exports = ConnectedJoinFlow; /* eslint-enable */