const bindAll = require('lodash.bindall');
const classNames = require('classnames');
const FormattedHTMLMessage = require('react-intl').FormattedHTMLMessage;
const FormattedMessage = require('react-intl').FormattedMessage;
// const injectIntl = require('react-intl').injectIntl;
// const intlShape = require('react-intl').intlShape;
const React = require('react');
const Button = require('../../components/forms/button.jsx');
const FlexRow = require('../../components/flex-row/flex-row.jsx');
// const MasonryGrid = require('../../components/masonrygrid/masonrygrid.jsx');
const TitleBanner = require('../../components/title-banner/title-banner.jsx');
// const NavigationBox = require('../../components/navigation/base/navigation.jsx');
const Comment = require('../../components/comment/comment.jsx');
const Page = require('../../components/page/www/page.jsx');
const render = require('../../lib/render.jsx');
const MediaQuery = require('react-responsive').default;
const frameless = require('../../lib/frameless');
const SECTIONS = {
message: 'message',
mission: 'mission',
reach: 'reach',
milestones: 'milestones',
initiatives: 'initiatives',
financials: 'financials',
supporters: 'supporters',
leadership: 'leadership',
donate: 'donate'
message: ,
mission: ,
reach: ,
milestones: ,
initiatives: ,
financials: ,
supporters: ,
leadership: ,
class AnnualReport extends React.Component {
constructor () {
// Storage for each of the section refs when we need to refer
// to them in the scroll handling code
// These will be stored with a short lowercase key representing
// the specific section (e.g. 'mission')
this.sectionRefs = {};
this.subnavRef = null;
this.state = {
currentlyVisible: '',
dropdownVisible: false
bindAll(this, [
componentDidMount () {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
componentWillUnMount () {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll);
// A generic handler for a subnav item that takes the name of the
// section to scroll to (all lowercase)
handleSubnavItemClick (sectionName) {
// Return a button click handler that scrolls to the
// correct section
return () => {
scrollTo (element) {
if (element) {
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'start'
setRef (sectionName) {
return ref => (this.sectionRefs[sectionName] = ref);
setSubnavRef (ref) {
this.subnavRef = ref;
getDimensionsOfSection (sectionRef) {
const {height} = sectionRef.getBoundingClientRect();
const offsetTop = sectionRef.offsetTop;
const offsetBottom = offsetTop + height;
return {
handleScroll () {
const subnavHeight = this.getDimensionsOfSection(this.subnavRef).height;
// The additional 50 is to account for the main site nav height
const currentScrollPosition = window.scrollY + subnavHeight + 50;
// Find which section is currently visible based on our scroll position
for (const key in this.sectionRefs) {
if (!this.sectionRefs.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
const currentRef = this.sectionRefs[key];
const {offsetBottom, offsetTop} = this.getDimensionsOfSection(currentRef);
if (currentScrollPosition > offsetTop && currentScrollPosition < offsetBottom) {
if (this.state.currentlyVisible !== key) {
this.setState({currentlyVisible: key});
handleDropDownClick () {
this.setState({dropdownVisible: !this.state.dropdownVisible});
render () {
const subnav = (
return (
{/* Top Bar */}
{this.state.dropdownVisible ?
{/* Bottom Bar */}
{/* TODO should this be localized? */}
{/* TODO should this be localized? */}
{/* TODO should this be localized? */}
David Siegel
Co-Founder and Co-Chairman Two Sigma
{/* eslint-disable-next-line */}
Founding Partners — $10,00,000+
We are especially grateful to our Founding Partners who supported us from the early days of Scratch, each providing at least $10,000,000 of cumulative support, in various forms.
National Science Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Siegel Family Endowment
LEGO Foundation
Innovation Circle — $5,00,000+
Creativity Circle — $1,00,000++
Little Bluebridge Foundation
Smilegate Foundation
TAL Education
Turner Broadcasting System / Cartoon Network (?)
Imagination Circle — $200,000+
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Kahn-Rowe Family Fund
LEGO Education
Mark Dalton
Morgan Stanley
Paul T. Jones
Two Sigma
Inspiration Circle — $50,000+
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Kahn-Rowe Family Fund
LEGO Education
Mark Dalton
Morgan Stanley
Paul T. Jones
Two Sigma
Collaboration Circle — $20,000+
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Kahn-Rowe Family Fund
LEGO Education
Mark Dalton
Morgan Stanley
Paul T. Jones
Two Sigma
Tinkering Circle — $5,000+
Cindy and Evan Goldberg
Kahn-Rowe Family Fund
LEGO Education
Mark Dalton
Morgan Stanley
Paul T. Jones
Two Sigma
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