#!/usr/bin/env node

Push www strings to Transifex, using scratch-l10n's tx-push-src.js script

1. for every file like src/views/.../l10n.json, call tx-push-src.js
2. also call tx-push-src.js on the general file, src/l10n.json

The format of tx-push-src.js's arguments is:
$ tx-push-src.js tx-project tx-resource english-json-file
So, for example, src/views/parents/l10n.json will use:
$ tx-push-src.js scratch-website parents-l10njson src/views/parents/l10n.json


const glob = require('glob');
const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;

// determine if this is a dry run, or if we're really pushing to transifex
let execute = false;
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
if (args[0] === '--execute') {
    process.stdout.write('pushing to transifex...\n');
    execute = true;
} else {
    process.stdout.write('Dry run: pass "execute" as a parameter to add --execute switch to commands\n');

// exceptions to the usual relationship between file path and corresponding
// transifex resource name
const overrides = {
    'src/views/teachers/faq/l10n.json': 'teacher-faq-l10njson',
    'src/views/teachers/landing/l10n.json': 'educator-landing-l10njson',
    'src/views/conference/2021/index/l10n.json': 'conference-index-2021-l10njson',
    'src/views/conference/2019/index/l10n.json': 'conference-index-2019-l10njson',
    'src/views/conference/2017/index/l10n.json': 'conference-index-2017-l10njson'

// convert an l10n file path to the usual format of the corresponding
// transifex resource name. E.g., for file path src/views/parents/l10n.json ,
// return parents-l10njson.
const txResourceNameFromPath = l10nFilePath => {
    const pathRegexp = /(src\/views\/)?(.*)/g;
    const match = pathRegexp.exec(l10nFilePath);
    let resourceName = match[2];
    resourceName = resourceName.replace(/\//g, '-');
    resourceName = resourceName.replace(/\./g, '');
    return resourceName;

// start with the general l10n file, which is an exception to the format
let resources = [{
    filename: 'src/l10n.json',
    resourceName: 'general-l10njson'

glob('src/views/**/l10n.json', {}, function (er, files) {
    files.forEach(filename => {
        // figure out likely resource name from file path
        let resourceName = txResourceNameFromPath(filename);
        if (filename in overrides) { // see if it needs overriding
            resourceName = overrides[filename];
            filename: filename,
            resourceName: resourceName

    let cmd;
    resources.forEach(resource => {
        cmd = `tx-push-src scratch-website ${resource.resourceName} ${resource.filename}`;
        if (execute) {
            // push all the source files to transifex - force update
            process.stdout.write(`running command: ${cmd}\n`);
            execSync(cmd, {stdio: 'inherit'});
        } else {
            process.stdout.write(`command we would run: ${cmd}\n`);