Add Cloud Variables to the ‘Extension’ Chips when there are cloud variables in the project. If the user is logged in, also link to the cloud variable log for the project.
* intro component was changed for new banner masthead layout
* added new video component for embedding wistia (based on extension video, we should probably figure out consolidating the two)
* new and updated strings in splash/l10n.json
* updated splash presentation to move Intro above `inner` to allow it to be full width (like banners)
* new assets
Started transition to ‘featured’ banner that is somewhat reusable. However, middle and smallTop banners are still based on beta. They’re not used for 3.0 launch.
* add Top and Middle HoC banners
* banners share styles
* add new assets for banners
* update presentation to check date to determine whether to show the HoC banners.
There is a screenshot on extension pages showing Scratch Link in context with each OS. These were updated so the featured icon is the newest Scratch Link icon.
* Create Comment component, start styling it
* Restructure PreviewPresentation to better match mockup
* Add padding, border to comment bubble
* add padding to bottom row of comment
* Tweak alignment of avatar and comment content
* Add margin to lower project page container
* Use border-box box sizing for comment bubble
* Make user avatar a link
* Add initial implementation of comment tail
* Align username row properly, fix comment bubble width
* Use ::before pseudoelement for comment tail
* Remove unused props to Comment component
* Add CommentContainer to handle comment replies
* Use CommentContainer instead of Comment in PreviewPresentation
* Remove debug data from CommentContainer
* Fetch top level comments from the API
* Force comment container to stretch to bottom of view div
* Remove unused api import in CommentContainer
* Long words in comments should not overflow page
* Remove @ before username in comment title
* Fix word wrapping on Firefox
* Refactor CommentContainer into a class
* Properly export CommentContainer component
* Make replies column take up proper width
* Pass project ID to CommentContainer
* Fetch comment replies in CommentContainer
* Initial implementation for loading more comments
* Add "Load More" button to Presentation
* Initial implementation of collapsing threads longer than 3 replies
* Remove console log from preview.js redux
* Tweak last comment gradient color
* Only show three total replies in collapsed state
* Match scratchr2 behavior for thread collapsing
* Use width calc instead of margin and width 100%
* Fix styling for load more button
* Make comment border gray to match the wireframe
* Allow clicking through comment fade gradient
* Add comment compose component
* style comment compose box
* Style post, cancel buttons on comment compose component
* Add margin to create comment container
* Tweak styling for characters remaining text
* Tweak placeholder text
* Add more margin to comment avatar
* Add icons and styling to delete, report text
* Refactor px -> rem where possible in comment styles
* Change comment time color to dark gray
* Tweak margin and border radius
* Add reply icon to preview comments
* Clean up unused imports, console.log in compose-comment component
* Remove console statement in preview.jsx
* Add some clarifying comments to unfinished parts of comments
* Remove direct passing of comment api response to CommentContainer
* CommentContainer should not pass api response directly
* Rename CommentContainer to TopLevelComment
* First pass at getReplies for comments in redux
* Move reply fetching into redux actions instead of in TopLevelComment
* Refactor getReplies logic to behave better
* Remove components not directly related to reading comments
* Hide load more button if all comments are loaded
This uses the project info returned by the API
* Use same gradient as add to studio modal on comment thread
* start building ev3 landing page structure
* Inject translations, add more content and structure to ev3 landing page
* Add ev3 route
* add active styles for os chooser buttons
* Add ev3 assets
* Add content and intial styles for everything down to "Sample Projects"
* Add correct padding to all sections on ev3 page
* Add more margins to match the mockup
* Create os chooser component for reuse on other landing pages
* Make EV3 page stateful, add OS logic, change step styles, fix images on Chrome
* Add sample project cards and styles
* Add fixed ev3 icon svg
* Add app store badges (no href on links yet)
* Add section separator, fix sample project card margins
* Add border to project cards, make project cards clickable links
* Add FAQ boilerplate and styling from InformationPage component
* Add indented ol style, example
* Add link style with underline
* Add EV3 retail link
* Content updates
* Fix some z-index issues with os chooser
* micro:bit page mega-commit
* os chooser should not have a higher z-index than nav
* Update starter projects
* Localize OS chooser
* Add localization configuration for EV3 page
* Localize section titles on ev3 page
* Add starter project images and descriptions
* Add link to
* Fix tip box width on microbit and ev3 pages
* add l10n strings up to things to try on ev3 page
* Fix lint error in ev3.scss
* Add download link style to ev3
* microbit getting started text and images
* Remove tip about microbit name
* Hex file and starter project download links
* microbit wording updates
* update images
* Fix issues with download link style
* text fix
* Add ev3 starter project downloads
* Add microbit l10n file and config
* Add l10n strings for microbit header and scratch link sections
* Add l10n strings for microbit page up to faq
* content updates
* Fix some page overflow issues
* microbit faq content and style
* Use zipped version of microbit hex file
* Add platform name to scratch link download button
* Add EV3 faq to l10n.json
* Add final strings from micro:bit and EV3 pages to l10n.json files
* Add white download asset
* Tweak styles for ev3 and microbit
* Add some final tweaks to the EV3 page styles
* Add TODO comments about refactoring duplicate code
First pass at project page design using actual assets from Carl, and matching styles with current design.
Includes a (negative margin) hack to line up the stage. see
Css animated top banner
Middle banner of activities - responsive
Also updated ttt see-more/open- modal link to be consistent with the new icon from Carl.
* start work on www page
committing out of paranoia.
including changing splash page endpoints
* updates from feedback
thanks @rschamp! This includes:
1. splitting out messages list into a separate component (for clarity)
2. some comment/formatting adjustments for the api calls
3. removal of an extraneous property in emoji-text
* remove duplicate string declaration
* use object.assign instead of defaults deep
we don’t need deep defaults
* fix react warnings