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index 8403aba05..6186498fe 100644
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+++ b/src/routes.json
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-        "title": "Hour of Code"
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index 1d3a72df9..000000000
--- a/src/views/hoc/hoc.jsx
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-var FormattedHTMLMessage = require('react-intl').FormattedHTMLMessage;
-var FormattedMessage = require('react-intl').FormattedMessage;
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-var SubNavigation = require('../../components/subnavigation/subnavigation.jsx');
-var TitleBanner = require('../../components/title-banner/title-banner.jsx');
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-                                             src="/images/hoc/make-it-fly-tutorial.jpg"
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-                                             src="/images/hoc/make-music-tutorial.png"
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-                            <li>
-                                <FormattedMessage id='general.about' />
-                            </li>
-                        </a>
-                        <a href="/parents/">
-                            <li>
-                                <FormattedMessage id='general.forParents' />
-                            </li>
-                        </a>
-                        <a href="/educators/">
-                            <li>
-                                <FormattedMessage id='general.forEducators'/>
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-                                       href="/scratchr2/static/pdfs/help/AnimateYourNameCards.pdf">
-                                        <FormattedMessage id='hoc.activityCards' />
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-                                       href="/scratchr2/static/pdfs/help/AnimateYourNameGuide.pdf">
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-                                    </a>
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-                                       href="/scratchr2/static/pdfs/help/FlyCards.pdf">
-                                        <FormattedMessage id='hoc.activityCards' />
-                                    </a>
-                                </div>
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-                                     src="/svgs/tips-card.svg"
-                                     alt="" />
-                                <div className="hoc-section-resource-info">
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-                                        <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsMakeMusicTitle' />
-                                    </h5>
-                                    <a className="hoc-section-resource-anchor"
-                                       href="/scratchr2/static/pdfs/help/MusicCards.pdf">
-                                        <FormattedMessage id='hoc.activityCards' />
-                                    </a>
-                                </div>
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-                                </p>
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-                                     src="/images/hoc/tips-test-animation.gif"
-                                     alt="Tips Window Animation" />
-                            </div>
-                        </section>
-                        <section className="hoc-section">
-                            <div className="hoc-section-column">
-                                <h3>
-                                    <FormattedMessage id='hoc.moreActivities' />
-                                </h3>
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-                                    <FormattedHTMLMessage id='hoc.moreDescription' />
-                                 </p>
-                            </div>
-                            <FlexRow>
-                                <div className="flex-row-card">
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-                                                 src="/images/hoc/getting-started-tutorial.jpg" alt="" />
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-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsGetStarted' />
-                                            </Button>
-                                        </div>
-                                    </a>
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-                                    <a href="/hide/">
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-                                                 src="/images/hoc/hide-seek-tutorial.jpg"
-                                                 alt="" />
-                                            <Button>
-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsHideAndSeekTitle' />
-                                            </Button>
-                                        </div>
-                                    </a>
-                                </div>
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-                                        <div className="flex-row-card-info">
-                                            <img className="flex-row-card-info-img"
-                                                 src="/images/hoc/dance-tutorial.jpg"
-                                                 alt="" />
-                                            <Button>
-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsDanceTitle' />
-                                            </Button>
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-                                    </a>
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-                                <h3>
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-                                    <FormattedHTMLMessage id='hoc.addToStudiosDescription' />
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-                                    <img className="hoc-section-studio-img"
-                                         src="/svgs/studio.svg"
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-                                        <a href="/studios/432299/">
-                                            <h5 className="hoc-section-studio-info-header">
-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsAnimateYourNameTitle' />
-                                            </h5>
-                                        </a>
-                                    </div>
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-                                    <img className="hoc-section-studio-img"
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-                                        <a href="/studios/1999784/">
-                                            <h5 className="hoc-section-studio-info-header">
-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsMakeMusicTitle' />
-                                            </h5>
-                                        </a>
-                                    </div>
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-                                    <img className="hoc-section-studio-img"
-                                         src="/svgs/studio.svg"
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-                                        <a href="/studios/2050750/">
-                                            <h5 className="hoc-section-studio-info-header">
-                                                <FormattedMessage id='hoc.tipsMakeItFlyTitle' />
-                                            </h5>
-                                        </a>
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-                                id='general.collaborators'
-                                defaultMessage={'Collaborators'} />
-                        </h3>
-                        <div className="hoc-section-logos">
-                            <a href="http://scratched.gse.harvard.edu/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/scratchEd-logo.png"
-                                     alt="ScratchEd" />
-                            </a>
-                            <a href="https://code.org/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/code-org-logo.png"
-                                     alt="code.org" />
-                            </a>
-                            <a href="http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/cn-logo.png"
-                                     alt="Cartoon Network" />
-                            </a>
-                            <a href="http://www.madewithcode.com/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/made-with-code-logo.png"
-                                     alt="Made with Code" />
-                            </a>
-                            <a href="http://www.paalive.org/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/paa-logo.png"
-                                     alt="Progressive Arts Alliance" />
-                            </a>
-                            <a href="http://www.catrobat.org/">
-                                <img className="hoc-section-logos-img"
-                                     src="/images/hoc/pocketcode-logo.png"
-                                     alt="Pocket Code" />
-                            </a>
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-    "hoc.activityCards": "Activity Cards",
-    "hoc.activityCardsHeader": "Activity Cards and Guides",
-    "hoc.activityCardsInfo1": "Want tips and ideas for these Hour of Code&trade; activities? Use the activity cards to get ideas for creating with Scratch. Facilitator guides can help you plan a group activity.",
-    "hoc.addToStudios": "Add Your Projects to Studios",
-    "hoc.addToStudiosDescription": "These studios include projects created by young people around the world. Take a look at the studios to get inspired - or submit your own projects to the studios!",
-    "hoc.facilitatorGuide": "Facilitator Guide",
-    "hoc.findOutMore": "Find out more",
-    "hoc.helpScratch": "Help with Scratch",
-    "hoc.helpScratchDescription": "You can find tutorials and helpful hints in the <a href=\"/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home\">Tips Window</a>. For more resources, see <a href=\"/help\">Scratch Help</a>",
-    "hoc.moreActivities": "Want More Activities?",
-    "hoc.moreDescription": "Check out these other tutorials. Or remix one of our <a href=\"/starter_projects\">Starter Projects</a>",
-    "hoc.officialNotice": "The \"Hour of Code&trade;\" is a nationwide initiative by <a href=\"http://csedweek.org\">Computer Science Education Week</a> and <a href=\"http://code.org\">Code.org</a> to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.",
-    "hoc.studioAlice": "Alice in Wonderland Studio",
-    "hoc.studioWeBareBears": "We Bare Bears Studio",
-    "hoc.subTitle": "With Scratch, you can program your own stories, games, and animations — and share them online.",
-    "hoc.tipsDescription": "Need help getting started? Looking for ideas?&nbsp; You can find tutorials and helpful hints in the <a href=\"/projects/editor/?tip_bar=home\">Tips Window</a>",
-    "hoc.title": "Get Creative with Coding",
-    "hoc.tipsAnimateYourNameTitle": "Animate Your Name",
-    "hoc.tipsDanceTitle": "Dance, Dance, Dance",
-    "hoc.tipsGetStarted": "Getting Started",
-    "hoc.tipsHideAndSeekTitle": "Hide-and-Seek Game",
-    "hoc.tipsMakeMusicTitle": "Make Music",
-    "hoc.tipsMakeItFlyTitle": "Make it Fly",
-    "hoc.tipsPongGame": "Create a Pong Game"
\ No newline at end of file