Fix issue/gh 1274 by adding a test for the statistics page ()

* added a test for the stats page

* add newline at end of file

* added additional tests for more charts on the stats page

* fixed starting URL value (should be staging, not prod)

* Put close parens on new lines

* change comment style

* Add waits to prevent intermittent failure

* Switch root url back again to staging

* try new style of test & remove breaking tests

* moving away from t.ok

* check for class value rather than t.ok

* remove comments, use correct comment style, note not testable on staging atm

* add messages for tests

* more arrow functions
This commit is contained in:
jwzimmer 2017-06-21 09:48:22 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 2c7cc52a70
commit bc84e2c95a

View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
var tap = require('tap');
const test = tap.test;
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const By = webdriver.By;
const until = webdriver.until;
const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
const findByXpath = (xpath) => {
return driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath), 1000 * 5));
const findByCss = (css) => {
return driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css), 1000 * 5));
const clickXpath = (xpath) => {
return findByXpath(xpath).then(el =>;
const clickText = (text) => {
return clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
tap.tearDown(function () {
tap.beforeEach(function () {
* load the page with the driver
* note that for now this is not testable on Staging,
* so I left it pointing to Production -
* we can at least use it post-deploy.
* var stagingURL = '';
var productionURL = '';
return driver.get(productionURL);
test('check that Monthly Activity Trends title is present & correct', t => {
var chartTitle = 'Monthly Activity Trends';
findByCss(' h3')
.then((element) => element.getText('h3'))
.then((text) => t.equal(text, chartTitle, 'chart title should be Monthly Activity Trends'))
.then(() => t.end());
test('check that Monthly Activity Trends chart > New Projects label is toggleable', t => {
var classXpath = `(//div[@id="activity_chart"]/*[name()='svg']/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']/*`
+ `[name()='g'])[4]/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']/*[name()='g']`;
.then((element) => element.getAttribute('class'))
.then((classtext) => t.equal(classtext, 'nv-series', 'by default, New Projects should be enabled'))
.then(() => clickText('New Projects'))
.then(() => findByXpath(classXpath))
.then((element) => element.getAttribute('class'))
.then((classtext) => t.equal(classtext, 'nv-series nv-disabled', 'when clicked, New Projects should be disabled'))
.then(() => clickText('New Projects'))
.then(() => findByXpath(classXpath))
.then((element) => element.getAttribute('class'))
.then((classtext) => t.equal(classtext, 'nv-series', 'when clicked again, New Projects should be enabled'))
.then(() => t.end());