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synced 2025-02-17 00:21:20 -05:00
test: work around regenerator-runtime losing exception details
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 204 additions and 99 deletions
@ -15,6 +15,27 @@ const {By, Key, until} = webdriver;
* Embed a causal error into an outer error, and add its message to the outer error's message.
* This compensates for the loss of context caused by `regenerator-runtime`.
* @param {Error} outerError The error to embed the cause into.
* @param {Error} cause The "inner" error to embed.
* @returns {Error} The outerError, with the cause embedded.
const embedCause = (outerError, cause) => {
if (cause) {
// This is the official way to nest errors in Node.js, but Jest ignores this field.
// It's here in case a future version uses it, or in case the caller does.
outerError.cause = cause;
if (cause && cause.message) {
outerError.message += '\n' + ['Cause:', ...cause.message.split('\n')].join('\n ');
} else {
outerError.message += '\nCause: unknown';
return outerError;
class SeleniumHelper {
constructor () {
bindAll(this, [
@ -76,6 +97,15 @@ class SeleniumHelper {
// setting throughput values to 0 means unlimited
latency: 0, // additional latency (ms)
download_throughput: 0 * 1024, // max aggregated download throughput (bps)
upload_throughput: 0 * 1024, // max aggregated upload throughput (bps)
offline: false
return driver;
@ -119,11 +149,16 @@ class SeleniumHelper {
* Wait until the document is ready (i.e. the document.readyState is 'complete')
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the document is ready
waitUntilDocumentReady () {
return this.driver.wait(
async () => await this.driver.executeScript('return document.readyState;') === 'complete',
async waitUntilDocumentReady () {
const outerError = new Error('waitUntilDocumentReady failed');
try {
await this.driver.wait(
async () => await this.driver.executeScript('return document.readyState;') === 'complete',
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
@ -135,77 +170,126 @@ class SeleniumHelper {
* @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the document is ready
async navigate (url) {
await this.driver.get(url);
return this.waitUntilDocumentReady();
const outerError = new Error(`navigate failed with arguments:\n\turl: ${url}`);
try {
await this.driver.get(url);
await this.waitUntilDocumentReady();
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
findByXpath (xpath, timeoutMessage = `findByXpath timed out for path: ${xpath}`) {
return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, timeoutMessage)
.then(el => (
this.driver.wait(el.isDisplayed(), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS, `${xpath} is not visible`)
.then(() => el)
async findByXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new Error(`findByXpath failed with arguments:\n\txpath: ${xpath}`);
try {
const el = await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.xpath(xpath)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
await this.driver.wait(el.isDisplayed(), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
return el;
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
waitUntilGone (element) {
return this.driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
async waitUntilGone (element) {
const outerError = new Error(`waitUntilGone failed with arguments:\n\telement: ${element}`);
try {
await this.driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
clickXpath (xpath) {
return this.driver.wait(new webdriver.WebElementCondition(
'for element click to succeed',
async () => {
const element = await this.findByXpath(xpath);
if (!element) {
return null;
try {
await element.click();
return element;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof webdriver.error.ElementClickInterceptedError) {
// something is in front of the element we want to click
// probably the loading screen
// this is the main reason for using wait()
async clickXpath (xpath) {
const outerError = new Error(`clickXpath failed with arguments:\n\txpath: ${xpath}`);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(new webdriver.WebElementCondition(
'for element click to succeed',
async () => {
const element = await this.findByXpath(xpath);
if (!element) {
return null;
throw e;
try {
await element.click();
return element;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof webdriver.error.ElementClickInterceptedError) {
// something is in front of the element we want to click
// probably the loading screen
// this is the main reason for using wait()
return null;
throw e;
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
clickText (text) {
return this.clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
async clickText (text) {
const outerError = new Error(`clickText failed with arguments:\n\ttext: ${text}`);
try {
return await this.clickXpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
findText (text) {
return this.driver.wait(
until.elementLocated(By.xpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`)),
async findText (text) {
const outerError = new Error(`findText failed with arguments:\n\ttext: ${text}`);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(
until.elementLocated(By.xpath(`//*[contains(text(), '${text}')]`)),
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
async clickButton (text) {
const outerError = new Error(`clickButton failed with arguments:\n\ttext: ${text}`);
try {
return await this.clickXpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
async findByCss (css) {
const outerError = new Error(`findByCss failed with arguments:\n\tcss: ${css}`);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
async clickCss (css) {
const outerError = new Error(`clickCss failed with arguments:\n\tcss: ${css}`);
try {
const el = await this.findByCss(css);
return await el.click();
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
async dragFromXpathToXpath (startXpath, endXpath) {
const outerError = new Error(
`dragFromXpathToXpath failed with arguments:\n\tstartXpath: ${startXpath}\n\tendXpath: ${endXpath}`
clickButton (text) {
return this.clickXpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${text}')]`);
findByCss (css) {
return this.driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css(css)), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
clickCss (css) {
return this.findByCss(css).then(el => el.click());
dragFromXpathToXpath (startXpath, endXpath) {
return this.findByXpath(startXpath).then(startEl => {
return this.findByXpath(endXpath).then(endEl => {
return this.driver.actions()
.dragAndDrop(startEl, endEl)
try {
const startEl = await this.findByXpath(startXpath);
const endEl = await this.findByXpath(endXpath);
return await this.driver.actions()
.dragAndDrop(startEl, endEl)
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
getPathForLogin () {
@ -217,6 +301,8 @@ class SeleniumHelper {
async isSignedIn () {
const outerError = new Error('isSignedIn failed');
let cause;
try {
const state = await this.driver.wait(
() => this.driver.executeScript(
@ -240,66 +326,85 @@ class SeleniumHelper {
return true;
case 'signed out':
return false;
throw new Error(`unexpected state: ${state}`);
} catch (e) {
cause = e;
// fall through to the error case below
// the script returned an unexpected value or, more likely, driver.wait threw an error (probably a timeout)
throw new Error('Could not determine whether or not user is signed in');
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
// must be used on a www page
async signIn (username, password) {
await this.clickXpath(this.getPathForLogin());
let name = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-username-1088"]');
await name.sendKeys(username);
let word = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-password-1088"]');
await word.sendKeys(password + this.getKey('ENTER'));
await this.findByXpath(this.getPathForProfileName());
const outerError = new Error(
`signIn failed with arguments:\n\tusername: ${username}\n\tpassword: ${password ? 'provided' : 'missing'}`
try {
await this.clickXpath(this.getPathForLogin());
let nameInput = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-username-1088"]');
await nameInput.sendKeys(username);
let passwordInput = await this.findByXpath('//input[@id="frc-password-1088"]');
await passwordInput.sendKeys(password + this.getKey('ENTER'));
await this.findByXpath(this.getPathForProfileName());
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
urlMatches (regex) {
return this.driver.wait(until.urlMatches(regex), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
async urlMatches (regex) {
const outerError = new Error(`urlMatches failed with arguments:\n\tregex: ${regex}`);
try {
return await this.driver.wait(until.urlMatches(regex), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
getLogs (whitelist) {
return this.driver.manage()
async getLogs (whitelist) {
const entries = await this.driver.manage()
.then((entries) => {
return entries.filter((entry) => {
const message = entry.message;
for (let i = 0; i < whitelist.length; i++) {
if (message.indexOf(whitelist[i]) !== -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring whitelisted error: ' + whitelist[i]);
return false;
} else if (entry.level !== 'SEVERE') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring non-SEVERE entry: ' + message);
return false;
return true;
return true;
return entries.filter((entry) => {
const message = entry.message;
for (const element of whitelist) {
if (message.indexOf(element) !== -1) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring whitelisted error: ' + whitelist[i]);
return false;
} else if (entry.level !== 'SEVERE') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
// console.warn('Ignoring non-SEVERE entry: ' + message);
return false;
return true;
return true;
async containsClass (element, cl) {
let classes = await element.getAttribute('class');
let classList = classes.split(' ');
if (classList.includes(cl)){
return true;
const outerError = new Error(`containsClass failed with arguments:\n\telement: ${element}\n\tcl: ${cl}`);
try {
let classes = await element.getAttribute('class');
let classList = classes.split(' ');
return classList.includes(cl);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
return false;
async waitUntilVisible (element, driver) {
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
const outerError = new Error(`waitUntilVisible failed with arguments:\n\telement: ${element}`);
try {
await driver.wait(until.elementIsVisible(element), DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS);
} catch (cause) {
throw embedCause(outerError, cause);
module.exports = SeleniumHelper;
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