"parents.FaqAgeRangeA":"While Scratch is primarily designed for 8 to 16 year olds, it is also used by people of all ages, including younger children with their parents.",
"parents.FaqAgeRangeQ":"What is the age range for Scratch?",
"parents.FaqResourcesQ":"What resources are available for learning Scratch?",
"parents.introDescription":"Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. As children create with Scratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically. Scratch is designed and maintained by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.",
"registration.lastStepTitle":"Thank you for requesting a Scratch Teacher Account",
"registration.lastStepDescription":"We are currently processing your application. ",
"registration.confirmYourEmail":"Confirm Your Email",
"registration.confirmYourEmailDescription":"If you haven't already, please click the link in the confirmation email sent to:",
"registration.waitForApproval":"Wait for Approval",
"registration.waitForApprovalDescription":"Your information is being reviewed. Please be patient, the approval process can take up to 24 hours. You will receive an email with your login information once your account has been created.",
"registration.checkOutResources":"Get Started with Resources",
"registration.checkOutResourcesDescription":"Explore materials for educators and facilitators written by the Scratch Team, including <a href='/educators#resources'>tips, tutorials, and guides</a>."