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const test = require('tap').test;
const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/virtual-machine');
const Sprite = require('../../src/sprites/sprite');
const Variable = require('../../src/engine/variable');
const adapter = require('../../src/engine/adapter');
const events = require('../fixtures/events.json');
const Renderer = require('../fixtures/fake-renderer');
const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime');
const RenderedTarget = require('../../src/sprites/rendered-target');
test('deleteSound returns function after deleting or null if nothing was deleted', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.sounds = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}];
const rt = new Runtime();
const target = new RenderedTarget(sprite, rt);
vm.editingTarget = target;
const addFun = vm.deleteSound(1);
t.equal(sprite.sounds.length, 2);
t.equal(sprite.sounds[0].id, 1);
t.equal(sprite.sounds[1].id, 3);
t.type(addFun, 'function');
const noAddFun = vm.deleteSound(2);
t.equal(sprite.sounds.length, 2);
t.equal(sprite.sounds[0].id, 1);
t.equal(sprite.sounds[1].id, 3);
t.equal(noAddFun, null);
test('deleteCostume returns function after deleting or null if nothing was deleted', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.costumes = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}];
sprite.currentCostume = 0;
const rt = new Runtime();
const target = new RenderedTarget(sprite, rt);
vm.editingTarget = target;
const addFun = vm.deleteCostume(1);
t.equal(sprite.costumes.length, 2);
t.equal(sprite.costumes[0].id, 1);
t.equal(sprite.costumes[1].id, 3);
t.type(addFun, 'function');
const noAddFun = vm.deleteCostume(2);
t.equal(sprite.costumes.length, 2);
t.equal(sprite.costumes[0].id, 1);
t.equal(sprite.costumes[1].id, 3);
t.equal(noAddFun, null);
test('addSprite throws on invalid string', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.addSprite('this is not a sprite')
.catch(e => {
t.equal(e.startsWith('Sprite Upload Error:'), true);
test('renameSprite throws when there is no sprite with that id', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => null;
(() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')),
new Error('No target with the provided id.')
test('renameSprite throws when used on a non-sprite target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const fakeTarget = {
isSprite: () => false
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget);
(() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')),
new Error('Cannot rename non-sprite targets.')
test('renameSprite throws when there is no sprite for given target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const fakeTarget = {
sprite: null,
isSprite: () => true
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget);
(() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')),
new Error('No sprite associated with this target.')
test('renameSprite sets the sprite name', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const fakeTarget = {
sprite: {name: 'original'},
isSprite: () => true
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget);
vm.renameSprite('id', 'not-original');
t.equal(fakeTarget.sprite.name, 'not-original');
test('renameSprite does not set sprite names to an empty string', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const fakeTarget = {
sprite: {name: 'original'},
isSprite: () => true
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget);
vm.renameSprite('id', '');
t.equal(fakeTarget.sprite.name, 'original');
test('renameSprite does not set sprite names to reserved names', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const fakeTarget = {
sprite: {name: 'original'},
isSprite: () => true
vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget);
vm.renameSprite('id', '_mouse_');
t.equal(fakeTarget.sprite.name, 'original');
test('renameSprite increments from existing sprite names', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const target1 = spr1.createClone();
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const target2 = spr2.createClone();
vm.runtime.targets = [target1, target2];
vm.renameSprite(target1.id, 'foo');
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0].sprite.name, 'foo');
vm.renameSprite(target2.id, 'foo');
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[1].sprite.name, 'foo2');
test('renameSprite does not increment when renaming to the same name', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr.name = 'foo';
const target = spr.createClone();
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0].sprite.name, 'foo');
vm.renameSprite(target.id, 'foo');
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0].sprite.name, 'foo');
test('deleteSprite throws when used on a non-sprite target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => false
(() => vm.deleteSprite('id')),
new Error('Cannot delete non-sprite targets.')
test('deleteSprite throws when there is no sprite for the given target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => true,
sprite: null
(() => vm.deleteSprite('id')),
new Error('No sprite associated with this target.')
test('deleteSprite throws when there is no target with given id', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => true,
sprite: {
name: 'this name'
(() => vm.deleteSprite('id1')),
new Error('No target with the provided id.')
test('deleteSprite deletes a sprite when given id is associated with a known sprite', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const currTarget = spr.createClone();
vm.runtime.targets = [currTarget];
t.equal(currTarget.sprite.clones.length, 1);
t.equal(currTarget.sprite.clones.length, 0);
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
test('deleteSprite sets editing target as null when given sprite is current editing target, and the only target in the runtime', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const currTarget = spr.createClone();
vm.editingTarget = currTarget;
vm.runtime.targets = [currTarget];
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 0);
t.equal(vm.editingTarget, null);
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
test('deleteSprite updates editingTarget when sprite being deleted is current editing target, and there is another target in the runtime', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const currTarget = spr1.createClone();
const otherTarget = spr2.createClone();
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.runtime.targets = [currTarget, otherTarget];
vm.editingTarget = currTarget;
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 2);
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 1);
t.equal(vm.editingTarget.id, otherTarget.id);
// now let's try them in the other order in the runtime.targets list
// can't reuse deleted targets
const currTarget2 = spr1.createClone();
const otherTarget2 = spr2.createClone();
vm.runtime.targets = [otherTarget2, currTarget2];
vm.editingTarget = currTarget2;
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 2);
t.equal(vm.editingTarget.id, otherTarget2.id);
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 1);
test('duplicateSprite throws when there is no target with given id', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => true,
sprite: {
name: 'this name'
(() => vm.duplicateSprite('id1')),
new Error('No target with the provided id')
test('duplicateSprite throws when used on a non-sprite target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => false
(() => vm.duplicateSprite('id')),
new Error('Cannot duplicate non-sprite targets.')
test('duplicateSprite throws when there is no sprite for the given target', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.runtime.targets = [{
id: 'id',
isSprite: () => true,
sprite: null
(() => vm.duplicateSprite('id')),
new Error('No sprite associated with this target.')
test('duplicateSprite duplicates a sprite when given id is associated with known sprite', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const currTarget = spr.createClone();
vm.editingTarget = currTarget;
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.runtime.targets = [currTarget];
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 1);
vm.duplicateSprite(currTarget.id).then(() => {
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 2);
test('duplicateSprite assigns duplicated sprite a fresh name', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr.name = 'sprite1';
const currTarget = spr.createClone();
vm.editingTarget = currTarget;
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.runtime.targets = [currTarget];
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 1);
vm.duplicateSprite(currTarget.id).then(() => {
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 2);
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0].sprite.name, 'sprite1');
t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[1].sprite.name, 'sprite2');
test('reorderCostume', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr.name = 'foo';
const target = spr.createClone();
// Stub out reorder on target, tested in rendered-target tests.
// Just want to know if it is called with the right params.
let costumeIndex = null;
let newIndex = null;
target.reorderCostume = (_costumeIndex, _newIndex) => {
costumeIndex = _costumeIndex;
newIndex = _newIndex;
return true; // Do not need all the logic about if a reorder occurred.
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
t.equal(vm.reorderCostume('not-a-target', 0, 3), false);
t.equal(costumeIndex, null);
t.equal(newIndex, null);
t.equal(vm.reorderCostume(target.id, 0, 3), true);
t.equal(costumeIndex, 0);
t.equal(newIndex, 3);
test('reorderSound', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr.name = 'foo';
const target = spr.createClone();
// Stub out reorder on target, tested in rendered-target tests.
// Just want to know if it is called with the right params.
let soundIndex = null;
let newIndex = null;
target.reorderSound = (_soundIndex, _newIndex) => {
soundIndex = _soundIndex;
newIndex = _newIndex;
return true; // Do not need all the logic about if a reorder occurred.
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
t.equal(vm.reorderSound('not-a-target', 0, 3), false);
t.equal(soundIndex, null); // Make sure reorder function was not called somehow.
t.equal(newIndex, null);
t.equal(vm.reorderSound(target.id, 0, 3), true);
t.equal(soundIndex, 0); // Make sure reorder function was called correctly.
t.equal(newIndex, 3);
test('shareCostumeToTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr1.name = 'foo';
const target1 = spr1.createClone();
const costume1 = {name: 'costume1'};
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr2.name = 'foo';
const target2 = spr2.createClone();
const costume2 = {name: 'another costume'};
vm.runtime.targets = [target1, target2];
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[0];
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.shareCostumeToTarget(0, target2.id).then(() => {
t.equal(target2.currentCostume, 1);
t.equal(target2.getCostumes()[1].name, 'costume1');
test('shareSoundToTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr1.name = 'foo';
const target1 = spr1.createClone();
const sound1 = {name: 'sound1'};
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
spr2.name = 'foo';
const target2 = spr2.createClone();
const sound2 = {name: 'another sound'};
vm.runtime.targets = [target1, target2];
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[0];
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.shareSoundToTarget(0, target2.id).then(() => {
t.equal(target2.getSounds()[1].name, 'sound1');
test('reorderTarget', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {};
vm.runtime.targets = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
t.equal(vm.reorderTarget(2, 2), false);
t.deepEqual(vm.runtime.targets, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
// Make sure clamping works
t.equal(vm.reorderTarget(-100, -5), false);
t.deepEqual(vm.runtime.targets, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
// Reorder upwards
t.equal(vm.reorderTarget(0, 2), true);
t.deepEqual(vm.runtime.targets, ['b', 'c', 'a', 'd']);
// Reorder downwards
t.equal(vm.reorderTarget(3, 1), true);
t.deepEqual(vm.runtime.targets, ['b', 'd', 'c', 'a']);
test('emitWorkspaceUpdate', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const blocksToXML = comments => {
let blockString = 'blocks\n';
if (comments) {
for (const commentId in comments) {
const comment = comments[commentId];
blockString += `A Block Comment: ${comment.toXML()}`;
return blockString;
vm.runtime.targets = [
isStage: true,
variables: {
global: {
toXML: () => 'global'
blocks: {
toXML: blocksToXML
comments: {
aStageComment: {
toXML: () => 'aStageComment',
blockId: null
}, {
variables: {
unused: {
toXML: () => 'unused'
blocks: {
toXML: blocksToXML
comments: {
someBlockComment: {
toXML: () => 'someBlockComment',
blockId: 'someBlockId'
}, {
variables: {
local: {
toXML: () => 'local'
blocks: {
toXML: blocksToXML
comments: {
someOtherComment: {
toXML: () => 'someOtherComment',
blockId: null
aBlockComment: {
toXML: () => 'aBlockComment',
blockId: 'a block'
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[2];
let xml = null;
vm.emit = (event, data) => (xml = data.xml);
t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('global'), -1);
t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('local'), -1);
t.equal(xml.indexOf('unused'), -1);
t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('blocks'), -1);
t.equal(xml.indexOf('aStageComment'), -1);
t.equal(xml.indexOf('someBlockComment'), -1);
t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('someOtherComment'), -1);
t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('A Block Comment: aBlockComment'), -1);
test('drag IO redirect', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const sprite1Info = [];
const sprite2Info = [];
vm.runtime.targets = [
id: 'sprite1',
postSpriteInfo: data => sprite1Info.push(data)
}, {
id: 'sprite2',
postSpriteInfo: data => sprite2Info.push(data),
startDrag: () => {},
stopDrag: () => {}
vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[0];
// Stub emitWorkspace/TargetsUpdate, it needs data we don't care about here
vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate = () => null;
vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => null;
// postSpriteInfo should go to the editing target by default``
vm.postSpriteInfo('sprite1 info');
t.equal(sprite1Info[0], 'sprite1 info');
// postSprite info goes to the drag target if it exists
vm.postSpriteInfo('sprite2 info');
t.equal(sprite2Info[0], 'sprite2 info');
// stop drag should set the editing target
t.equal(vm.editingTarget.id, 'sprite2');
// Then postSpriteInfo should continue posting to the new editing target
vm.postSpriteInfo('sprite2 info 2');
t.equal(sprite2Info[1], 'sprite2 info 2');
test('select original after dragging clone', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
let newEditingTargetId = null;
vm.setEditingTarget = id => {
newEditingTargetId = id;
vm.runtime.targets = [
id: 'sprite1_clone',
sprite: {clones: [{id: 'sprite1_original'}]},
stopDrag: () => {}
}, {
id: 'sprite2',
stopDrag: () => {}
// Stop drag on a bare target selects that target
t.equal(newEditingTargetId, 'sprite2');
// Stop drag on target with parent sprite selects the 0th clone of that sprite
t.equal(newEditingTargetId, 'sprite1_original');
test('setVariableValue', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const target = spr.createClone();
target.createVariable('a-variable', 'a-name', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
// Returns false if there is no variable to set
t.equal(vm.setVariableValue(target.id, 'not-a-variable', 100), false);
// Returns false if there is no target with that id
t.equal(vm.setVariableValue('not-a-target', 'a-variable', 100), false);
// Returns true and updates the value if variable is present
t.equal(vm.setVariableValue(target.id, 'a-variable', 100), true);
t.equal(target.lookupVariableById('a-variable').value, 100);
test('getVariableValue', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const target = spr.createClone();
target.createVariable('a-variable', 'a-name', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
// Returns null if there is no variable with that id
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'not-a-variable'), null);
// Returns null if there is no target with that id
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue('not-a-target', 'a-variable'), null);
// Returns true and updates the value if variable is present
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'a-variable'), 0);
vm.setVariableValue(target.id, 'a-variable', 'string');
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'a-variable'), 'string');
// Block Listener tests for comment
test('comment_create event updates comment with null position', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const spr = new Sprite(null, vm.runtime);
const target = spr.createClone();
target.createComment('a comment', null, 'some text',
null, null, 200, 300, false);
vm.runtime.targets = [target];
vm.editingTarget = target;
const comment = target.comments['a comment'];
t.equal(comment.x, null);
t.equal(comment.y, null);
t.equal(comment.x, 10);
t.equal(comment.y, 20);
test('shareBlocksToTarget shares global variables without any name changes', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const runtime = vm.runtime;
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const stage = spr1.createClone();
stage.isStage = true;
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const target = spr2.createClone();
runtime.targets = [stage, target];
vm.editingTarget = target;
stage.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0);
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(stage.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
vm.setVariableValue(stage.id, 'mock var id', 10);
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(stage.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
// Verify the block exists on the target, and that it references the global variable
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
// Verify that the block does not exist on the stage
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'undefined');
// Share the block to the stage
vm.shareBlocksToTarget([target.blocks.getBlock('a block')], stage.id, target.id);
// Verify that the block now exists on the target as well as the stage
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
// Verify that the variables haven't changed, the variable still exists on the
// stage, it should still have the same name and value, and there should be
// no variables on the target.
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0);
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(stage.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(stage.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
test('shareBlocksToTarget shares a local variable to the stage, creating a global variable with a new name', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const runtime = vm.runtime;
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const stage = spr1.createClone();
stage.isStage = true;
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const target = spr2.createClone();
runtime.targets = [stage, target];
vm.editingTarget = target;
target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 0);
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
vm.setVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id', 10);
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
// Verify the block exists on the target, and that it references the global variable
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
// Verify that the block does not exist on the stage
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'undefined');
// Share the block to the stage
vm.shareBlocksToTarget([target.blocks.getBlock('a block')], stage.id, target.id);
// Verify that the block still exists on the target and remains unchanged
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'StageVarFromLocal_mock var id');
// Verify that a new global variable was created, the old one still exists on
// the target and still has the same name and value, and the new one has
// a new name and value 0.
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
// Verify that a new variable was created on the stage, with a new name and new id
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1);
t.type(stage.variables['mock var id'], 'undefined');
const newGlobalVar = Object.values(stage.variables)[0];
t.equal(newGlobalVar.name, 'Stage: a mock variable');
const newId = newGlobalVar.id;
t.notEqual(newId, 'mock var id');
t.equals(vm.getVariableValue(stage.id, newId), 0);
test('shareBlocksToTarget chooses a fresh name for a new global variable checking for conflicts on all sprites', t => {
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
const runtime = vm.runtime;
const spr1 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const stage = spr1.createClone();
stage.isStage = true;
const spr2 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const target = spr2.createClone();
const spr3 = new Sprite(null, runtime);
const otherTarget = spr3.createClone();
runtime.targets = [stage, target, otherTarget];
vm.editingTarget = target;
target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 0);
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
vm.setVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id', 10);
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
// Verify the block exists on the target, and that it references the global variable
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
// Verify that the block does not exist on the stage
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'undefined');
// Create a variable that conflicts with what will be the new name for the
// new global variable to ensure a fresh name is chosen
otherTarget.createVariable('a different var', 'Stage: a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE);
// Share the block to the stage
vm.shareBlocksToTarget([target.blocks.getBlock('a block')], stage.id, target.id);
// Verify that the block still exists on the target and remains unchanged
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'mock var id');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object');
t.type(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object');
t.equal(stage.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.id, 'StageVarFromLocal_mock var id');
// Verify that a new global variable was created, the old one still exists on
// the target and still has the same name and value, and the new one has
// a new name and value 0.
t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1);
t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable');
t.equal(vm.getVariableValue(target.id, 'mock var id'), 10);
// Verify that a new variable was created on the stage, with a new name and new id
t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1);
t.type(stage.variables['mock var id'], 'undefined');
const newGlobalVar = Object.values(stage.variables)[0];
t.equal(newGlobalVar.name, 'Stage: a mock variable2');
const newId = newGlobalVar.id;
t.notEqual(newId, 'mock var id');
t.equals(vm.getVariableValue(stage.id, newId), 0);
test('Setting turbo mode emits events', t => {
let turboMode = null;
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
vm.addListener('TURBO_MODE_ON', () => {
turboMode = true;
vm.addListener('TURBO_MODE_OFF', () => {
turboMode = false;
t.equal(turboMode, true);
t.equal(turboMode, false);
test('Getting the renderer returns the renderer', t => {
const renderer = new Renderer();
const vm = new VirtualMachine();
t.equal(vm.renderer, renderer);