Michael "Z" Goddard 41d6a8f925
Check if a thread's target is null in sequencer
Before calling execute, if a thread's target is null, retire that

This saves repeatedly checking if the thread's target is null in
recursive calls where even if scratch-gui or blocks, or some other
related library set the target to null, that will not happen during
block execution. It will happen at some time outside of the sequencer
letting the sequencer check once instead of execute checking at every
recursive level.
2018-01-24 17:00:37 -05:00

344 lines
14 KiB

const BlockUtility = require('./block-utility');
const log = require('../util/log');
const Thread = require('./thread');
const {Map} = require('immutable');
const cast = require('../util/cast');
* Single BlockUtility instance reused by execute for every pritimive ran.
* @const
const blockUtility = new BlockUtility();
* Profiler frame name for block functions.
* @const {string}
const blockFunctionProfilerFrame = 'blockFunction';
* Profiler frame ID for 'blockFunction'.
* @type {number}
let blockFunctionProfilerId = -1;
* Utility function to determine if a value is a Promise.
* @param {*} value Value to check for a Promise.
* @return {boolean} True if the value appears to be a Promise.
const isPromise = function (value) {
return (
value !== null &&
typeof value === 'object' &&
typeof value.then === 'function'
* Handle any reported value from the primitive, either directly returned
* or after a promise resolves.
* @param {*} resolvedValue Value eventually returned from the primitive.
* @param {!Sequencer} sequencer Sequencer stepping the thread for the ran
* primitive.
* @param {!Thread} thread Thread containing the primitive.
* @param {!string} currentBlockId Id of the block in its thread for value from
* the primitive.
* @param {!string} opcode opcode used to identify a block function primitive.
* @param {!boolean} isHat Is the current block a hat?
// @todo move this to callback attached to the thread when we have performance
// metrics (dd)
const handleReport = function (
resolvedValue, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat) {
if (isHat) {
// Hat predicate was evaluated.
if (sequencer.runtime.getIsEdgeActivatedHat(opcode)) {
// If this is an edge-activated hat, only proceed if the value is
// true and used to be false, or the stack was activated explicitly
// via stack click
if (!thread.stackClick) {
const oldEdgeValue = sequencer.runtime.updateEdgeActivatedValue(
const edgeWasActivated = !oldEdgeValue && resolvedValue;
if (!edgeWasActivated) {
} else if (!resolvedValue) {
// Not an edge-activated hat: retire the thread
// if predicate was false.
} else {
// In a non-hat, report the value visually if necessary if
// at the top of the thread stack.
if (typeof resolvedValue !== 'undefined' && thread.atStackTop()) {
if (thread.stackClick) {
sequencer.runtime.visualReport(currentBlockId, resolvedValue);
if (thread.updateMonitor) {
const targetId = sequencer.runtime.monitorBlocks.getBlock(currentBlockId).targetId;
if (targetId && !sequencer.runtime.getTargetById(targetId)) {
// Target no longer exists
id: currentBlockId,
spriteName: targetId ? sequencer.runtime.getTargetById(targetId).getName() : null,
value: String(resolvedValue)
// Finished any yields.
thread.status = Thread.STATUS_RUNNING;
* A convenienve constant to hide that the recursiveCall argument to execute is
* a boolean trap.
* @const {boolean}
const RECURSIVE = true;
* Execute a block.
* @param {!Sequencer} sequencer Which sequencer is executing.
* @param {!Thread} thread Thread which to read and execute.
* @param {boolean} recursiveCall is execute called from another execute call?
const execute = function (sequencer, thread, recursiveCall) {
const runtime = sequencer.runtime;
// Current block to execute is the one on the top of the stack.
const currentBlockId = thread.peekStack();
const currentStackFrame = thread.peekStackFrame();
let blockContainer = thread.blockContainer;
let block = blockContainer.getBlock(currentBlockId);
if (typeof block === 'undefined') {
blockContainer = runtime.flyoutBlocks;
block = blockContainer.getBlock(currentBlockId);
// Stop if block or target no longer exists.
if (typeof block === 'undefined') {
// No block found: stop the thread; script no longer exists.
const opcode = blockContainer.getOpcode(block);
const fields = blockContainer.getFields(block);
const inputs = blockContainer.getInputs(block);
const blockFunction = runtime.getOpcodeFunction(opcode);
const isHat = runtime.getIsHat(opcode);
if (!opcode) {
log.warn(`Could not get opcode for block: ${currentBlockId}`);
// Hats and single-field shadows are implemented slightly differently
// from regular blocks.
// For hats: if they have an associated block function,
// it's treated as a predicate; if not, execution will proceed as a no-op.
// For single-field shadows: If the block has a single field, and no inputs,
// immediately return the value of the field.
if (typeof blockFunction === 'undefined') {
if (isHat) {
// Skip through the block (hat with no predicate).
const keys = Object.keys(fields);
if (keys.length === 1 && Object.keys(inputs).length === 0) {
// One field and no inputs - treat as arg.
handleReport(fields[keys[0]].value, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat);
} else {
log.warn(`Could not get implementation for opcode: ${opcode}`);
thread.requestScriptGlowInFrame = true;
// Generate values for arguments (inputs).
const argValues = {};
// Add all fields on this block to the argValues.
for (const fieldName in fields) {
if (!fields.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) continue;
if (fieldName === 'VARIABLE' || fieldName === 'LIST' ||
fieldName === 'BROADCAST_OPTION') {
argValues[fieldName] = {
id: fields[fieldName].id,
name: fields[fieldName].value
} else {
argValues[fieldName] = fields[fieldName].value;
// Recursively evaluate input blocks.
for (const inputName in inputs) {
if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) continue;
// Do not evaluate the internal custom command block within definition
if (inputName === 'custom_block') continue;
const input = inputs[inputName];
const inputBlockId = input.block;
// Is there no value for this input waiting in the stack frame?
if (inputBlockId !== null && typeof currentStackFrame.reported[inputName] === 'undefined') {
// If there's not, we need to evaluate the block.
// Push to the stack to evaluate the reporter block.
// Save name of input for `Thread.pushReportedValue`.
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter = inputName;
// Actually execute the block.
execute(sequencer, thread, RECURSIVE);
if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT) {
for (const _inputName in inputs) {
if (_inputName === inputName) break;
if (!inputs.hasOwnProperty(_inputName)) continue;
if (_inputName === 'custom_block') continue;
if (_inputName === 'BROADCAST_INPUT') {
currentStackFrame.reported[_inputName] = argValues[_inputName].name;
} else {
currentStackFrame.reported[_inputName] = argValues[_inputName];
// Execution returned immediately,
// and presumably a value was reported, so pop the stack.
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter = null;
let inputValue;
if (
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter === null
) {
inputValue = currentStackFrame.justReported;
} else if (currentStackFrame.waitingReporter === inputName) {
inputValue = currentStackFrame.justReported;
currentStackFrame.waitingReporter = null;
// If we've gotten this far, all of the input blocks are evaluated,
// and `argValues` is fully populated. So, execute the block
// primitive. First, clear `currentStackFrame.reported`, so any
// subsequent execution (e.g., on return from a branch) gets fresh
// inputs.
currentStackFrame.reported = {};
} else if (typeof currentStackFrame.reported[inputName] !== 'undefined') {
inputValue = currentStackFrame.reported[inputName];
if (inputName === 'BROADCAST_INPUT') {
const broadcastInput = inputs[inputName];
// Check if something is plugged into the broadcast block, or
// if the shadow dropdown menu is being used.
if (broadcastInput.block === broadcastInput.shadow) {
// Shadow dropdown menu is being used.
// Get the appropriate information out of it.
const shadow = blockContainer.getBlock(broadcastInput.shadow);
const broadcastField = shadow.fields.BROADCAST_OPTION;
name: broadcastField.value
} else {
// Something is plugged into the broadcast input.
// Cast it to a string. We don't need an id here.
name: cast.toString(inputValue)
} else {
argValues[inputName] = inputValue;
// Add any mutation to args (e.g., for procedures).
const mutation = blockContainer.getMutation(block);
if (mutation !== null) {
argValues.mutation = mutation;
let primitiveReportedValue = null;
blockUtility.sequencer = sequencer;
blockUtility.thread = thread;
if (runtime.profiler !== null) {
if (blockFunctionProfilerId === -1) {
blockFunctionProfilerId = runtime.profiler.idByName(blockFunctionProfilerFrame);
// The method commented below has its code inlined underneath to reduce
// the bias recorded for the profiler's calls in this time sensitive
// execute function.
// runtime.profiler.start(blockFunctionProfilerId, opcode);
runtime.profiler.START, blockFunctionProfilerId, opcode,;
primitiveReportedValue = blockFunction(argValues, blockUtility);
if (runtime.profiler !== null) {
// runtime.profiler.stop(blockFunctionProfilerId);
if (recursiveCall !== RECURSIVE && typeof primitiveReportedValue === 'undefined') {
// No value reported - potentially a command block.
// Edge-activated hats don't request a glow; all commands do.
thread.requestScriptGlowInFrame = true;
// If it's a promise, wait until promise resolves.
if (isPromise(primitiveReportedValue)) {
if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_RUNNING) {
// Primitive returned a promise; automatically yield thread.
thread.status = Thread.STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT;
// Promise handlers
primitiveReportedValue.then(resolvedValue => {
handleReport(resolvedValue, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat);
if (typeof resolvedValue === 'undefined') {
let stackFrame;
let nextBlockId;
do {
// In the case that the promise is the last block in the current thread stack
// We need to pop out repeatedly until we find the next block.
const popped = thread.popStack();
if (popped === null) {
nextBlockId =;
if (nextBlockId !== null) {
// A next block exists so break out this loop
// Investigate the next block and if not in a loop,
// then repeat and pop the next item off the stack frame
stackFrame = thread.peekStackFrame();
} while (stackFrame !== null && !stackFrame.isLoop);
} else {
}, rejectionReason => {
// Promise rejected: the primitive had some error.
// Log it and proceed.
log.warn('Primitive rejected promise: ', rejectionReason);
thread.status = Thread.STATUS_RUNNING;
} else if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_RUNNING) {
if (recursiveCall === RECURSIVE) {
} else {
handleReport(primitiveReportedValue, sequencer, thread, currentBlockId, opcode, isHat);
module.exports = execute;