Paul Kaplan 3019d05181 Fix issue where say bubble flickers during conversation.
The fix for this involves something of hack where we decide whether to use the optimization that prevents "typewriter" style projects (say for 0.05s in a loop) based on the amount of time the block is going to run for. A full fix of this can only be achieved if the text bubble renders synchronously.
2018-04-26 13:03:57 -04:00

500 lines
18 KiB

const Cast = require('../util/cast');
const Clone = require('../util/clone');
const RenderedTarget = require('../sprites/rendered-target');
const uid = require('../util/uid');
* @typedef {object} BubbleState - the bubble state associated with a particular target.
* @property {Boolean} onSpriteRight - tracks whether the bubble is right or left of the sprite.
* @property {?int} drawableId - the ID of the associated bubble Drawable, null if none.
* @property {Boolean} drawableVisible - false if drawable has been hidden by blank text.
* See _renderBubble for explanation of this optimization.
* @property {string} text - the text of the bubble.
* @property {string} type - the type of the bubble, "say" or "think"
class Scratch3LooksBlocks {
constructor (runtime) {
* The runtime instantiating this block package.
* @type {Runtime}
this.runtime = runtime;
this._onTargetChanged = this._onTargetChanged.bind(this);
this._onResetBubbles = this._onResetBubbles.bind(this);
this._onTargetWillExit = this._onTargetWillExit.bind(this);
this._updateBubble = this._updateBubble.bind(this);
// Reset all bubbles on start/stop
this.runtime.on('PROJECT_STOP_ALL', this._onResetBubbles);
this.runtime.on('targetWasRemoved', this._onTargetWillExit);
// Enable other blocks to use bubbles like ask/answer
this.runtime.on('SAY', this._updateBubble);
* The default bubble state, to be used when a target has no existing bubble state.
* @type {BubbleState}
static get DEFAULT_BUBBLE_STATE () {
return {
drawableId: null,
drawableVisible: true,
onSpriteRight: true,
skinId: null,
text: '',
type: 'say',
usageId: null // ID for hiding a timed say/think block.
* The key to load & store a target's bubble-related state.
* @type {string}
static get STATE_KEY () {
return 'Scratch.looks';
* Max block time we use the "soft clear" optimization to prevent flickering in "typewriter" projects.
* @type {string}
static get MAX_SOFT_CLEAR_TIME () {
return 0.02; // seconds
* @param {Target} target - collect bubble state for this target. Probably, but not necessarily, a RenderedTarget.
* @returns {BubbleState} the mutable bubble state associated with that target. This will be created if necessary.
* @private
_getBubbleState (target) {
let bubbleState = target.getCustomState(Scratch3LooksBlocks.STATE_KEY);
if (!bubbleState) {
bubbleState = Clone.simple(Scratch3LooksBlocks.DEFAULT_BUBBLE_STATE);
target.setCustomState(Scratch3LooksBlocks.STATE_KEY, bubbleState);
return bubbleState;
* Handle a target which has moved.
* @param {RenderedTarget} target - the target which has moved.
* @private
_onTargetChanged (target) {
const bubbleState = this._getBubbleState(target);
if (bubbleState.drawableId) {
* Handle a target which is exiting.
* @param {RenderedTarget} target - the target.
* @private
_onTargetWillExit (target) {
const bubbleState = this._getBubbleState(target);
if (bubbleState.drawableId && bubbleState.skinId) {
bubbleState.drawableId = null;
bubbleState.skinId = null;
bubbleState.drawableVisible = true; // Reset back to default value
target.removeListener(RenderedTarget.EVENT_TARGET_VISUAL_CHANGE, this._onTargetChanged);
* Handle project start/stop by clearing all visible bubbles.
* @private
_onResetBubbles () {
for (let n = 0; n < this.runtime.targets.length; n++) {
* Position the bubble of a target. If it doesn't fit on the specified side, flip and rerender.
* @param {!Target} target Target whose bubble needs positioning.
* @private
_positionBubble (target) {
if (!target.visible) return;
const bubbleState = this._getBubbleState(target);
const [bubbleWidth, bubbleHeight] = this.runtime.renderer.getCurrentSkinSize(bubbleState.drawableId);
let targetBounds;
try {
targetBounds = target.getBoundsForBubble();
} catch (error_) {
// Bounds calculation could fail (e.g. on empty costumes), in that case
// use the x/y position of the target.
targetBounds = {
left: target.x,
right: target.x,
top: target.y,
bottom: target.y
const stageBounds = this.runtime.getTargetForStage().getBounds();
if (bubbleState.onSpriteRight && bubbleWidth + targetBounds.right > stageBounds.right &&
(targetBounds.left - bubbleWidth > stageBounds.left)) { // Only flip if it would fit
bubbleState.onSpriteRight = false;
} else if (!bubbleState.onSpriteRight && targetBounds.left - bubbleWidth < stageBounds.left &&
(bubbleWidth + targetBounds.right < stageBounds.right)) { // Only flip if it would fit
bubbleState.onSpriteRight = true;
} else {
this.runtime.renderer.updateDrawableProperties(bubbleState.drawableId, {
position: [
bubbleState.onSpriteRight ? (
Math.min(stageBounds.right - bubbleWidth, targetBounds.right)
) : (
Math.max(stageBounds.left, targetBounds.left - bubbleWidth)
Math.min(, targetBounds.bottom + bubbleHeight)
* Create a visible bubble for a target. If a bubble exists for the target,
* just set it to visible and update the type/text. Otherwise create a new
* bubble and update the relevant custom state.
* @param {!Target} target Target who needs a bubble.
* @return {undefined} Early return if text is empty string.
* @private
_renderBubble (target) {
if (!this.runtime.renderer) return;
const bubbleState = this._getBubbleState(target);
const {drawableVisible, type, text, onSpriteRight} = bubbleState;
// Remove the bubble if target is not visible, or text is being set to blank
// without being initialized. See comment below about blank text optimization.
if (!target.visible || (text === '' && !bubbleState.skinId)) {
if (bubbleState.skinId) {
// Optimization: if text is set to blank, hide the drawable instead of
// getting rid of it. This prevents flickering in "typewriter" projects
if ((text === '' && drawableVisible) || (text !== '' && !drawableVisible)) {
bubbleState.drawableVisible = text !== '';
this.runtime.renderer.updateDrawableProperties(bubbleState.drawableId, {
visible: bubbleState.drawableVisible
if (bubbleState.drawableVisible) {
this.runtime.renderer.updateTextSkin(bubbleState.skinId, type, text, onSpriteRight, [0, 0]);
} else {
target.addListener(RenderedTarget.EVENT_TARGET_VISUAL_CHANGE, this._onTargetChanged);
// TODO is there a way to figure out before rendering whether to default left or right?
const targetBounds = target.getBounds();
const stageBounds = this.runtime.getTargetForStage().getBounds();
if (targetBounds.right + 170 > stageBounds.right) {
bubbleState.onSpriteRight = false;
bubbleState.drawableId = this.runtime.renderer.createDrawable();
bubbleState.skinId = this.runtime.renderer.createTextSkin(type, text, bubbleState.onSpriteRight, [0, 0]);
this.runtime.renderer.setDrawableOrder(bubbleState.drawableId, Infinity);
this.runtime.renderer.updateDrawableProperties(bubbleState.drawableId, {
skinId: bubbleState.skinId
* The entry point for say/think blocks. Clears existing bubble if the text is empty.
* Set the bubble custom state and then call _renderBubble.
* @param {!Target} target Target that say/think blocks are being called on.
* @param {!string} type Either "say" or "think"
* @param {!string} text The text for the bubble, empty string clears the bubble.
* @private
_updateBubble (target, type, text) {
const bubbleState = this._getBubbleState(target);
bubbleState.type = type;
bubbleState.text = text;
bubbleState.usageId = uid();
* Retrieve the block primitives implemented by this package.
* @return {object.<string, Function>} Mapping of opcode to Function.
getPrimitives () {
return {
looks_say: this.say,
looks_sayforsecs: this.sayforsecs,
looks_think: this.think,
looks_thinkforsecs: this.thinkforsecs,
looks_hide: this.hide,
looks_switchcostumeto: this.switchCostume,
looks_switchbackdropto: this.switchBackdrop,
looks_switchbackdroptoandwait: this.switchBackdropAndWait,
looks_nextcostume: this.nextCostume,
looks_nextbackdrop: this.nextBackdrop,
looks_changeeffectby: this.changeEffect,
looks_seteffectto: this.setEffect,
looks_cleargraphiceffects: this.clearEffects,
looks_changesizeby: this.changeSize,
looks_setsizeto: this.setSize,
looks_gotofrontback: this.goToFrontBack,
looks_goforwardbackwardlayers: this.goForwardBackwardLayers,
looks_size: this.getSize,
looks_costumenumbername: this.getCostumeNumberName,
looks_backdropnumbername: this.getBackdropNumberName
getMonitored () {
return {
looks_size: {isSpriteSpecific: true},
looks_costumenumbername: {isSpriteSpecific: true},
looks_backdropnumbername: {}
say (args, util) {
// @TODO in 2.0 calling say/think resets the right/left bias of the bubble
let message = args.MESSAGE;
if (typeof message === 'number') {
message = parseFloat(message.toFixed(2));
message = String(message);
this.runtime.emit('SAY',, 'say', message);
sayforsecs (args, util) {
this.say(args, util);
const target =;
const usageId = this._getBubbleState(target).usageId;
const secs = args.SECS;
return new Promise(resolve => {
this._bubbleTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._bubbleTimeout = null;
// Clear say bubble if it hasn't been changed and proceed.
if (this._getBubbleState(target).usageId === usageId) {
if (secs < this.MAX_SOFT_CLEAR_TIME) {
this._updateBubble(target, 'say', '');
} else {
}, 1000 * args.SECS);
think (args, util) {
this._updateBubble(, 'think', String(args.MESSAGE));
thinkforsecs (args, util) {
this.think(args, util);
const target =;
const usageId = this._getBubbleState(target).usageId;
const secs = args.SECS;
return new Promise(resolve => {
this._bubbleTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this._bubbleTimeout = null;
// Clear think bubble if it hasn't been changed and proceed.
if (this._getBubbleState(target).usageId === usageId) {
if (secs < this.MAX_SOFT_CLEAR_TIME) {
this._updateBubble(target, 'think', '');
} else {
}, 1000 * args.SECS);
show (args, util) {;
hide (args, util) {;
* Utility function to set the costume or backdrop of a target.
* Matches the behavior of Scratch 2.0 for different types of arguments.
* @param {!Target} target Target to set costume/backdrop to.
* @param {Any} requestedCostume Costume requested, e.g., 0, 'name', etc.
* @param {boolean=} optZeroIndex Set to zero-index the requestedCostume.
* @return {Array.<!Thread>} Any threads started by this switch.
_setCostumeOrBackdrop (target,
requestedCostume, optZeroIndex) {
if (typeof requestedCostume === 'number') {
target.setCostume(optZeroIndex ?
requestedCostume : requestedCostume - 1);
} else {
const costumeIndex = target.getCostumeIndexByName(requestedCostume);
if (costumeIndex > -1) {
} else if (requestedCostume === 'previous costume' ||
requestedCostume === 'previous backdrop') {
target.setCostume(target.currentCostume - 1);
} else if (requestedCostume === 'next costume' ||
requestedCostume === 'next backdrop') {
target.setCostume(target.currentCostume + 1);
} else {
const forcedNumber = Number(requestedCostume);
if (!isNaN(forcedNumber)) {
target.setCostume(optZeroIndex ?
forcedNumber : forcedNumber - 1);
if (target === this.runtime.getTargetForStage()) {
// Target is the stage - start hats.
const newName = target.getCostumes()[target.currentCostume].name;
return this.runtime.startHats('event_whenbackdropswitchesto', {
return [];
switchCostume (args, util) {
this._setCostumeOrBackdrop(, args.COSTUME);
nextCostume (args, util) {
this._setCostumeOrBackdrop(, + 1, true
switchBackdrop (args) {
this._setCostumeOrBackdrop(this.runtime.getTargetForStage(), args.BACKDROP);
switchBackdropAndWait (args, util) {
// Have we run before, starting threads?
if (!util.stackFrame.startedThreads) {
// No - switch the backdrop.
util.stackFrame.startedThreads = (
if (util.stackFrame.startedThreads.length === 0) {
// Nothing was started.
// We've run before; check if the wait is still going on.
const instance = this;
const waiting = util.stackFrame.startedThreads.some(thread => instance.runtime.isActiveThread(thread));
if (waiting) {
nextBackdrop () {
const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage();
stage, stage.currentCostume + 1, true
changeEffect (args, util) {
const effect = Cast.toString(args.EFFECT).toLowerCase();
const change = Cast.toNumber(args.CHANGE);
if (! return;
const newValue = change +[effect];, newValue);
setEffect (args, util) {
const effect = Cast.toString(args.EFFECT).toLowerCase();
const value = Cast.toNumber(args.VALUE);, value);
clearEffects (args, util) {;
changeSize (args, util) {
const change = Cast.toNumber(args.CHANGE); + change);
setSize (args, util) {
const size = Cast.toNumber(args.SIZE);;
goToFrontBack (args, util) {
if (! {
if (args.FRONT_BACK === 'front') {;
} else {;
goForwardBackwardLayers (args, util) {
if (! {
if (args.FORWARD_BACKWARD === 'forward') {;
} else {;
getSize (args, util) {
return Math.round(;
getBackdropNumberName (args) {
const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage();
if (args.NUMBER_NAME === 'number') {
return stage.currentCostume + 1;
// Else return name
return stage.getCostumes()[stage.currentCostume].name;
getCostumeNumberName (args, util) {
if (args.NUMBER_NAME === 'number') {
return + 1;
// Else return name
module.exports = Scratch3LooksBlocks;