2016-06-30 18:56:31 -04:00

103 lines
3.7 KiB

var Thread = require('./thread');
* Execute a block.
* @param {!Sequencer} sequencer Which sequencer is executing.
* @param {!Thread} thread Thread which to read and execute.
var execute = function (sequencer, thread) {
var runtime = sequencer.runtime;
// Current block to execute is the one on the top of the stack.
var currentBlockId = thread.peekStack();
var currentStackFrame = thread.peekStackFrame();
var opcode = runtime.blocks.getOpcode(currentBlockId);
if (!opcode) {
console.warn('Could not get opcode for block: ' + currentBlockId);
var blockFunction = runtime.getOpcodeFunction(opcode);
if (!blockFunction) {
console.warn('Could not get implementation for opcode: ' + opcode);
// Generate values for arguments (inputs).
var argValues = {};
// Add all fields on this block to the argValues.
var fields = runtime.blocks.getFields(currentBlockId);
for (var fieldName in fields) {
argValues[fieldName] = fields[fieldName].value;
// Recursively evaluate input blocks.
var inputs = runtime.blocks.getInputs(currentBlockId);
for (var inputName in inputs) {
var input = inputs[inputName];
var inputBlockId = input.block;
// Is there no value for this input waiting in the stack frame?
if (typeof currentStackFrame.reported[inputName] === 'undefined') {
// If there's not, we need to evaluate the block.
var reporterYielded = (
sequencer.stepToReporter(thread, inputBlockId, inputName)
// If the reporter yielded, return immediately;
// it needs time to finish and report its value.
if (reporterYielded) {
argValues[inputName] = currentStackFrame.reported[inputName];
// If we've gotten this far, all of the input blocks are evaluated,
// and `argValues` is fully populated. So, execute the block primitive.
// First, clear `currentStackFrame.reported`, so any subsequent execution
// (e.g., on return from a substack) gets fresh inputs.
currentStackFrame.reported = {};
var primitiveReportedValue = null;
primitiveReportedValue = blockFunction(argValues, {
yield: thread.yield.bind(thread),
done: function() {
stackFrame: currentStackFrame.executionContext,
startSubstack: function (substackNum) {
sequencer.stepToSubstack(thread, substackNum);
// Deal with any reported value.
// If it's a promise, wait until promise resolves.
var isPromise = (
primitiveReportedValue &&
primitiveReportedValue.then &&
typeof primitiveReportedValue.then === 'function'
if (isPromise) {
if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_RUNNING) {
// Primitive returned a promise; automatically yield thread.
thread.status = Thread.STATUS_YIELD;
// Promise handlers
primitiveReportedValue.then(function(resolvedValue) {
// Promise resolved: the primitive reported a value.
}, function(rejectionReason) {
// Promise rejected: the primitive had some error.
// Log it and proceed.
console.warn('Primitive rejected promise: ', rejectionReason);
} else if (thread.status === Thread.STATUS_RUNNING) {
module.exports = execute;