
1079 lines
43 KiB

const ArgumentType = require('../../extension-support/argument-type');
const BlockType = require('../../extension-support/block-type');
const Clone = require('../../util/clone');
const Cast = require('../../util/cast');
const formatMessage = require('format-message');
const MathUtil = require('../../util/math-util');
const Timer = require('../../util/timer');
* Icon svg to be displayed at the left edge of each extension block, encoded as a data URI.
* @type {string}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const blockIconURI = '';
* Icon svg to be displayed in the category menu, encoded as a data URI.
* @type {string}
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const menuIconURI = '';
* Class for the music-related blocks in Scratch 3.0
* @param {Runtime} runtime - the runtime instantiating this block package.
* @constructor
class Scratch3MusicBlocks {
constructor (runtime) {
* The runtime instantiating this block package.
* @type {Runtime}
this.runtime = runtime;
* The number of drum and instrument sounds currently being played simultaneously.
* @type {number}
* @private
this._concurrencyCounter = 0;
* An array of audio buffers, one for each drum sound.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this._drumBuffers = [];
* An array of arrays of audio buffers. Each instrument has one or more audio buffers.
* @type {Array[]}
* @private
this._instrumentBufferArrays = [];
* An array of audio bufferSourceNodes. Each time you play an instrument or drum sound,
* a bufferSourceNode is created. We keep references to them to make sure their onended
* events can fire.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this._bufferSources = [];
this._onTargetCreated = this._onTargetCreated.bind(this);
this.runtime.on('targetWasCreated', this._onTargetCreated);
* Decode the full set of drum and instrument sounds, and store the audio buffers in arrays.
_loadAllSounds () {
const loadingPromises = [];
this.DRUM_INFO.forEach((drumInfo, index) => {
const filePath = `drums/${drumInfo.fileName}`;
const promise = this._storeSound(filePath, index, this._drumBuffers);
this.INSTRUMENT_INFO.forEach((instrumentInfo, instrumentIndex) => {
this._instrumentBufferArrays[instrumentIndex] = [];
instrumentInfo.samples.forEach((sample, noteIndex) => {
const filePath = `instruments/${instrumentInfo.dirName}/${sample}`;
const promise = this._storeSound(filePath, noteIndex, this._instrumentBufferArrays[instrumentIndex]);
Promise.all(loadingPromises).then(() => {
// @TODO: Update the extension status indicator.
_fetchSounds () {
if (!this._assetData) {
this._assetData = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Use webpack supported require.ensure to dynamically load the
// manifest as an another javascript file. Once the file
// executes the callback will be called and we can require the
// manifest.
// You can either make require calls in the callback function or
// specify dependencies in the array to load. The third argument
// is an error callback. The forth argument is a name for the
// javascript that can be used depending on the webpack
// configuration.
require.ensure([], () => {
}, reject, 'vm-music-manifest');
return this._assetData;
* Decode a sound and store the buffer in an array.
* @param {string} filePath - the audio file name.
* @param {number} index - the index at which to store the audio buffer.
* @param {array} bufferArray - the array of buffers in which to store it.
* @return {Promise} - a promise which will resolve once the sound has been stored.
_storeSound (filePath, index, bufferArray) {
const fullPath = `${filePath}.mp3`;
return this._fetchSounds()
// In case require.ensure is not available (such as running this
// file directly in node instead of through the webpack built script
// for node) or that require.ensure fails, turn the error into an
// empty object. The music extension will ignore the sound files.
.catch(() => ({}))
.then(assetData => {
if (!assetData[fullPath]) return;
// The sound buffer has already been downloaded via the manifest file required above.
const soundBuffer = assetData[fullPath];
return this._decodeSound(soundBuffer);
.then(buffer => {
bufferArray[index] = buffer;
* Decode a sound and return a promise with the audio buffer.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} soundBuffer - a buffer containing the encoded audio.
* @return {Promise} - a promise which will resolve once the sound has decoded.
_decodeSound (soundBuffer) {
const context = this.runtime.audioEngine && this.runtime.audioEngine.audioContext;
if (!context) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('No Audio Context Detected'));
// Check for newer promise-based API
if (context.decodeAudioData.length === 1) {
return context.decodeAudioData(soundBuffer);
} else { // eslint-disable-line no-else-return
// Fall back to callback API
return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
buffer => resolve(buffer),
error => reject(error)
* Create data for a menu in scratch-blocks format, consisting of an array of objects with text and
* value properties. The text is a translated string, and the value is one-indexed.
* @param {object[]} info - An array of info objects each having a name property.
* @return {array} - An array of objects with text and value properties.
* @private
_buildMenu (info) {
return, index) => {
const obj = {};
obj.text =;
obj.value = String(index + 1);
return obj;
* An array of info about each drum.
* @type {object[]} an array of objects.
* @param {string} name - the translatable name to display in the drums menu.
* @param {string} fileName - the name of the audio file containing the drum sound.
get DRUM_INFO () {
return [
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumSnare',
default: '(1) Snare Drum',
description: 'Sound of snare drum as used in a standard drum kit'
fileName: '1-snare'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumBass',
default: '(2) Bass Drum',
description: 'Sound of bass drum as used in a standard drum kit'
fileName: '2-bass-drum'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumSideStick',
default: '(3) Side Stick',
description: 'Sound of a drum stick hitting the side of a drum (usually the snare)'
fileName: '3-side-stick'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumCrashCymbal',
default: '(4) Crash Cymbal',
description: 'Sound of a drum stick hitting a crash cymbal'
fileName: '4-crash-cymbal'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumOpenHiHat',
default: '(5) Open Hi-Hat',
description: 'Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while open'
fileName: '5-open-hi-hat'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumClosedHiHat',
default: '(6) Closed Hi-Hat',
description: 'Sound of a drum stick hitting a hi-hat while closed'
fileName: '6-closed-hi-hat'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumTambourine',
default: '(7) Tambourine',
description: 'Sound of a tambourine being struck'
fileName: '7-tambourine'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumHandClap',
default: '(8) Hand Clap',
description: 'Sound of two hands clapping together'
fileName: '8-hand-clap'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumClaves',
default: '(9) Claves',
description: 'Sound of a claves being struck together'
fileName: '9-claves'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumWoodBlock',
default: '(10) Wood Block',
description: 'Sound of a wood block being struck'
fileName: '10-wood-block'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumCowbell',
default: '(11) Cowbell',
description: 'Sound of a cowbell being struck'
fileName: '11-cowbell'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumTriangle',
default: '(12) Triangle',
description: 'Sound of a triangle (instrument) being struck'
fileName: '12-triangle'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumBongo',
default: '(13) Bongo',
description: 'Sound of a bongo being struck'
fileName: '13-bongo'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumConga',
default: '(14) Conga',
description: 'Sound of a conga being struck'
fileName: '14-conga'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumCabasa',
default: '(15) Cabasa',
description: 'Sound of a cabasa being shaken'
fileName: '15-cabasa'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumGuiro',
default: '(16) Guiro',
description: 'Sound of a guiro being played'
fileName: '16-guiro'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumVibraslap',
default: '(17) Vibraslap',
description: 'Sound of a Vibraslap being played'
fileName: '17-vibraslap'
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.drumCuica',
default: '(18) Cuica',
description: 'Sound of a cuica being played'
fileName: '18-cuica'
* An array of info about each instrument.
* @type {object[]} an array of objects.
* @param {string} name - the translatable name to display in the instruments menu.
* @param {string} dirName - the name of the directory containing audio samples for this instrument.
* @param {number} [releaseTime] - an optional duration for the release portion of each note.
* @param {number[]} samples - an array of numbers representing the MIDI note number for each
* sampled sound used to play this instrument.
return [
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentPiano',
default: '(1) Piano',
description: 'Sound of a piano'
dirName: '1-piano',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentElectricPiano',
default: '(2) Electric Piano',
description: 'Sound of an electric piano'
dirName: '2-electric-piano',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentOrgan',
default: '(3) Organ',
description: 'Sound of an organ'
dirName: '3-organ',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentGuitar',
default: '(4) Guitar',
description: 'Sound of an accoustic guitar'
dirName: '4-guitar',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentElectricGuitar',
default: '(5) Electric Guitar',
description: 'Sound of an electric guitar'
dirName: '5-electric-guitar',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentBass',
default: '(6) Bass',
description: 'Sound of an accoustic upright bass'
dirName: '6-bass',
releaseTime: 0.25,
samples: [36, 48]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentPizzicato',
default: '(7) Pizzicato',
description: 'Sound of a string instrument (e.g. violin) being plucked'
dirName: '7-pizzicato',
releaseTime: 0.25,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentCello',
default: '(8) Cello',
description: 'Sound of a cello being played with a bow'
dirName: '8-cello',
releaseTime: 0.1,
samples: [36, 48, 60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentTrombone',
default: '(9) Trombone',
description: 'Sound of a trombone being played'
dirName: '9-trombone',
samples: [36, 48, 60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentClarinet',
default: '(10) Clarinet',
description: 'Sound of a clarinet being played'
dirName: '10-clarinet',
samples: [48, 60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentSaxophone',
default: '(11) Saxophone',
description: 'Sound of a saxophone being played'
dirName: '11-saxophone',
samples: [36, 60, 84]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentFlute',
default: '(12) Flute',
description: 'Sound of a flute being played'
dirName: '12-flute',
samples: [60, 72]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentWoodenFlute',
default: '(13) Wooden Flute',
description: 'Sound of a wooden flute being played'
dirName: '13-wooden-flute',
samples: [60, 72]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentBassoon',
default: '(14) Bassoon',
description: 'Sound of a bassoon being played'
dirName: '14-bassoon',
samples: [36, 48, 60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentChoir',
default: '(15) Choir',
description: 'Sound of a choir singing'
dirName: '15-choir',
releaseTime: 0.25,
samples: [48, 60, 72]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentVibraphone',
default: '(16) Vibraphone',
description: 'Sound of a vibraphone being struck'
dirName: '16-vibraphone',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60, 72]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentMusicBox',
default: '(17) Music Box',
description: 'Sound of a music box playing'
dirName: '17-music-box',
releaseTime: 0.25,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentSteelDrum',
default: '(18) Steel Drum',
description: 'Sound of a steel drum being struck'
dirName: '18-steel-drum',
releaseTime: 0.5,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentMarimba',
default: '(19) Marimba',
description: 'Sound of a marimba being struck'
dirName: '19-marimba',
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentSynthLead',
default: '(20) Synth Lead',
description: 'Sound of a "lead" synthesizer being played'
dirName: '20-synth-lead',
releaseTime: 0.1,
samples: [60]
name: formatMessage({
id: 'music.instrumentSynthPad',
default: '(21) Synth Pad',
description: 'Sound of a "pad" synthesizer being played'
dirName: '21-synth-pad',
releaseTime: 0.25,
samples: [60]
* The key to load & store a target's music-related state.
* @type {string}
static get STATE_KEY () {
return '';
* The default music-related state, to be used when a target has no existing music state.
* @type {MusicState}
static get DEFAULT_MUSIC_STATE () {
return {
currentInstrument: 0
* The minimum and maximum MIDI note numbers, for clamping the input to play note.
* @type {{min: number, max: number}}
static get MIDI_NOTE_RANGE () {
return {min: 0, max: 130};
* The minimum and maximum beat values, for clamping the duration of play note, play drum and rest.
* 100 beats at the default tempo of 60bpm is 100 seconds.
* @type {{min: number, max: number}}
static get BEAT_RANGE () {
return {min: 0, max: 100};
/** The minimum and maximum tempo values, in bpm.
* @type {{min: number, max: number}}
static get TEMPO_RANGE () {
return {min: 20, max: 500};
* The maximum number of sounds to allow to play simultaneously.
* @type {number}
static get CONCURRENCY_LIMIT () {
return 30;
* @param {Target} target - collect music state for this target.
* @returns {MusicState} the mutable music state associated with that target. This will be created if necessary.
* @private
_getMusicState (target) {
let musicState = target.getCustomState(Scratch3MusicBlocks.STATE_KEY);
if (!musicState) {
musicState = Clone.simple(Scratch3MusicBlocks.DEFAULT_MUSIC_STATE);
target.setCustomState(Scratch3MusicBlocks.STATE_KEY, musicState);
return musicState;
* When a music-playing Target is cloned, clone the music state.
* @param {Target} newTarget - the newly created target.
* @param {Target} [sourceTarget] - the target used as a source for the new clone, if any.
* @listens Runtime#event:targetWasCreated
* @private
_onTargetCreated (newTarget, sourceTarget) {
if (sourceTarget) {
const musicState = sourceTarget.getCustomState(Scratch3MusicBlocks.STATE_KEY);
if (musicState) {
newTarget.setCustomState(Scratch3MusicBlocks.STATE_KEY, Clone.simple(musicState));
* @returns {object} metadata for this extension and its blocks.
getInfo () {
return {
id: 'music',
name: 'Music',
menuIconURI: menuIconURI,
blockIconURI: blockIconURI,
blocks: [
opcode: 'playDrumForBeats',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.playDrumForBeats',
default: 'play drum [DRUM] for [BEATS] beats',
description: 'play drum sample for a number of beats'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
menu: 'DRUM',
defaultValue: 1
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 0.25
opcode: 'restForBeats',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.restForBeats',
default: 'rest for [BEATS] beats',
description: 'rest (play no sound) for a number of beats'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 0.25
opcode: 'playNoteForBeats',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.playNoteForBeats',
default: 'play note [NOTE] for [BEATS] beats',
description: 'play a note for a number of beats'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 60
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 0.25
opcode: 'setInstrument',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.setInstrument',
default: 'set instrument to [INSTRUMENT]',
description: 'set the instrument (e.g. piano, guitar, trombone) for notes played'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 1
opcode: 'setTempo',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.setTempo',
default: 'set tempo to [TEMPO]',
description: 'set tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 60
opcode: 'changeTempo',
blockType: BlockType.COMMAND,
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.changeTempo',
default: 'change tempo by [TEMPO]',
description: 'change tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played'
arguments: {
type: ArgumentType.NUMBER,
defaultValue: 20
opcode: 'getTempo',
text: formatMessage({
id: 'music.getTempo',
default: 'tempo',
description: 'get the current tempo (speed) for notes, drums, and rests played'
blockType: BlockType.REPORTER
menus: {
DRUM: this._buildMenu(this.DRUM_INFO),
* Play a drum sound for some number of beats.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @property {int} DRUM - the number of the drum to play.
* @property {number} BEATS - the duration in beats of the drum sound.
playDrumForBeats (args, util) {
if (this._stackTimerNeedsInit(util)) {
let drum = Cast.toNumber(args.DRUM);
drum = Math.round(drum);
drum -= 1; // drums are one-indexed
drum = MathUtil.wrapClamp(drum, 0, this.DRUM_INFO.length - 1);
let beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS);
beats = this._clampBeats(beats);
this._playDrumNum(util, drum);
this._startStackTimer(util, this._beatsToSec(beats));
} else {
* Play a drum sound using its 0-indexed number.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @param {number} drumNum - the number of the drum to play.
* @private
_playDrumNum (util, drumNum) {
if (util.runtime.audioEngine === null) return;
if ( === null) return;
// If we're playing too many sounds, do not play the drum sound.
if (this._concurrencyCounter > Scratch3MusicBlocks.CONCURRENCY_LIMIT) {
const outputNode =;
const context = util.runtime.audioEngine.audioContext;
const bufferSource = context.createBufferSource();
bufferSource.buffer = this._drumBuffers[drumNum];
const bufferSourceIndex = this._bufferSources.length;
bufferSource.onended = () => {
delete this._bufferSources[bufferSourceIndex];
* Rest for some number of beats.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @property {number} BEATS - the duration in beats of the rest.
restForBeats (args, util) {
if (this._stackTimerNeedsInit(util)) {
let beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS);
beats = this._clampBeats(beats);
this._startStackTimer(util, this._beatsToSec(beats));
} else {
* Play a note using the current musical instrument for some number of beats.
* This function processes the arguments, and handles the timing of the block's execution.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @property {number} NOTE - the pitch of the note to play, interpreted as a MIDI note number.
* @property {number} BEATS - the duration in beats of the note.
playNoteForBeats (args, util) {
if (this._stackTimerNeedsInit(util)) {
let note = Cast.toNumber(args.NOTE);
note = MathUtil.clamp(note,
Scratch3MusicBlocks.MIDI_NOTE_RANGE.min, Scratch3MusicBlocks.MIDI_NOTE_RANGE.max);
let beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS);
beats = this._clampBeats(beats);
// If the duration is 0, do not play the note. In Scratch 2.0, "play drum for 0 beats" plays the drum,
// but "play note for 0 beats" is silent.
if (beats === 0) return;
const durationSec = this._beatsToSec(beats);
this._playNote(util, note, durationSec);
this._startStackTimer(util, durationSec);
} else {
* Play a note using the current instrument for a duration in seconds.
* This function actually plays the sound, and handles the timing of the sound, including the
* "release" portion of the sound, which continues briefly after the block execution has finished.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @param {number} note - the pitch of the note to play, interpreted as a MIDI note number.
* @param {number} durationSec - the duration in seconds to play the note.
* @private
_playNote (util, note, durationSec) {
if (util.runtime.audioEngine === null) return;
if ( === null) return;
// If we're playing too many sounds, do not play the note.
if (this._concurrencyCounter > Scratch3MusicBlocks.CONCURRENCY_LIMIT) {
// Determine which of the audio samples for this instrument to play
const musicState = this._getMusicState(;
const inst = musicState.currentInstrument;
const instrumentInfo = this.INSTRUMENT_INFO[inst];
const sampleArray = instrumentInfo.samples;
const sampleIndex = this._selectSampleIndexForNote(note, sampleArray);
// If the audio sample has not loaded yet, bail out
if (typeof this._instrumentBufferArrays[inst] === 'undefined') return;
if (typeof this._instrumentBufferArrays[inst][sampleIndex] === 'undefined') return;
// Create the audio buffer to play the note, and set its pitch
const context = util.runtime.audioEngine.audioContext;
const bufferSource = context.createBufferSource();
const bufferSourceIndex = this._bufferSources.length;
bufferSource.buffer = this._instrumentBufferArrays[inst][sampleIndex];
const sampleNote = sampleArray[sampleIndex];
bufferSource.playbackRate.value = this._ratioForPitchInterval(note - sampleNote);
// Create a gain node for this note, and connect it to the sprite's audioPlayer.
const gainNode = context.createGain();
const outputNode =;
// Start playing the note
// Schedule the release of the note, ramping its gain down to zero,
// and then stopping the sound.
let releaseDuration = this.INSTRUMENT_INFO[inst].releaseTime;
if (typeof releaseDuration === 'undefined') {
releaseDuration = 0.01;
const releaseStart = context.currentTime + durationSec;
const releaseEnd = releaseStart + releaseDuration;
gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(1, releaseStart);
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.0001, releaseEnd);
// Update the concurrency counter
bufferSource.onended = () => {
delete this._bufferSources[bufferSourceIndex];
* The samples array for each instrument is the set of pitches of the available audio samples.
* This function selects the best one to use to play a given input note, and returns its index
* in the samples array.
* @param {number} note - the input note to select a sample for.
* @param {number[]} samples - an array of the pitches of the available samples.
* @return {index} the index of the selected sample in the samples array.
* @private
_selectSampleIndexForNote (note, samples) {
// Step backwards through the array of samples, i.e. in descending pitch, in order to find
// the sample that is the closest one below (or matching) the pitch of the input note.
for (let i = samples.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (note >= samples[i]) {
return i;
return 0;
* Calcuate the frequency ratio for a given musical interval.
* @param {number} interval - the pitch interval to convert.
* @return {number} a ratio corresponding to the input interval.
* @private
_ratioForPitchInterval (interval) {
return Math.pow(2, (interval / 12));
* Clamp a duration in beats to the allowed min and max duration.
* @param {number} beats - a duration in beats.
* @return {number} - the clamped duration.
* @private
_clampBeats (beats) {
return MathUtil.clamp(beats, Scratch3MusicBlocks.BEAT_RANGE.min, Scratch3MusicBlocks.BEAT_RANGE.max);
* Convert a number of beats to a number of seconds, using the current tempo.
* @param {number} beats - number of beats to convert to secs.
* @return {number} seconds - number of seconds `beats` will last.
* @private
_beatsToSec (beats) {
return (60 / this.getTempo()) * beats;
* Check if the stack timer needs initialization.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @return {boolean} - true if the stack timer needs to be initialized.
* @private
_stackTimerNeedsInit (util) {
return !util.stackFrame.timer;
* Start the stack timer and the yield the thread if necessary.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @param {number} duration - a duration in seconds to set the timer for.
* @private
_startStackTimer (util, duration) {
util.stackFrame.timer = new Timer();
util.stackFrame.duration = duration;
* Check the stack timer, and if its time is not up yet, yield the thread.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @private
_checkStackTimer (util) {
const timeElapsed = util.stackFrame.timer.timeElapsed();
if (timeElapsed < util.stackFrame.duration * 1000) {
* Select an instrument for playing notes.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @param {object} util - utility object provided by the runtime.
* @property {int} INSTRUMENT - the number of the instrument to select.
setInstrument (args, util) {
const musicState = this._getMusicState(;
let instNum = Cast.toNumber(args.INSTRUMENT);
instNum = Math.round(instNum);
instNum -= 1; // instruments are one-indexed
instNum = MathUtil.wrapClamp(instNum, 0, this.INSTRUMENT_INFO.length - 1);
musicState.currentInstrument = instNum;
* Set the current tempo to a new value.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @property {number} TEMPO - the tempo, in beats per minute.
setTempo (args) {
const tempo = Cast.toNumber(args.TEMPO);
* Change the current tempo by some amount.
* @param {object} args - the block arguments.
* @property {number} TEMPO - the amount to change the tempo, in beats per minute.
changeTempo (args) {
const change = Cast.toNumber(args.TEMPO);
const tempo = change + this.getTempo();
* Update the current tempo, clamping it to the min and max allowable range.
* @param {number} tempo - the tempo to set, in beats per minute.
* @private
_updateTempo (tempo) {
tempo = MathUtil.clamp(tempo, Scratch3MusicBlocks.TEMPO_RANGE.min, Scratch3MusicBlocks.TEMPO_RANGE.max);
const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage();
if (stage) {
stage.tempo = tempo;
* Get the current tempo.
* @return {number} - the current tempo, in beats per minute.
getTempo () {
const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage();
if (stage) {
return stage.tempo;
return 60;
module.exports = Scratch3MusicBlocks;