var test = require('tap').test; var Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); test('spec', function (t) { var r = new Runtime(); t.type(Runtime, 'function'); t.type(r, 'object'); t.ok(r instanceof Runtime); t.type(r.blocks, 'object'); t.type(r.stacks, 'object'); t.ok(Array.isArray(r.stacks)); t.type(r.createBlock, 'function'); t.type(r.moveBlock, 'function'); t.type(r.changeBlock, 'function'); t.type(r.deleteBlock, 'function'); t.end(); }); test('create', function (t) { var r = new Runtime(); r.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK' }); t.type(r.blocks['foo'], 'object'); t.equal(r.blocks['foo'].opcode, 'TEST_BLOCK'); t.notEqual(r.stacks.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.end(); }); test('move', function (t) { var r = new Runtime(); r.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK' }); r.createBlock({ id: 'bar', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK' }); // Attach 'bar' to the end of 'foo' r.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', newParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(r.stacks.length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(r.blocks).length, 2); t.equal(r.blocks['foo'].next, 'bar'); // Detach 'bar' from 'foo' r.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', oldParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(r.stacks.length, 2); t.equal(Object.keys(r.blocks).length, 2); t.equal(r.blocks['foo'].next, null); t.end(); }); test('delete', function (t) { var r = new Runtime(); r.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK' }); r.deleteBlock({ id: 'foo' }); t.type(r.blocks['foo'], 'undefined'); t.equal(r.stacks.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.end(); });