/** * @fileoverview * The specMap below handles a few pieces of "translation" work between * the SB2 JSON format and the data we need to run a project * in the Scratch 3.0 VM. * Notably: * - Map 2.0 and 1.4 opcodes (forward:) into 3.0-format (motion_movesteps). * - Map ordered, unnamed args to unordered, named inputs and fields. * Keep this up-to-date as 3.0 blocks are renamed, changed, etc. * Originally this was generated largely by a hand-guided scripting process. * The relevant data lives here: * https://github.com/LLK/scratch-flash/blob/master/src/Specs.as * (for the old opcode and argument order). * and here: * https://github.com/LLK/scratch-blocks/tree/develop/blocks_vertical * (for the new opcodes and argument names). * and here: * https://github.com/LLK/scratch-blocks/blob/develop/tests/ * (for the shadow blocks created for each block). * I started with the `commands` array in Specs.as, and discarded irrelevant * properties. By hand, I matched the opcode name to the 3.0 opcode. * Finally, I filled in the expected arguments as below. */ var specMap = { 'forward:': { opcode: 'motion_movesteps', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'STEPS' } ] }, 'turnRight:': { opcode: 'motion_turnright', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'DEGREES' } ] }, 'turnLeft:': { opcode: 'motion_turnleft', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'DEGREES' } ] }, 'heading:': { opcode: 'motion_pointindirection', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_angle', inputName: 'DIRECTION' } ] }, 'pointTowards:': { opcode: 'motion_pointtowards', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'motion_pointtowards_menu', inputName: 'TOWARDS' } ] }, 'gotoX:y:': { opcode: 'motion_gotoxy', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'X' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'Y' } ] }, 'gotoSpriteOrMouse:': { opcode: 'motion_goto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'motion_goto_menu', inputName: 'TO' } ] }, 'glideSecs:toX:y:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'motion_glidesecstoxy', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SECS' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'X' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'Y' } ] }, 'changeXposBy:': { opcode: 'motion_changexby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'DX' } ] }, 'xpos:': { opcode: 'motion_setx', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'X' } ] }, 'changeYposBy:': { opcode: 'motion_changeyby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'DY' } ] }, 'ypos:': { opcode: 'motion_sety', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'Y' } ] }, 'bounceOffEdge': { opcode: 'motion_ifonedgebounce', argMap: [ ] }, 'setRotationStyle': { opcode: 'motion_setrotationstyle', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'motion_setrotationstyle_menu', inputName: 'STYLE' } ] }, 'xpos': { opcode: 'motion_xposition', argMap: [ ] }, 'ypos': { opcode: 'motion_yposition', argMap: [ ] }, 'heading': { opcode: 'motion_direction', argMap: [ ] }, 'say:duration:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'looks_sayforsecs', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'MESSAGE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SECS' } ] }, 'say:': { opcode: 'looks_say', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'MESSAGE' } ] }, 'think:duration:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'looks_thinkforsecs', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'MESSAGE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SECS' } ] }, 'think:': { opcode: 'looks_think', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'MESSAGE' } ] }, 'show': { opcode: 'looks_show', argMap: [ ] }, 'hide': { opcode: 'looks_hide', argMap: [ ] }, 'lookLike:': { opcode: 'looks_switchcostumeto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'looks_costume', inputName: 'COSTUME' } ] }, 'nextCostume': { opcode: 'looks_nextcostume', argMap: [ ] }, 'startScene': { opcode: 'looks_switchbackdropto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'looks_backdrops', inputName: 'BACKDROP' } ] }, 'changeGraphicEffect:by:': { opcode: 'looks_changeeffectby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'looks_effectmenu', inputName: 'EFFECT' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'CHANGE' } ] }, 'setGraphicEffect:to:': { opcode: 'looks_seteffectto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'looks_effectmenu', inputName: 'EFFECT' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'VALUE' } ] }, 'filterReset': { opcode: 'looks_cleargraphiceffects', argMap: [ ] }, 'changeSizeBy:': { opcode: 'looks_changesizeby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'CHANGE' } ] }, 'setSizeTo:': { opcode: 'looks_setsizeto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SIZE' } ] }, 'comeToFront': { opcode: 'looks_gotofront', argMap: [ ] }, 'goBackByLayers:': { opcode: 'looks_gobacklayers', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_integer', inputName: 'NUM' } ] }, 'costumeIndex': { opcode: 'looks_costumeorder', argMap: [ ] }, 'sceneName': { opcode: 'looks_backdropname', argMap: [ ] }, 'scale': { opcode: 'looks_size', argMap: [ ] }, 'startSceneAndWait': { opcode: 'looks_switchbackdroptoandwait', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'looks_backdrops', inputName: 'BACKDROP' } ] }, 'nextScene': { opcode: 'looks_nextbackdrop', argMap: [ ] }, 'backgroundIndex': { opcode: 'looks_backdroporder', argMap: [ ] }, 'playSound:': { opcode: 'sound_play', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sound_sounds_option', inputName: 'SOUND_MENU' } ] }, 'doPlaySoundAndWait': { opcode: 'sound_playuntildone', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sound_sounds_option', inputName: 'SOUND_MENU' } ] }, 'stopAllSounds': { opcode: 'sound_stopallsounds', argMap: [ ] }, 'playDrum': { opcode: 'sound_playdrumforbeats', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'DRUMTYPE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'BEATS' } ] }, 'rest:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'sound_restforbeats', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'BEATS' } ] }, 'noteOn:duration:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'sound_playnoteforbeats', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NOTE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'BEATS' } ] }, 'instrument:': { opcode: 'sound_setinstrumentto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'INSTRUMENT' } ] }, 'changeVolumeBy:': { opcode: 'sound_changevolumeby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'VOLUME' } ] }, 'setVolumeTo:': { opcode: 'sound_setvolumeto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'VOLUME' } ] }, 'volume': { opcode: 'sound_volume', argMap: [ ] }, 'changeTempoBy:': { opcode: 'sound_changetempoby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'TEMPO' } ] }, 'setTempoTo:': { opcode: 'sound_settempotobpm', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'TEMPO' } ] }, 'tempo': { opcode: 'sound_tempo', argMap: [ ] }, 'clearPenTrails': { opcode: 'pen_clear', argMap: [ ] }, 'stampCostume': { opcode: 'pen_stamp', argMap: [ ] }, 'putPenDown': { opcode: 'pen_pendown', argMap: [ ] }, 'putPenUp': { opcode: 'pen_penup', argMap: [ ] }, 'penColor:': { opcode: 'pen_setpencolortocolor', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'colour_picker', inputName: 'COLOR' } ] }, 'changePenHueBy:': { opcode: 'pen_changepencolorby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'COLOR' } ] }, 'setPenHueTo:': { opcode: 'pen_setpencolortonum', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'COLOR' } ] }, 'changePenShadeBy:': { opcode: 'pen_changepenshadeby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SHADE' } ] }, 'setPenShadeTo:': { opcode: 'pen_changepenshadeby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SHADE' } ] }, 'changePenSizeBy:': { opcode: 'pen_changepensizeby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SIZE' } ] }, 'penSize:': { opcode: 'pen_setpensizeto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'SIZE' } ] }, 'whenGreenFlag': { opcode: 'event_whenflagclicked', argMap: [ ] }, 'whenKeyPressed': { opcode: 'event_whenkeypressed', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'KEY_OPTION' } ] }, 'whenClicked': { opcode: 'event_whenthisspriteclicked', argMap: [ ] }, 'whenSceneStarts': { opcode: 'event_whenbackdropswitchesto', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'BACKDROP' } ] }, 'whenSensorGreaterThan': { opcode: 'event_whengreaterthan', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'WHENGREATERTHANMENU' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'VALUE' } ] }, 'whenIReceive': { opcode: 'event_whenbroadcastreceived', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'BROADCAST_OPTION' } ] }, 'broadcast:': { opcode: 'event_broadcast', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'event_broadcast_menu', inputName: 'BROADCAST_OPTION' } ] }, 'doBroadcastAndWait': { opcode: 'event_broadcastandwait', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'event_broadcast_menu', inputName: 'BROADCAST_OPTION' } ] }, 'wait:elapsed:from:': { opcode: 'control_wait', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_positive_number', inputName: 'DURATION' } ] }, 'doRepeat': { opcode: 'control_repeat', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_whole_number', inputName: 'TIMES' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK' } ] }, 'doForever': { opcode: 'control_forever', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK' } ] }, 'doIf': { opcode: 'control_if', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'CONDITION' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK' } ] }, 'doIfElse': { opcode: 'control_if_else', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'CONDITION' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK2' } ] }, 'doWaitUntil': { opcode: 'control_wait_until', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'CONDITION' } ] }, 'doUntil': { opcode: 'control_repeat_until', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'CONDITION' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'SUBSTACK' } ] }, 'stopScripts': { opcode: 'control_stop', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'STOP_OPTION' } ] }, 'whenCloned': { opcode: 'control_start_as_clone', argMap: [ ] }, 'createCloneOf': { opcode: 'control_create_clone_of', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'control_create_clone_of_menu', inputName: 'CLONE_OPTION' } ] }, 'deleteClone': { opcode: 'control_delete_this_clone', argMap: [ ] }, 'touching:': { opcode: 'sensing_touchingobject', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_touchingobjectmenu', inputName: 'TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU' } ] }, 'touchingColor:': { opcode: 'sensing_touchingcolor', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'colour_picker', inputName: 'COLOR' } ] }, 'color:sees:': { opcode: 'sensing_coloristouchingcolor', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'colour_picker', inputName: 'COLOR' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'colour_picker', inputName: 'COLOR2' } ] }, 'distanceTo:': { opcode: 'sensing_distanceto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_distancetomenu', inputName: 'DISTANCETOMENU' } ] }, 'doAsk': { opcode: 'sensing_askandwait', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'QUESTION' } ] }, 'answer': { opcode: 'sensing_answer', argMap: [ ] }, 'keyPressed:': { opcode: 'sensing_keypressed', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_keyoptions', inputName: 'KEY_OPTION' } ] }, 'mousePressed': { opcode: 'sensing_mousedown', argMap: [ ] }, 'mouseX': { opcode: 'sensing_mousex', argMap: [ ] }, 'mouseY': { opcode: 'sensing_mousey', argMap: [ ] }, 'soundLevel': { opcode: 'sensing_loudness', argMap: [ ] }, 'senseVideoMotion': { opcode: 'sensing_videoon', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_videoonmenuone', inputName: 'VIDEOONMENU1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_videoonmenutwo', inputName: 'VIDEOONMENU2' } ] }, 'setVideoState': { opcode: 'sensing_videotoggle', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_videotogglemenu', inputName: 'VIDEOTOGGLEMENU' } ] }, 'setVideoTransparency': { opcode: 'sensing_setvideotransparency', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'TRANSPARENCY' } ] }, 'timer': { opcode: 'sensing_timer', argMap: [ ] }, 'timerReset': { opcode: 'sensing_resettimer', argMap: [ ] }, 'getAttribute:of:': { opcode: 'sensing_of', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_of_property_menu', inputName: 'PROPERTY' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_of_object_menu', inputName: 'OBJECT' } ] }, 'timeAndDate': { opcode: 'sensing_current', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'sensing_currentmenu', inputName: 'CURRENTMENU' } ] }, 'timestamp': { opcode: 'sensing_dayssince2000', argMap: [ ] }, 'getUserName': { opcode: 'sensing_username', argMap: [ ] }, '+': { opcode: 'operator_add', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM2' } ] }, '-': { opcode: 'operator_subtract', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM2' } ] }, '*': { opcode: 'operator_multiply', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM2' } ] }, '/': { opcode: 'operator_divide', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM2' } ] }, 'randomFrom:to:': { opcode: 'operator_random', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'FROM' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'TO' } ] }, '<': { opcode: 'operator_lt', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND2' } ] }, '=': { opcode: 'operator_equals', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND2' } ] }, '>': { opcode: 'operator_gt', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'OPERAND2' } ] }, '&': { opcode: 'operator_and', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'OPERAND1' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'OPERAND2' } ] }, '|': { opcode: 'operator_or', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'OPERAND1' }, { type: 'input', inputName: 'OPERAND2' } ] }, 'not': { opcode: 'operator_not', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputName: 'OPERAND' } ] }, 'concatenate:with:': { opcode: 'operator_join', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'STRING1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'STRING2' } ] }, 'letter:of:': { opcode: 'operator_letter_of', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_whole_number', inputName: 'LETTER' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'STRING' } ] }, 'stringLength:': { opcode: 'operator_length', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'STRING' } ] }, '%': { opcode: 'operator_mod', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM1' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM2' } ] }, 'rounded': { opcode: 'operator_round', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM' } ] }, 'computeFunction:of:': { opcode: 'operator_mathop', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'operator_mathop_menu', inputName: 'OPERATOR' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'NUM' } ] }, 'readVariable': { opcode: 'data_variable', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'data_variablemenu', inputName: 'VARIABLE' } ] }, 'setVar:to:': { opcode: 'data_setvariableto', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'data_variablemenu', inputName: 'VARIABLE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'VALUE' } ] }, 'changeVar:by:': { opcode: 'data_changevariableby', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'data_variablemenu', inputName: 'VARIABLE' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_number', inputName: 'VALUE' } ] }, 'showVariable:': { opcode: 'data_showvariable', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'data_variablemenu', inputName: 'VARIABLE' } ] }, 'hideVariable:': { opcode: 'data_hidevariable', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'data_variablemenu', inputName: 'VARIABLE' } ] }, 'contentsOfList:': { opcode: 'data_list', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'append:toList:': { opcode: 'data_addtolist', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'ITEM' }, { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'deleteLine:ofList:': { opcode: 'data_deleteoflist', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_integer', inputName: 'INDEX' }, { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'insert:at:ofList:': { opcode: 'data_insertatlist', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'ITEM' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_integer', inputName: 'INDEX' }, { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'setLine:ofList:to:': { opcode: 'data_replaceitemoflist', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_integer', inputName: 'INDEX' }, { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'ITEM' } ] }, 'getLine:ofList:': { opcode: 'data_itemoflist', argMap: [ { type: 'input', inputOp: 'math_integer', inputName: 'INDEX' }, { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'lineCountOfList:': { opcode: 'data_lengthoflist', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'list:contains:': { opcode: 'data_listcontainsitem', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' }, { type: 'input', inputOp: 'text', inputName: 'ITEM' } ] }, 'showList:': { opcode: 'data_showlist', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'hideList:': { opcode: 'data_hidelist', argMap: [ { type: 'field', fieldName: 'LIST' } ] }, 'procDef': { opcode: 'procedures_defnoreturn', argMap: [] }, 'getParam': { opcode: 'procedures_param', argMap: [] }, 'call': { opcode: 'procedures_callnoreturn', argMap: [] } }; module.exports = specMap;