const path = require('path'); const test = require('tap').test; const makeTestStorage = require('../fixtures/make-test-storage'); const readFileToBuffer = require('../fixtures/readProjectFile').readFileToBuffer; const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/index'); const Variable = require('../../src/engine/variable'); const StringUtil = require('../../src/util/string-util'); const VariableUtil = require('../../src/util/variable-util'); const projectUri = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/variable_characters.sb3'); const project = readFileToBuffer(projectUri); test('importing sb2 project with special chars in variable names', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.attachStorage(makeTestStorage()); // Evaluate playground data and exit vm.on('playgroundData', e => { const threads = JSON.parse(e.threads); // All monitors should create threads that finish during the step and // are revoved from runtime.threads. t.equal(threads.length, 0); // we care that the last step updated the right number of monitors // we don't care whether the last step ran other threads or not const lastStepUpdatedMonitorThreads = vm.runtime._lastStepDoneThreads.filter(thread => thread.updateMonitor); t.equal(lastStepUpdatedMonitorThreads.length, 3); t.equal(vm.runtime.targets.length, 3); const stage = vm.runtime.targets[0]; const cat = vm.runtime.targets[1]; const bananas = vm.runtime.targets[2]; const allVarListFields = VariableUtil.getAllVarRefsForTargets(vm.runtime.targets); const abVarId = Object.keys(stage.variables).filter(k => stage.variables[k].name === 'a&b')[0]; const abVar = stage.variables[abVarId]; const abMonitor = vm.runtime._monitorState.get(abVarId); // Check for unsafe characters, replaceUnsafeChars should just result in the original string // (e.g. there was nothing to replace) // Check that the variable ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(abVarId), abVarId); // Check that the monitor record ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; // Check that the variable still has the correct info t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; t.equal(, abVarId); t.equal(abVar.type, Variable.LIST_TYPE); t.equal(abVar.value[0], 'thing'); t.equal(abVar.value[1], 'thing\'1'); // Find all the references for this list, and verify they have the correct ID // There should be 3 fields, 2 on the stage, and one on the cat t.equal(allVarListFields[abVarId].length, 3); const stageBlocks = Object.keys(stage.blocks._blocks).map(blockId => stage.blocks._blocks[blockId]); const stageListBlocks = stageBlocks.filter(block => block.fields.hasOwnProperty('LIST')); t.equal(stageListBlocks.length, 2); t.equal(stageListBlocks[0], abVarId); t.equal(stageListBlocks[1], abVarId); const catBlocks = Object.keys(cat.blocks._blocks).map(blockId => cat.blocks._blocks[blockId]); const catListBlocks = catBlocks.filter(block => block.fields.hasOwnProperty('LIST')); t.equal(catListBlocks.length, 1); t.equal(catListBlocks[0], abVarId); const fooVarId = Object.keys(stage.variables).filter(k => stage.variables[k].name === '"foo')[0]; const fooVar = stage.variables[fooVarId]; const fooMonitor = vm.runtime._monitorState.get(fooVarId); // Check for unsafe characters, replaceUnsafeChars should just result in the original string // (e.g. there was nothing to replace) // Check that the variable ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(fooVarId), fooVarId); // Check that the monitor record ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; // Check that the variable still has the correct info t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; t.equal(, fooVarId); t.equal(fooVar.type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(fooVar.value, 'foo'); // Find all the references for this variable, and verify they have the correct ID // There should be only two, one on the stage and one on bananas t.equal(allVarListFields[fooVarId].length, 2); const stageVarBlocks = stageBlocks.filter(block => block.fields.hasOwnProperty('VARIABLE')); t.equal(stageVarBlocks.length, 1); t.equal(stageVarBlocks[0], fooVarId); const catVarBlocks = catBlocks.filter(block => block.fields.hasOwnProperty('VARIABLE')); t.equal(catVarBlocks.length, 1); t.equal(catVarBlocks[0], fooVarId); const ltPerfectVarId = Object.keys(bananas.variables).filter(k => bananas.variables[k].name === '< Perfect')[0]; const ltPerfectVar = bananas.variables[ltPerfectVarId]; const ltPerfectMonitor = vm.runtime._monitorState.get(ltPerfectVarId); // Check for unsafe characters, replaceUnsafeChars should just result in the original string // (e.g. there was nothing to replace) // Check that the variable ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(ltPerfectVarId), ltPerfectVarId); // Check that the monitor record ID does not have any unsafe characters t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; // Check that the variable still has the correct info t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(,; t.equal(, ltPerfectVarId); t.equal(ltPerfectVar.type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(ltPerfectVar.value, '> perfect'); // Find all the references for this variable, and verify they have the correct ID // There should be one t.equal(allVarListFields[ltPerfectVarId].length, 1); const bananasBlocks = Object.keys(bananas.blocks._blocks).map(blockId => bananas.blocks._blocks[blockId]); const bananasVarBlocks = bananasBlocks.filter(block => block.fields.hasOwnProperty('VARIABLE')); t.equal(bananasVarBlocks.length, 1); t.equal(bananasVarBlocks[0], ltPerfectVarId); t.end(); process.nextTick(process.exit); }); // Start VM, load project, and run t.doesNotThrow(() => { vm.start(); vm.clear(); vm.setCompatibilityMode(false); vm.setTurboMode(false); vm.loadProject(project).then(() => { vm.greenFlag(); setTimeout(() => { vm.getPlaygroundData(); vm.stopAll(); }, 100); }); }); });