const test = require('tap').test; const Sequencer = require('../../src/engine/sequencer'); const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); const Thread = require('../../src/engine/thread'); const RenderedTarget = require('../../src/sprites/rendered-target'); const Sprite = require('../../src/sprites/sprite'); test('spec', t => { t.type(Sequencer, 'function'); const r = new Runtime(); const s = new Sequencer(r); t.type(s, 'object'); t.ok(s instanceof Sequencer); t.type(s.stepThreads, 'function'); t.type(s.stepThread, 'function'); t.type(s.stepToBranch, 'function'); t.type(s.stepToProcedure, 'function'); t.type(s.retireThread, 'function'); t.end(); }); const randomString = function () { const top = Math.random().toString(36); return top.substring(7); }; const generateBlock = function (id) { const block = {fields: Object, id: id, inputs: {}, STEPS: Object, block: 'fakeBlock', name: 'fakeName', next: null, opcode: 'procedures_definition', mutation: {proccode: 'fakeCode'}, parent: null, shadow: false, topLevel: true, x: 0, y: 0 }; return block; }; const generateBlockInput = function (id, next, inp) { const block = {fields: Object, id: id, inputs: {SUBSTACK: {block: inp, name: 'SUBSTACK'}}, STEPS: Object, block: 'fakeBlock', name: 'fakeName', next: next, opcode: 'procedures_definition', mutation: {proccode: 'fakeCode'}, parent: null, shadow: false, topLevel: true, x: 0, y: 0 }; return block; }; const generateThread = function (runtime) { const s = new Sprite(null, runtime); const rt = new RenderedTarget(s, runtime); const th = new Thread(randomString()); let next = randomString(); let inp = randomString(); let name = th.topBlock; rt.blocks.createBlock(generateBlockInput(name, next, inp)); th.pushStack(name); rt.blocks.createBlock(generateBlock(inp)); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { name = next; next = randomString(); inp = randomString(); rt.blocks.createBlock(generateBlockInput(name, next, inp)); th.pushStack(name); rt.blocks.createBlock(generateBlock(inp)); } rt.blocks.createBlock(generateBlock(next)); th.pushStack(next); = rt; th.blockContainer = rt.blocks; runtime.threads.push(th); return th; }; test('stepThread', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const s = new Sequencer(r); let th = generateThread(r); t.notEquals(th.status, Thread.STATUS_DONE); s.stepThread(th); t.strictEquals(th.status, Thread.STATUS_DONE); th = generateThread(r); th.status = Thread.STATUS_YIELD; s.stepThread(th); t.notEquals(th.status, Thread.STATUS_DONE); th.status = Thread.STATUS_PROMISE_WAIT; s.stepThread(th); t.notEquals(th.status, Thread.STATUS_DONE); t.end(); }); test('stepToBranch', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const s = new Sequencer(r); const th = generateThread(r); s.stepToBranch(th, 2, false); t.strictEquals(th.peekStack(), null); th.popStack(); s.stepToBranch(th, 1, false); t.strictEquals(th.peekStack(), null); th.popStack(); th.popStack(); s.stepToBranch(th, 1, false); t.notEquals(th.peekStack(), null); t.end(); }); test('retireThread', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const s = new Sequencer(r); const th = generateThread(r); t.strictEquals(th.stack.length, 11); s.retireThread(th); t.strictEquals(th.stack.length, 0); t.strictEquals(th.status, Thread.STATUS_DONE); t.end(); }); test('stepToProcedure', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const s = new Sequencer(r); const th = generateThread(r); let expectedBlock = th.peekStack(); s.stepToProcedure(th, ''); t.strictEquals(th.peekStack(), expectedBlock); s.stepToProcedure(th, 'faceCode'); t.strictEquals(th.peekStack(), expectedBlock);{ id: 'internalId', opcode: 'procedures_prototype', mutation: { proccode: 'othercode' } }); expectedBlock = th.stack[th.stack.length - 4]; = { type: 'custom_block', block: 'internalId' }; s.stepToProcedure(th, 'othercode'); t.strictEquals(th.peekStack(), expectedBlock); t.end(); }); test('stepThreads', t => { const r = new Runtime(); r.currentStepTime = Infinity; const s = new Sequencer(r); t.strictEquals(s.stepThreads().length, 0); generateThread(r); t.strictEquals(r.threads.length, 1); // Threads should be marked DONE and removed in the same step they finish. t.strictEquals(s.stepThreads().length, 1); t.end(); });