const test = require('tap').test; const Target = require('../../src/engine/target'); const Variable = require('../../src/engine/variable'); const adapter = require('../../src/engine/adapter'); const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); const events = require('../fixtures/events.json'); test('spec', t => { const target = new Target(); t.type(Target, 'function'); t.type(target, 'object'); t.ok(target instanceof Target); t.type(, 'string'); t.type(target.blocks, 'object'); t.type(target.variables, 'object'); t.type(target.comments, 'object'); t.type(target._customState, 'object'); t.type(target.createVariable, 'function'); t.type(target.renameVariable, 'function'); t.end(); }); // Create Variable tests. test('createVariable', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(variable.type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(variable.value, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, false); t.end(); }); // Create Same Variable twice. test('createVariable2', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); t.end(); }); // Create a list test('createListVariable creates a list', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.LIST_TYPE); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(variable.type, Variable.LIST_TYPE); t.assert(variable.value instanceof Array, true); t.equal(variable.value.length, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, false); t.end(); }); test('createVariable calls cloud io device\'s requestCreateVariable', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); // Mock the requestCreateVariable function let requestCreateCloudWasCalled = false; = () => { requestCreateCloudWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = true; target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true /* isCloud */); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(variable.type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(variable.value, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, true); t.equal(requestCreateCloudWasCalled, true); t.end(); }); test('createVariable does not call cloud io device\'s requestCreateVariable if target is not stage', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); // Mock the requestCreateVariable function let requestCreateCloudWasCalled = false; = () => { requestCreateCloudWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true /* isCloud */); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(variable.type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(variable.value, 0); // isCloud flag doesn't get set if the target is not the stage t.equal(variable.isCloud, false); t.equal(requestCreateCloudWasCalled, false); t.end(); }); test('createVariable throws when given invalid type', t => { const target = new Target(); t.throws( (() => target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', 'baz')), new Error('Invalid variable type: baz') ); t.end(); }); // Rename Variable tests. test('renameVariable', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.renameVariable('foo', 'bar2'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar2'); t.equal(variable.value, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, false); t.end(); }); // Rename Variable that doesn't exist. test('renameVariable2', t => { const target = new Target(); target.renameVariable('foo', 'bar2'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); t.end(); }); // Rename Variable that with id that exists as another variable's name. // Expect no change. test('renameVariable3', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo1', 'foo', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.renameVariable('foo', 'bar2'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo1'); t.equal(, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('renameVariable calls cloud io device\'s requestRenameVariable function', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); let requestRenameVariableWasCalled = false; = () => { requestRenameVariableWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = true; const mockCloudVar = new Variable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true); target.variables[] = mockCloudVar; runtime.targets.push(target); target.renameVariable('foo', 'bar2'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar2'); t.equal(variable.value, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, true); t.equal(requestRenameVariableWasCalled, true); t.end(); }); test('renameVariable does not call cloud io device\'s requestRenameVariable function if target is not stage', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); let requestRenameVariableWasCalled = false; = () => { requestRenameVariableWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); const mockCloudVar = new Variable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true); target.variables[] = mockCloudVar; runtime.targets.push(target); target.renameVariable('foo', 'bar2'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const variable = variables[Object.keys(variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar2'); t.equal(variable.value, 0); t.equal(variable.isCloud, true); t.equal(requestRenameVariableWasCalled, false); t.end(); }); // Delete Variable tests. test('deleteVariable', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.deleteVariable('foo'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); t.end(); }); // Delete Variable that doesn't exist. test('deleteVariable2', t => { const target = new Target(); target.deleteVariable('foo'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); t.end(); }); test('deleteVariable calls cloud io device\'s requestRenameVariable function', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); let requestDeleteVariableWasCalled = false; = () => { requestDeleteVariableWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = true; const mockCloudVar = new Variable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true); target.variables[] = mockCloudVar; runtime.targets.push(target); target.deleteVariable('foo'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); t.equal(requestDeleteVariableWasCalled, true); t.end(); }); test('deleteVariable calls cloud io device\'s requestRenameVariable function', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); let requestDeleteVariableWasCalled = false; = () => { requestDeleteVariableWasCalled = true; }; const target = new Target(runtime); const mockCloudVar = new Variable('foo', 'bar', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE, true); target.variables[] = mockCloudVar; runtime.targets.push(target); target.deleteVariable('foo'); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); t.equal(requestDeleteVariableWasCalled, false); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariable creates a new variable with a new ID by default', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('a var ID', 'foo', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); const originalVariable = target.variables['a var ID']; originalVariable.value = 10; const newVariable = target.duplicateVariable('a var ID'); // Duplicating a variable should not add the variable to the current target t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); // Duplicate variable should have a different ID from the original unless specified to keep the original ID. t.notEqual(, 'a var ID'); t.type(target.variables[], 'undefined'); // Duplicate variable should start out with the same value as the original variable t.equal(newVariable.value, originalVariable.value); // Modifying one variable should not modify the other newVariable.value = 15; t.notEqual(newVariable.value, originalVariable.value); t.equal(originalVariable.value, 10); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariable creates new array reference for list variable.value', t => { const target = new Target(); const arr = [1, 2, 3]; target.createVariable('a var ID', arr, Variable.LIST_TYPE); const originalVariable = target.variables['a var ID']; const newVariable = target.duplicateVariable('a var ID'); // Values are deeply equal but not the same object t.deepEqual(originalVariable.value, newVariable.value); t.notEqual(originalVariable.value, newVariable.value); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariable creates a new variable with a original ID if specified', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('a var ID', 'foo', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); const originalVariable = target.variables['a var ID']; originalVariable.value = 10; const newVariable = target.duplicateVariable('a var ID', true); // Duplicating a variable should not add the variable to the current target t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); // Duplicate variable should have the same ID as the original when specified t.equal(, 'a var ID'); // Duplicate variable should start out with the same value as the original variable t.equal(newVariable.value, originalVariable.value); // Modifying one variable should not modify the other newVariable.value = 15; t.notEqual(newVariable.value, originalVariable.value); t.equal(originalVariable.value, 10); // The target should still have the original variable with the original value t.equal(target.variables['a var ID'].value, 10); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariable returns null if variable with specified ID does not exist', t => { const target = new Target(); const variable = target.duplicateVariable('a var ID'); t.equal(variable, null); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0); target.createVariable('var id', 'foo', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); const anotherVariable = target.duplicateVariable('another var ID'); t.equal(anotherVariable, null); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.variables['another var ID'], 'undefined'); t.type(target.variables['var id'], 'object'); t.notEqual(target.variables['var id'], null); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariables duplicates all variables', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('var ID 1', 'var1', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.createVariable('var ID 2', 'var2', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 2); const var1 = target.variables['var ID 1']; const var2 = target.variables['var ID 2']; var1.value = 3; var2.value = 'foo'; const duplicateVariables = target.duplicateVariables(); // Duplicating a target's variables should not change the target's own variables. t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 2); t.equal(Object.keys(duplicateVariables).length, 2); // Should be able to find original var IDs in both this target's variables and // the duplicate variables since a blocks container was not specified. t.equal(target.variables.hasOwnProperty('var ID 1'), true); t.equal(target.variables.hasOwnProperty('var ID 2'), true); t.equal(duplicateVariables.hasOwnProperty('var ID 1'), true); t.equal(duplicateVariables.hasOwnProperty('var ID 1'), true); // Values of the duplicate varaiables should match the value of the original values at the time of duplication t.equal(target.variables['var ID 1'].value, duplicateVariables['var ID 1'].value); t.equal(duplicateVariables['var ID 1'].value, 3); t.equal(target.variables['var ID 2'].value, duplicateVariables['var ID 2'].value); t.equal(duplicateVariables['var ID 2'].value, 'foo'); // The two sets of variables should still be distinct, modifying the target's variables // should not affect the duplicated variables, and vice-versa var1.value = 10; t.equal(target.variables['var ID 1'].value, 10); t.equal(duplicateVariables['var ID 1'].value, 3); // should remain unchanged from initial value duplicateVariables['var ID 2'].value = 'bar'; t.equal(target.variables['var ID 2'].value, 'foo'); // Deleting a variable on the target should not change the duplicated variables target.deleteVariable('var ID 1'); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(duplicateVariables).length, 2); t.type(duplicateVariables['var ID 1'], 'object'); t.notEqual(duplicateVariables['var ID 1'], null); t.end(); }); test('duplicateVariables re-IDs variables when a block container is provided', t => { const target = new Target(); target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.createVariable('another var id', 'var2', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); // Create a block on the target which references the variable with id 'mock var id' target.blocks.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.value, 'a mock variable'); // Deep clone this target's blocks to pass in to 'duplicateVariables' const copiedBlocks = target.blocks.duplicate(); // The copied block should still have the same ID, and its VARIABLE field should still refer to // the original variable id t.type(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.value, 'a mock variable'); const duplicateVariables = target.duplicateVariables(copiedBlocks); // Duplicate variables should have new IDs t.equal(Object.keys(duplicateVariables).length, 2); t.type(duplicateVariables['mock var id'], 'undefined'); t.type(duplicateVariables['another var id'], 'undefined'); // Duplicate variables still have the same names.. const dupes = Object.values(duplicateVariables); const dupeVarNames = =>; t.notEqual(dupeVarNames.indexOf('a mock variable'), -1); t.notEqual(dupeVarNames.indexOf('var2'), -1); // Duplicating variables should not change blocks on current target t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.value, 'a mock variable'); // The copied blocks passed into duplicateVariables should now reference the new // variable ID const mockVariableDupe = dupes[dupeVarNames.indexOf('a mock variable')]; const mockVarDupeID =; t.type(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.equal(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block'), mockVarDupeID); t.equal(copiedBlocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE.value, 'a mock variable'); t.end(); }); test('lookupOrCreateList creates a list if var with given id or var with given name does not exist', t => { const target = new Target(); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); const listVar = target.lookupOrCreateList('foo', 'bar'); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('lookupOrCreateList returns list if one with given id exists', t => { const target = new Target(); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.LIST_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const listVar = target.lookupOrCreateList('foo', 'bar'); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('lookupOrCreateList succeeds in finding list if id is incorrect but name matches', t => { const target = new Target(); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.LIST_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const listVar = target.lookupOrCreateList('not foo', 'bar'); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('lookupBroadcastMsg returns the var with given id if exists', t => { const target = new Target(); const variables = target.variables; t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 0); target.createVariable('foo', 'bar', Variable.BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); const broadcastMsg = target.lookupBroadcastMsg('foo', 'bar'); t.equal(Object.keys(variables).length, 1); t.equal(, 'foo'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('createComment adds a comment to the target', t => { const target = new Target(); const comments = target.comments; t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 0); target.createComment('a comment', null, 'some comment text', 10, 20, 200, 300, true); t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 1); const comment = comments['a comment']; t.notEqual(comment, null); t.equal(comment.blockId, null); t.equal(comment.text, 'some comment text'); t.equal(comment.x, 10); t.equal(comment.y, 20); t.equal(comment.width, 200); t.equal(comment.height, 300); t.equal(comment.minimized, true); t.end(); }); test('creating comment with id that already exists does not change existing comment', t => { const target = new Target(); const comments = target.comments; t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 0); target.createComment('a comment', null, 'some comment text', 10, 20, 200, 300, true); t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 1); target.createComment('a comment', null, 'some new comment text', 40, 50, 300, 400, false); const comment = comments['a comment']; t.notEqual(comment, null); // All of the comment properties should remain unchanged from the first // time createComment was called t.equal(comment.blockId, null); t.equal(comment.text, 'some comment text'); t.equal(comment.x, 10); t.equal(comment.y, 20); t.equal(comment.width, 200); t.equal(comment.height, 300); t.equal(comment.minimized, true); t.end(); }); test('creating a comment with a blockId also updates the comment property on the block', t => { const target = new Target(); const comments = target.comments; // Create a mock block on the target target.blocks = { 'a mock block': { id: 'a mock block' } }; // Mock the getBlock function that's used in commentCreate target.blocks.getBlock = id => target.blocks[id]; t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 0); target.createComment('a comment', 'a mock block', 'some comment text', 10, 20, 200, 300, true); t.equal(Object.keys(comments).length, 1); const comment = comments['a comment']; t.equal(comment.blockId, 'a mock block'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a mock block').comment, 'a comment'); t.end(); }); test('fixUpVariableReferences fixes sprite global var conflicting with project global var', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); const stage = new Target(runtime); stage.isStage = true; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; runtime.targets = [stage, target]; // Create a global variable stage.createVariable('pre-existing global var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.blocks.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); target.fixUpVariableReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'pre-existing global var id'); t.end(); }); test('fixUpVariableReferences fixes sprite local var conflicting with project global var', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); const stage = new Target(runtime); stage.isStage = true; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; target.getName = () => 'Target'; runtime.targets = [stage, target]; // Create a global variable stage.createVariable('pre-existing global var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.blocks.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable'); target.fixUpVariableReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'Target: a mock variable'); t.end(); }); test('fixUpVariableReferences fixes conflicting sprite local var without blocks referencing var', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); const stage = new Target(runtime); stage.isStage = true; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; target.getName = () => 'Target'; runtime.targets = [stage, target]; // Create a global variable stage.createVariable('pre-existing global var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable'); target.fixUpVariableReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'Target: a mock variable'); t.end(); }); test('fixUpVariableReferences fixes sprite global var conflicting with other sprite\'s local var', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); const stage = new Target(runtime); stage.isStage = true; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; const existingTarget = new Target(runtime); existingTarget.isStage = false; runtime.targets = [stage, target, existingTarget]; // Create a local variable on the pre-existing target existingTarget.createVariable('pre-existing local var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.blocks.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); t.equal(Object.keys(existingTarget.variables).length, 1); const existingVariable = Object.values(existingTarget.variables)[0]; t.equal(, 'a mock variable'); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 0); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); target.fixUpVariableReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(existingTarget.variables).length, 1); t.equal(, 'a mock variable'); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 0); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 1); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); const newGlobal = stage.variables[Object.keys(stage.variables)[0]]; t.equal(, 'a mock variable2'); t.end(); }); test('fixUpVariableReferences does not change variable name if there is no variable conflict', t => { const runtime = new Runtime(); const stage = new Target(runtime); stage.isStage = true; const target = new Target(runtime); target.isStage = false; target.getName = () => 'Target'; runtime.targets = [stage, target]; // Create a global variable stage.createVariable('pre-existing global var id', 'a variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); stage.createVariable('pre-existing global list id', 'a mock variable', Variable.LIST_TYPE); target.createVariable('mock var id', 'a mock variable', Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); target.blocks.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 2); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable'); target.fixUpVariableReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(target.variables).length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(stage.variables).length, 2); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields, 'object'); t.type(target.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE, 'object'); t.equal(target.blocks.getBlock('a block'), 'mock var id'); t.equal(target.variables['mock var id'].name, 'a mock variable'); t.end(); });