const Scratch = window.Scratch = window.Scratch || {}; const ASSET_SERVER = ''; const PROJECT_SERVER = ''; const SLOW = .1; const projectInput = document.querySelector('input'); document.querySelector('.run') .addEventListener('click', () => { window.location.hash = projectInput.value; location.reload(); }, false); const loadProject = function () { let id = location.hash.substring(1); if (id.length < 1 || !isFinite(id)) { id = projectInput.value; } Scratch.vm.downloadProjectId(id); }; /** * @param {Asset} asset - calculate a URL for this asset. * @returns {string} a URL to download a project file. */ const getProjectUrl = function (asset) { const assetIdParts = asset.assetId.split('.'); const assetUrlParts = [PROJECT_SERVER, 'internalapi/project/', assetIdParts[0], '/get/']; if (assetIdParts[1]) { assetUrlParts.push(assetIdParts[1]); } return assetUrlParts.join(''); }; /** * @param {Asset} asset - calculate a URL for this asset. * @returns {string} a URL to download a project asset (PNG, WAV, etc.) */ const getAssetUrl = function (asset) { const assetUrlParts = [ ASSET_SERVER, 'internalapi/asset/', asset.assetId, '.', asset.dataFormat, '/get/' ]; return assetUrlParts.join(''); }; class LoadingProgress { constructor (callback) { = 0; this.complete = 0; this.callback = callback; } on (storage) { const _this = this; const _load = storage.webHelper.load; storage.webHelper.load = function (...args) { const result =, ...args); += 1; _this.callback(_this); result.then(() => { _this.complete += 1; _this.callback(_this); }); return result; }; } } class StatTable { constructor ({table, keys, viewOf, isSlow}) { this.table = table; if (keys) { this.keys = keys; } if (viewOf) { this.viewOf = viewOf; } if (isSlow) { this.isSlow = isSlow; } } render () { const table = this.table; Array.from(table.children) .forEach(node => table.removeChild(node)); const keys = this.keys(); for (const key of keys) { this.viewOf(key).render({ table, isSlow: frame => this.isSlow(key, frame) }); } } } class StatView { constructor (name) { = name; this.executions = 0; this.selfTime = 0; this.totalTime = 0; } update (selfTime, totalTime) { this.executions++; this.selfTime += selfTime; this.totalTime += totalTime; } render ({table, isSlow}) { const row = document.createElement('tr'); let cell = document.createElement('td'); cell.innerText =; row.appendChild(cell); if (isSlow(this)) { row.setAttribute('class', 'slow'); } cell = document.createElement('td'); cell.innerText = (this.selfTime / 1000).toPrecision(3); row.appendChild(cell); cell = document.createElement('td'); cell.innerText = (this.totalTime / 1000).toPrecision(3); row.appendChild(cell); cell = document.createElement('td'); cell.innerText = this.executions; row.appendChild(cell); table.appendChild(row); } } class RunningStats { constructor (profiler) { this.stepThreadsInnerId = profiler.idByName('Sequencer.stepThreads#inner'); this.blockFunctionId = profiler.idByName('blockFunction'); this.stpeThreadsId = profiler.idByName('Sequencer.stepThreads'); this.recordedTime = 0; this.executed = { steps: 0, blocks: 0 }; } update (id, selfTime, totalTime) { if (id === this.stpeThreadsId) { this.recordedTime += totalTime; } else if (id === this.stepThreadsInnerId) { this.executed.steps++; } else if (id === this.blockFunctionId) { this.executed.blocks++; } } } const WORK_TIME = 0.75; class RunningStatsView { constructor ({runningStats, maxRecordedTime, dom}) { this.recordedTimeDom = dom.getElementsByClassName('profile-count-amount-recorded')[0]; this.stepsLoopedDom = dom.getElementsByClassName('profile-count-steps-looped')[0]; this.blocksExecutedDom = dom.getElementsByClassName('profile-count-blocks-executed')[0]; this.maxRecordedTime = maxRecordedTime; this.maxWorkedTime = maxRecordedTime * WORK_TIME; this.runningStats = runningStats; } render () { const { runningStats, recordedTimeDom, stepsLoopedDom, blocksExecutedDom } = this; const {executed} = runningStats; const fractionWorked = runningStats.recordedTime / this.maxWorkedTime; recordedTimeDom.innerText = `${(fractionWorked * 100).toFixed(1)} %`; stepsLoopedDom.innerText = executed.steps; blocksExecutedDom.innerText = executed.blocks; } } class Frames { constructor (profiler) { this.profiler = profiler; this.frames = []; } update (id, selfTime, totalTime) { if (!this.frames[id]) { this.frames[id] = new StatView(this.profiler.nameById(id)); } this.frames[id].update(selfTime, totalTime); } } const frameOrder = [ 'blockFunction', 'execute', 'Sequencer.stepThread', 'Sequencer.stepThreads#inner', 'Sequencer.stepThreads', 'RenderWebGL.draw', 'Runtime._step' ]; class FramesTable extends StatTable { constructor (options) { super(options); this.profiler = options.profiler; this.frames = options.frames; } keys () { const keys = Object.keys(this.frames.frames) .map(id => this.profiler.nameById(Number(id))); keys.sort((a, b) => frameOrder.indexOf(a) - frameOrder.indexOf(b)); return keys; } viewOf (key) { return this.frames.frames[this.profiler.idByName(key)]; } isSlow (key, frame) { return ([ 'Sequencer.stepThreads', 'Sequencer.stepThreads#inner', 'Sequencer.stepThread', 'execute' ].indexOf(key) > 0 && frame.selfTime / frame.totalTime > SLOW); } } class Opcodes { constructor (profiler) { this.blockFunctionId = profiler.idByName('blockFunction'); this.opcodes = {}; } update (id, selfTime, totalTime, arg) { if (id === this.blockFunctionId) { if (!this.opcodes[arg]) { this.opcodes[arg] = new StatView(arg); } this.opcodes[arg].update(selfTime, totalTime); } } } class OpcodeTable extends StatTable { constructor (options) { super(options); this.profiler = options.profiler; this.opcodes = options.opcodes; this.frames = options.frames; } keys () { const keys = Object.keys(this.opcodes.opcodes); keys.sort(); return keys; } viewOf (key) { return this.opcodes.opcodes[key]; } isSlow (key) { const blockFunctionTotalTime = this.frames.frames[this.profiler.idByName('blockFunction')].totalTime; const rowTotalTime = this.opcodes.opcodes[key].totalTime; const percentOfRun = rowTotalTime / blockFunctionTotalTime; return percentOfRun > SLOW; } } class ProfilerRun { constructor ({vm, maxRecordedTime, warmUpTime}) { this.vm = vm; this.maxRecordedTime = maxRecordedTime; this.warmUpTime = warmUpTime; vm.runtime.enableProfiling(); const profiler = this.profiler = vm.runtime.profiler; vm.runtime.profiler = null; const runningStats = this.runningStats = new RunningStats(profiler); const runningStatsView = this.runningStatsView = new RunningStatsView({ dom: document.getElementsByClassName('profile-count-group')[0], runningStats, maxRecordedTime: 6000 }); const frames = this.frames = new Frames(profiler); this.frameTable = new FramesTable({ table: document .getElementsByClassName('profile-count-frame-table')[0] .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0], profiler, frames }); const opcodes = this.opcodes = new Opcodes(profiler); this.opcodeTable = new OpcodeTable({ table: document .getElementsByClassName('profile-count-opcode-table')[0] .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0], profiler, opcodes, frames }); const stepId = profiler.idByName('Runtime._step'); profiler.onFrame = ({id, selfTime, totalTime, arg}) => { if (id === stepId) { runningStatsView.render(); } runningStats.update(id, selfTime, totalTime, arg); opcodes.update(id, selfTime, totalTime, arg); frames.update(id, selfTime, totalTime, arg); }; } run () { loadProject(); this.vm.on('workspaceUpdate', () => { setTimeout(() => { this.vm.greenFlag(); }, 100); setTimeout(() => { this.vm.runtime.profiler = this.profiler; }, 100 + this.warmUpTime); setTimeout(() => { this.vm.stopAll(); clearTimeout(this.vm.runtime._steppingInterval); this.vm.runtime.profiler = null; this.frameTable.render(); this.opcodeTable.render(); }, 100 + this.warmUpTime + this.maxRecordedTime); }); } } window.onload = function () { // Lots of global variables to make debugging easier // Instantiate the VM. const vm = new window.VirtualMachine(); Scratch.vm = vm; vm.setTurboMode(true); const storage = new ScratchStorage(); /* global ScratchStorage */ const AssetType = storage.AssetType; storage.addWebSource([AssetType.Project], getProjectUrl); storage.addWebSource([AssetType.ImageVector, AssetType.ImageBitmap, AssetType.Sound], getAssetUrl); vm.attachStorage(storage); new LoadingProgress(progress => { document.getElementsByClassName('loading-total')[0] .innerText =; document.getElementsByClassName('loading-complete')[0] .innerText = progress.complete; }).on(storage); new ProfilerRun({ vm, warmUpTime: 4000, maxRecordedTime: 6000 }).run(); // Instantiate the renderer and connect it to the VM. const canvas = document.getElementById('scratch-stage'); const renderer = new window.RenderWebGL(canvas); Scratch.renderer = renderer; vm.attachRenderer(renderer); const audioEngine = new window.AudioEngine(); vm.attachAudioEngine(audioEngine); // Feed mouse events as VM I/O events. document.addEventListener('mousemove', e => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const coordinates = { x: e.clientX - rect.left, y: e.clientY -, canvasWidth: rect.width, canvasHeight: rect.height }; Scratch.vm.postIOData('mouse', coordinates); }); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const data = { isDown: true, x: e.clientX - rect.left, y: e.clientY -, canvasWidth: rect.width, canvasHeight: rect.height }; Scratch.vm.postIOData('mouse', data); e.preventDefault(); }); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); const data = { isDown: false, x: e.clientX - rect.left, y: e.clientY -, canvasWidth: rect.width, canvasHeight: rect.height }; Scratch.vm.postIOData('mouse', data); e.preventDefault(); }); // Feed keyboard events as VM I/O events. document.addEventListener('keydown', e => { // Don't capture keys intended for Blockly inputs. if ( !== document && !== document.body) { return; } Scratch.vm.postIOData('keyboard', { keyCode: e.keyCode, isDown: true }); e.preventDefault(); }); document.addEventListener('keyup', e => { // Always capture up events, // even those that have switched to other targets. Scratch.vm.postIOData('keyboard', { keyCode: e.keyCode, isDown: false }); // E.g., prevent scroll. if ( !== document && !== document.body) { e.preventDefault(); } }); // Run threads vm.start(); };