const test = require('tap').test; const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/virtual-machine.js'); test('renameSprite throws when there is no sprite with that id', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => null; t.throws( (() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')), new Error('No target with the provided id.') ); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite throws when used on a non-sprite target', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const fakeTarget = { isSprite: () => false }; vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget); t.throws( (() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')), new Error('Cannot rename non-sprite targets.') ); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite throws when there is no sprite for given target', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const fakeTarget = { sprite: null, isSprite: () => true }; vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget); t.throws( (() => vm.renameSprite('id', 'name')), new Error('No sprite associated with this target.') ); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite sets the sprite name', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const fakeTarget = { sprite: {name: 'original'}, isSprite: () => true }; vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget); vm.renameSprite('id', 'not-original'); t.equal(, 'not-original'); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite does not set sprite names to an empty string', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const fakeTarget = { sprite: {name: 'original'}, isSprite: () => true }; vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget); vm.renameSprite('id', ''); t.equal(, 'original'); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite does not set sprite names to reserved names', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const fakeTarget = { sprite: {name: 'original'}, isSprite: () => true }; vm.runtime.getTargetById = () => (fakeTarget); vm.renameSprite('id', '_mouse_'); t.equal(, 'original'); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite increments from existing sprite names', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {}; vm.runtime.targets = [{ id: 'id1', isSprite: () => true, sprite: { name: 'this name' } }, { id: 'id2', isSprite: () => true, sprite: { name: 'that name' } }]; vm.renameSprite('id1', 'that name'); t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0], 'that name2'); t.end(); }); test('renameSprite does not increment when renaming to the same name', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.emitTargetsUpdate = () => {}; vm.runtime.targets = [{ id: 'id1', isSprite: () => true, sprite: { name: 'this name' } }]; vm.renameSprite('id1', 'this name'); t.equal(vm.runtime.targets[0], 'this name'); t.end(); }); test('renameSound sets the sound name', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.editingTarget = { sprite: { sounds: [{name: 'first'}, {name: 'second'}] } }; vm.renameSound(0, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.sounds[0].name, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.sounds[1].name, 'second'); // Make sure renaming to same name doesn't increment vm.renameSound(0, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.sounds[0].name, 'hello'); // But renaming to used name does increment vm.renameSound(1, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.sounds[1].name, 'hello2'); t.end(); }); test('renameCostume sets the costume name', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.editingTarget = { sprite: { costumes: [{name: 'first'}, {name: 'second'}] } }; vm.renameCostume(0, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.costumes[0].name, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.costumes[1].name, 'second'); // Make sure renaming to same name doesn't increment vm.renameCostume(0, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.costumes[0].name, 'hello'); // But renaming to used name does increment vm.renameCostume(1, 'hello'); t.equal(vm.editingTarget.sprite.costumes[1].name, 'hello2'); t.end(); }); test('emitWorkspaceUpdate', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.runtime.targets = [ { isStage: true, variables: { global: { toXML: () => 'global' } } }, { variables: { unused: { toXML: () => 'unused' } } }, { variables: { local: { toXML: () => 'local' } }, blocks: { toXML: () => 'blocks' } } ]; vm.editingTarget = vm.runtime.targets[2]; let xml = null; vm.emit = (event, data) => (xml = data.xml); vm.emitWorkspaceUpdate(); t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('global'), -1); t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('local'), -1); t.equal(xml.indexOf('unused'), -1); t.notEqual(xml.indexOf('blocks'), -1); t.end(); });