const test = require('tap').test; const StringUtil = require('../../src/util/string-util'); test('splitFirst', t => { t.deepEqual(StringUtil.splitFirst('asdf.1234', '.'), ['asdf', '1234']); t.deepEqual(StringUtil.splitFirst('asdf.', '.'), ['asdf', '']); t.deepEqual(StringUtil.splitFirst('.1234', '.'), ['', '1234']); t.deepEqual(StringUtil.splitFirst('foo', '.'), ['foo', null]); t.end(); }); test('withoutTrailingDigits', t => { t.strictEqual(StringUtil.withoutTrailingDigits('boeing747'), 'boeing'); t.strictEqual(StringUtil.withoutTrailingDigits('boeing747 '), 'boeing747 '); t.strictEqual(StringUtil.withoutTrailingDigits('boeing𝟨'), 'boeing𝟨'); t.strictEqual(StringUtil.withoutTrailingDigits('boeing 747'), 'boeing '); t.strictEqual(StringUtil.withoutTrailingDigits('747'), ''); t.end(); }); test('unusedName', t => { t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'name', ['not the same name'] ), 'name' ); t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'name', ['name'] ), 'name2' ); t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'name', ['name30'] ), 'name' ); t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'name', ['name', 'name2'] ), 'name3' ); t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'name', ['name', 'name3'] ), 'name2' ); t.strictEqual( StringUtil.unusedName( 'boeing747', ['boeing747'] ), 'boeing2' // Yup, this matches scratch-flash... ); t.end(); }); test('stringify', t => { const obj = { a: Infinity, b: NaN, c: -Infinity, d: 23, e: 'str', f: { nested: Infinity } }; const parsed = JSON.parse(StringUtil.stringify(obj)); t.equal(parsed.a, 0); t.equal(parsed.b, 0); t.equal(parsed.c, 0); t.equal(parsed.d, 23); t.equal(parsed.e, 'str'); t.equal(parsed.f.nested, 0); t.end(); }); test('replaceUnsafeChars', t => { const empty = ''; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(empty), empty); const safe = 'hello'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(safe), safe); const unsafe = '< > & \' "'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(unsafe), 'lt gt amp apos quot'); const single = '&'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(single), 'amp'); const mix = '<a>b& c\'def_-"'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(mix), 'ltagtbamp caposdef_-quot'); const dupes = '<<&_"_"_&>>'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(dupes), 'ltltamp_quot_quot_ampgtgt'); const emoji = '(>^_^)>'; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(emoji), '(gt^_^)gt'); t.end(); }); test('replaceUnsafeChars should handle non strings', t => { const array = ['hello', 'world']; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(array), String(array)); const arrayWithSpecialChar = ['hello', '<world>']; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(arrayWithSpecialChar), 'hello,ltworldgt'); const arrayWithNumbers = [1, 2, 3]; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(arrayWithNumbers), '1,2,3'); // Objects shouldn't get provided to replaceUnsafeChars, but in the event // they do, it should just return the object (and log an error) const object = {hello: 'world'}; t.equal(StringUtil.replaceUnsafeChars(object), object); t.end(); });