var MathUtil = require('../util/math-util'); var Cast = require('../util/cast'); var Scratch3SoundBlocks = function (runtime) { /** * The runtime instantiating this block package. * @type {Runtime} */ this.runtime = runtime; }; /** * Retrieve the block primitives implemented by this package. * @return {Object.} Mapping of opcode to Function. */ Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.getPrimitives = function () { return { sound_play: this.playSound, sound_playuntildone: this.playSoundAndWait, sound_stopallsounds: this.stopAllSounds, sound_playnoteforbeats: this.playNoteForBeats, sound_playdrumforbeats: this.playDrumForBeats, sound_restforbeats: this.restForBeats, sound_setinstrumentto: this.setInstrument, sound_seteffectto: this.setEffect, sound_changeeffectby: this.changeEffect, sound_cleareffects: this.clearEffects, sound_sounds_menu: this.soundsMenu, sound_beats_menu: this.beatsMenu, sound_effects_menu: this.effectsMenu, sound_setvolumeto: this.setVolume, sound_changevolumeby: this.changeVolume, sound_volume: this.getVolume, sound_settempotobpm: this.setTempo, sound_changetempoby: this.changeTempo, sound_tempo: this.getTempo }; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.playSound = function (args, util) { var index = this._getSoundIndex(args.SOUND_MENU, util);; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.playSoundAndWait = function (args, util) { var index = this._getSoundIndex(args.SOUND_MENU, util); return; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype._getSoundIndex = function (soundName, util) { // if the sprite has no sounds, return 0 if ( === 0) { return 0; } var index; // if the sound name is a number, wrapclamp it to a sound index if (Number(soundName)) { soundName = Number(soundName); var len =; index = MathUtil.wrapClamp(soundName, 1, len) - 1; } else { // else get the index for that sound of that name index =; // use zero if there is no sound by that name // to match scratch 2.0 behavior, we should instead play no sound in this case if (index === -1) { index = 0; } } return index; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.stopAllSounds = function (args, util) {; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.playNoteForBeats = function (args, util) { var note = Cast.toNumber(args.NOTE); var beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS); return, beats); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.playDrumForBeats = function (args, util) { var drum = Cast.toNumber(args.DRUM); drum -= 1; // drums are one-indexed drum = MathUtil.wrapClamp(drum, 0, this.runtime.audioEngine.numDrums); var beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS); return, beats); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.restForBeats = function (args) { var beats = Cast.toNumber(args.BEATS); return this.runtime.audioEngine.waitForBeats(beats); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.setInstrument = function (args, util) { var instNum = Cast.toNumber(args.INSTRUMENT); instNum -= 1; // instruments are one-indexed instNum = MathUtil.wrapClamp(instNum, 0, this.runtime.audioEngine.numInstruments);; return this.runtime.audioEngine.instrumentPlayer.loadInstrument(instNum); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.setEffect = function (args, util) { var effect = Cast.toString(args.EFFECT).toLowerCase(); var value = Cast.toNumber(args.VALUE);, value); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.changeEffect = function (args, util) { var effect = Cast.toString(args.EFFECT).toLowerCase(); var value = Cast.toNumber(args.VALUE); if (! return; var newValue = value +[effect];, newValue); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.clearEffects = function (args, util) {; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.setVolume = function (args, util) { var value = Cast.toNumber(args.VOLUME);; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.changeVolume = function (args, util) { var value = Cast.toNumber(args.VOLUME);; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.getVolume = function (args, util) { return; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.setTempo = function (args) { var value = Cast.toNumber(args.TEMPO); this.runtime.audioEngine.setTempo(value); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.changeTempo = function (args) { var value = Cast.toNumber(args.TEMPO); this.runtime.audioEngine.changeTempo(value); }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.getTempo = function () { return this.runtime.audioEngine.currentTempo; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.soundsMenu = function (args) { return args.SOUND_MENU; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.beatsMenu = function (args) { return args.BEATS; }; Scratch3SoundBlocks.prototype.effectsMenu = function (args) { return args.EFFECT; }; module.exports = Scratch3SoundBlocks;