var loadProject = function () { var id = location.hash.substring(1) || 119615668; var url = '' + id + '/get/'; var r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.addEventListener('load', function() { window.vm.loadProject(this.responseText); });'GET', url); r.send(); }; window.onload = function() { // Lots of global variables to make debugging easier var vm = new window.VirtualMachine(); window.vm = vm; // Loading projects from the server. document.getElementById('projectLoadButton').onclick = function () { document.location = '#' + document.getElementById('projectId').value; location.reload(); }; loadProject(); var canvas = document.getElementById('scratch-stage'); window.renderer = new window.RenderWebGLLocal(canvas); window.renderer.connectWorker(window.vm.vmWorker); var toolbox = document.getElementById('toolbox'); var workspace = window.Blockly.inject('blocks', { toolbox: toolbox, media: '../node_modules/scratch-blocks/media/', zoom: { controls: true, wheel: true, startScale: 0.75 }, colours: { workspace: '#334771', flyout: '#283856', scrollbar: '#24324D', scrollbarHover: '#0C111A', insertionMarker: '#FFFFFF', insertionMarkerOpacity: 0.3, fieldShadow: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)', dragShadowOpacity: 0.6 } }); window.workspace = workspace; // FPS counter. var stats = new window.Stats(); document.getElementById('tab-renderexplorer').appendChild(stats.dom); = 'relative'; stats.begin(); // Block events. // @todo: Re-enable flyout listening after fixing GH-69. workspace.addChangeListener(vm.blockListener); // Playground data var blockexplorer = document.getElementById('blockexplorer'); var updateBlockExplorer = function(blocks) { blockexplorer.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(blocks, null, 2); window.hljs.highlightBlock(blockexplorer); }; var threadexplorer = document.getElementById('threadexplorer'); var cachedThreadJSON = ''; var updateThreadExplorer = function (threads) { var newJSON = JSON.stringify(threads, null, 2); if (newJSON != cachedThreadJSON) { cachedThreadJSON = newJSON; threadexplorer.innerHTML = cachedThreadJSON; window.hljs.highlightBlock(threadexplorer); } }; // Only request data from the VM thread if the appropriate tab is open. window.exploreTabOpen = false; var getPlaygroundData = function () { vm.getPlaygroundData(); if (window.exploreTabOpen) { window.requestAnimationFrame(getPlaygroundData); } }; vm.on('playgroundData', function(data) { updateThreadExplorer(data.threads); updateBlockExplorer(data.blocks); }); vm.on('workspaceUpdate', function (data) { window.Blockly.Events.disable(); workspace.clear(); var dom = window.Blockly.Xml.textToDom(data.xml); window.Blockly.Xml.domToWorkspace(dom, workspace); window.Blockly.Events.enable(); }); var selectedTarget = document.getElementById('selectedTarget'); vm.on('targetsUpdate', function (data) { // Clear select box. while (selectedTarget.firstChild) { selectedTarget.removeChild(selectedTarget.firstChild); } // Generate new select box. for (var i = 0; i < data.targetList.length; i++) { var targetOption = document.createElement('option'); targetOption.setAttribute('value', data.targetList[i][0]); // If target id matches editingTarget id, select it. if (data.targetList[i][0] == data.editingTarget) { targetOption.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } targetOption.appendChild( document.createTextNode(data.targetList[i][1]) ); selectedTarget.appendChild(targetOption); } }); selectedTarget.onchange = function () { vm.setEditingTarget(this.value); }; // Feedback for stacks and blocks running. vm.on('STACK_GLOW_ON', function(data) { workspace.glowStack(, true); }); vm.on('STACK_GLOW_OFF', function(data) { workspace.glowStack(, false); }); vm.on('BLOCK_GLOW_ON', function(data) { workspace.glowBlock(, true); }); vm.on('BLOCK_GLOW_OFF', function(data) { workspace.glowBlock(, false); }); vm.on('VISUAL_REPORT', function(data) { workspace.reportValue(, data.value); }); // Feed mouse events as VM I/O events. document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); var coordinates = { x: e.clientX - rect.left - rect.width / 2, y: e.clientY - - rect.height / 2 }; window.vm.postIOData('mouse', coordinates); }); canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { window.vm.postIOData('mouse', {isDown: true}); e.preventDefault(); }); canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { window.vm.postIOData('mouse', {isDown: false}); e.preventDefault(); }); // Run threads vm.start(); // Inform VM of animation frames. var animate = function() { stats.end(); stats.begin(); window.vm.animationFrame(); requestAnimationFrame(animate); }; requestAnimationFrame(animate); // Handlers for green flag and stop all. document.getElementById('greenflag').addEventListener('click', function() { vm.greenFlag(); }); document.getElementById('stopall').addEventListener('click', function() { vm.stopAll(); }); var tabBlockExplorer = document.getElementById('tab-blockexplorer'); var tabThreadExplorer = document.getElementById('tab-threadexplorer'); var tabRenderExplorer = document.getElementById('tab-renderexplorer'); // Handlers to show different explorers. document.getElementById('threadexplorer-link').addEventListener('click', function () { window.exploreTabOpen = true; getPlaygroundData(); = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block'; }); document.getElementById('blockexplorer-link').addEventListener('click', function () { window.exploreTabOpen = true; getPlaygroundData(); = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'none'; }); document.getElementById('renderexplorer-link').addEventListener('click', function () { window.exploreTabOpen = false; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none'; }); };