const test = require('tap').test; const Blocks = require('../../src/engine/blocks'); const Variable = require('../../src/engine/variable'); const adapter = require('../../src/engine/adapter'); const events = require('../fixtures/events.json'); const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); test('spec', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); t.type(Blocks, 'function'); t.type(b, 'object'); t.ok(b instanceof Blocks); t.type(b._blocks, 'object'); t.type(b._scripts, 'object'); t.ok(Array.isArray(b._scripts)); t.type(b.createBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.moveBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.changeBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.deleteBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.getBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.getScripts, 'function'); t.type(b.getNextBlock, 'function'); t.type(b.getBranch, 'function'); t.type(b.getOpcode, 'function'); t.type(b.mutationToXML, 'function'); t.type(b.updateSensingOfReference, 'function'); t.end(); }); // Getter tests test('getBlock', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); const block = b.getBlock('foo'); t.type(block, 'object'); const notBlock = b.getBlock('?'); t.type(notBlock, 'undefined'); t.end(); }); test('getScripts', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); let scripts = b.getScripts(); t.type(scripts, 'object'); t.equals(scripts.length, 0); // Create two top-level blocks and one not. b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo3', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); scripts = b.getScripts(); t.type(scripts, 'object'); t.equals(scripts.length, 2); t.ok(scripts.indexOf('foo') > -1); t.ok(scripts.indexOf('foo2') > -1); t.equals(scripts.indexOf('foo3'), -1); t.end(); }); test('getNextBlock', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); let next = b.getNextBlock('foo'); t.equals(next, null); // Add a block with "foo" as its next. b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: 'foo', fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); next = b.getNextBlock('foo2'); t.equals(next, 'foo'); // Block that doesn't exist. const noBlock = b.getNextBlock('?'); t.equals(noBlock, null); t.end(); }); test('getBranch', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); // Single branch b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { SUBSTACK: { name: 'SUBSTACK', block: 'foo2', shadow: null } }, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); const branch = b.getBranch('foo'); t.equals(branch, 'foo2'); const notBranch = b.getBranch('?'); t.equals(notBranch, null); t.end(); }); test('getBranch2', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); // Second branch b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { SUBSTACK: { name: 'SUBSTACK', block: 'foo2', shadow: null }, SUBSTACK2: { name: 'SUBSTACK2', block: 'foo3', shadow: null } }, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo3', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); const branch1 = b.getBranch('foo', 1); const branch2 = b.getBranch('foo', 2); t.equals(branch1, 'foo2'); t.equals(branch2, 'foo3'); t.end(); }); test('getBranch with none', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); const noBranch = b.getBranch('foo'); t.equals(noBranch, null); t.end(); }); test('getOpcode', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); const block = { id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }; b.createBlock(block); const opcode = b.getOpcode(block); t.equals(opcode, 'TEST_BLOCK'); const undefinedBlock = b.getBlock('?'); const undefinedOpcode = b.getOpcode(undefinedBlock); t.equals(undefinedOpcode, null); t.end(); }); test('mutationToXML', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); const testStringRaw = '"arbitrary" & \'complicated\' test string'; const testStringEscaped = '\\"arbitrary\\" & 'complicated' test string'; const mutation = { tagName: 'mutation', children: [], blockInfo: { text: testStringRaw } }; const xml = b.mutationToXML(mutation); t.equals( xml, `<mutation blockInfo="{"text":"${testStringEscaped}"}"></mutation>` ); t.end(); }); // Block events tests test('create', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); t.type(, 'object'); t.equal(, 'TEST_BLOCK'); t.notEqual(b._scripts.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.end(); }); test('move', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'bar', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); // Attach 'bar' to the end of 'foo' b.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', newParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(b._scripts.length, 1); t.equal(Object.keys(b._blocks).length, 2); t.equal(, 'bar'); // Detach 'bar' from 'foo' b.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', oldParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(b._scripts.length, 2); t.equal(Object.keys(b._blocks).length, 2); t.equal(, null); t.end(); }); test('move into empty', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'bar', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', newInput: 'fooInput', newParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('move no obscure shadow', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { fooInput: { name: 'fooInput', block: 'x', shadow: 'y' } }, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'bar', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', newInput: 'fooInput', newParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(, 'y'); t.end(); }); test('move - attaching new shadow', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); // Block/shadow are null to mimic state right after a procedure_call block // is mutated by adding an input. The "move" will attach the new shadow. b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { fooInput: { name: 'fooInput', block: null, shadow: null } }, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'bar', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', shadow: true, next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.moveBlock({ id: 'bar', newInput: 'fooInput', newParent: 'foo' }); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.equal(, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('change', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: { someField: { name: 'someField', value: 'initial-value' } }, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); // Test that the field is updated t.equal(, 'initial-value'); b.changeBlock({ element: 'field', id: 'foo', name: 'someField', value: 'final-value' }); t.equal(, 'final-value'); // Invalid cases // No `element` b.changeBlock({ id: 'foo', name: 'someField', value: 'invalid-value' }); t.equal(, 'final-value'); // No block ID b.changeBlock({ element: 'field', name: 'someField', value: 'invalid-value' }); t.equal(, 'final-value'); // No such field b.changeBlock({ element: 'field', id: 'foo', name: 'someWrongField', value: 'final-value' }); t.equal(, 'final-value'); t.end(); }); test('delete', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.deleteBlock('foo'); t.type(, 'undefined'); t.equal(b._scripts.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.end(); }); test('delete chain', t => { // Create a chain of connected blocks and delete the top one. // All of them should be deleted. const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: 'foo2', fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: 'foo3', fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo3', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.deleteBlock('foo'); t.type(, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo2, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo3, 'undefined'); t.equal(b._scripts.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.equal(Object.keys(b._blocks).length, 0); t.equal(b._scripts.length, 0); t.end(); }); test('delete inputs', t => { // Create a block with two inputs, one of which has its own input. // Delete the block - all of them should be deleted. const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { input1: { name: 'input1', block: 'foo2', shadow: 'foo2' }, SUBSTACK: { name: 'SUBSTACK', block: 'foo3', shadow: null } }, topLevel: true }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo2', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo5', opcode: 'TEST_OBSCURED_SHADOW', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo3', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: { subinput: { name: 'subinput', block: 'foo4', shadow: 'foo5' } }, topLevel: false }); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo4', opcode: 'TEST_BLOCK', next: null, fields: {}, inputs: {}, topLevel: false }); b.deleteBlock('foo'); t.type(, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo2, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo3, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo4, 'undefined'); t.type(b._blocks.foo5, 'undefined'); t.equal(b._scripts.indexOf('foo'), -1); t.equal(Object.keys(b._blocks).length, 0); t.equal(b._scripts.length, 0); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName function updates name in sound field', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', fields: { SOUND_MENU: { name: 'SOUND_MENU', value: 'name1' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.SOUND_MENU.value, 'name1'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'sound'); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.SOUND_MENU.value, 'name2'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName function updates name in costume field', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', fields: { COSTUME: { name: 'COSTUME', value: 'name1' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name1'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'costume'); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name2'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName function updates name in backdrop field', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'foo', fields: { BACKDROP: { name: 'BACKDROP', value: 'name1' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.BACKDROP.value, 'name1'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'backdrop'); t.equals(b.getBlock('foo').fields.BACKDROP.value, 'name2'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName function updates name in all sprite fields', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', fields: { TOWARDS: { name: 'TOWARDS', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { TO: { name: 'TO', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id3', fields: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id4', fields: { VIDEOONMENU2: { name: 'VIDEOONMENU2', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id5', fields: { DISTANCETOMENU: { name: 'DISTANCETOMENU', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id6', fields: { TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU: { name: 'TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id7', fields: { CLONE_OPTION: { name: 'CLONE_OPTION', value: 'name1' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.TOWARDS.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.TO.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id3').fields.OBJECT.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id4').fields.VIDEOONMENU2.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id5').fields.DISTANCETOMENU.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id6').fields.TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id7').fields.CLONE_OPTION.value, 'name1'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'sprite'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.TOWARDS.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.TO.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id3').fields.OBJECT.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id4').fields.VIDEOONMENU2.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id5').fields.DISTANCETOMENU.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id6').fields.TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id7').fields.CLONE_OPTION.value, 'name2'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName function updates name according to asset type', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', fields: { SOUND_MENU: { name: 'SOUND_MENU', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { COSTUME: { name: 'COSTUME', value: 'name1' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.SOUND_MENU.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name1'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'sound'); // only sound should get renamed t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.SOUND_MENU.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name1'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName only updates given name', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', fields: { COSTUME: { name: 'COSTUME', value: 'name1' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { COSTUME: { name: 'COSTUME', value: 'foo' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name1'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.COSTUME.value, 'foo'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'costume'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.COSTUME.value, 'name2'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id2').fields.COSTUME.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('updateAssetName doesn\'t update name if name isn\'t being used', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', fields: { BACKDROP: { name: 'BACKDROP', value: 'foo' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.BACKDROP.value, 'foo'); b.updateAssetName('name1', 'name2', 'backdrop'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.BACKDROP.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('updateSensingOfReference renames variables in sensing_of block', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', opcode: 'sensing_of', fields: { PROPERTY: { name: 'PROPERTY', value: 'foo' } }, inputs: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', block: 'id2', shadow: 'id2' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', value: '_stage_' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); b.updateSensingOfReference('foo', 'bar', '_stage_'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'bar'); t.end(); }); test('updateSensingOfReference doesn\'t rename if block is inserted', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', opcode: 'sensing_of', fields: { PROPERTY: { name: 'PROPERTY', value: 'foo' } }, inputs: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', block: 'id3', shadow: 'id2' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', value: '_stage_' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id3', opcode: 'answer' }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); b.updateSensingOfReference('foo', 'bar', '_stage_'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('updateSensingOfReference doesn\'t rename if name is not being used', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', opcode: 'sensing_of', fields: { PROPERTY: { name: 'PROPERTY', value: 'foo' } }, inputs: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', block: 'id2', shadow: 'id2' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', value: '_stage_' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); b.updateSensingOfReference('meow', 'meow2', '_stage_'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('updateSensingOfReference doesn\'t rename other targets\' variables', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'id1', opcode: 'sensing_of', fields: { PROPERTY: { name: 'PROPERTY', value: 'foo' } }, inputs: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', block: 'id2', shadow: 'id2' } } }); b.createBlock({ id: 'id2', fields: { OBJECT: { name: 'OBJECT', value: '_stage_' } } }); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); b.updateSensingOfReference('foo', 'bar', 'Cat'); t.equals(b.getBlock('id1').fields.PROPERTY.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('updateTargetSpecificBlocks changes sprite clicked hat to stage clicked for stage', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock({ id: 'originallySpriteClicked', opcode: 'event_whenthisspriteclicked' }); b.createBlock({ id: 'originallyStageClicked', opcode: 'event_whenstageclicked' }); // originallySpriteClicked does not update when on a non-stage target b.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(false /* isStage */); t.equals(b.getBlock('originallySpriteClicked').opcode, 'event_whenthisspriteclicked'); // originallySpriteClicked does update when on a stage target b.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(true /* isStage */); t.equals(b.getBlock('originallySpriteClicked').opcode, 'event_whenstageclicked'); // originallyStageClicked does not update when on a stage target b.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(true /* isStage */); t.equals(b.getBlock('originallyStageClicked').opcode, 'event_whenstageclicked'); // originallyStageClicked does update when on a non-stage target b.updateTargetSpecificBlocks(false/* isStage */); t.equals(b.getBlock('originallyStageClicked').opcode, 'event_whenthisspriteclicked'); t.end(); }); test('getAllVariableAndListReferences returns an empty map references when variable blocks do not exist', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); t.equal(Object.keys(b.getAllVariableAndListReferences()).length, 0); t.end(); }); test('getAllVariableAndListReferences returns references when variable blocks exist', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); let varListRefs = b.getAllVariableAndListReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(varListRefs).length, 0); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockListBlock)[0]); varListRefs = b.getAllVariableAndListReferences(); t.equal(Object.keys(varListRefs).length, 2); t.equal(Array.isArray(varListRefs['mock var id']), true); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'].length, 1); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'][0].type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'][0].referencingField.value, 'a mock variable'); t.equal(Array.isArray(varListRefs['mock list id']), true); t.equal(varListRefs['mock list id'].length, 1); t.equal(varListRefs['mock list id'][0].type, Variable.LIST_TYPE); t.equal(varListRefs['mock list id'][0].referencingField.value, 'a mock list'); t.end(); }); test('getAllVariableAndListReferences does not return broadcast blocks if the flag is left out', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockBroadcastBlock)[0]); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockBroadcastBlock)[1]); t.equal(Object.keys(b.getAllVariableAndListReferences()).length, 0); t.end(); }); test('getAllVariableAndListReferences returns broadcast when we tell it to', t => { const b = new Blocks(new Runtime()); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockVariableBlock)[0]); // Make the broadcast block and its shadow (which includes the actual broadcast field). b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockBroadcastBlock)[0]); b.createBlock(adapter(events.mockBroadcastBlock)[1]); const varListRefs = b.getAllVariableAndListReferences(null, true); t.equal(Object.keys(varListRefs).length, 2); t.equal(Array.isArray(varListRefs['mock var id']), true); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'].length, 1); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'][0].type, Variable.SCALAR_TYPE); t.equal(varListRefs['mock var id'][0].referencingField.value, 'a mock variable'); t.equal(Array.isArray(varListRefs['mock broadcast message id']), true); t.equal(varListRefs['mock broadcast message id'].length, 1); t.equal(varListRefs['mock broadcast message id'][0].type, Variable.BROADCAST_MESSAGE_TYPE); t.equal(varListRefs['mock broadcast message id'][0].referencingField.value, 'my message'); t.end(); });