const soon = (() => { let _soon; return () => { if (!_soon) { _soon = Promise.resolve() .then(() => { _soon = null; }); } return _soon; }; })(); class Emitter { constructor () { Object.defineProperty(this, '_listeners', { value: {}, enumerable: false }); } on (name, listener, context) { if (!this._listeners[name]) { this._listeners[name] = []; } this._listeners[name].push(listener, context); } off (name, listener, context) { if (this._listeners[name]) { if (listener) { for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners[name].length; i += 2) { if ( this._listeners[name][i] === listener && this._listeners[name][i + 1] === context) { this._listeners[name].splice(i, 2); i -= 2; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners[name].length; i += 2) { if (this._listeners[name][i + 1] === context) { this._listeners[name].splice(i, 2); i -= 2; } } } } } emit (name, ...args) { if (this._listeners[name]) { for (let i = 0; i < this._listeners[name].length; i += 2) { this._listeners[name][i].call(this._listeners[name][i + 1] || this, ...args); } } } } class BenchFrameStream extends Emitter { constructor (frame) { super(); this.frame = frame; window.addEventListener('message', message => { this.emit('message',; }); } send (message) { this.frame.send(message); } } const benchmarkUrlArgs = args => ( [ args.projectId, args.warmUpTime, args.recordingTime ].join(',') ); const BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE = { INACTIVE: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_INACTIVE', LOAD: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_LOAD', LOADING: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_LOADING', WARMING_UP: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_WARMING_UP', ACTIVE: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_ACTIVE', COMPLETE: 'BENCH_MESSAGE_COMPLETE' }; class BenchUtil { constructor (frame) { this.frame = frame; this.benchStream = new BenchFrameStream(frame); } setFrameLocation (url) { this.frame.contentWindow.location.assign(url); } startBench (args) { this.benchArgs = args; this.setFrameLocation(`index.html#${benchmarkUrlArgs(args)}`); } pauseBench () { new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)) .then(() => { this.benchStream.emit('message', { type: BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.INACTIVE }); }); } resumeBench () { this.startBench(this.benchArgs); } renderResults (results) { this.setFrameLocation( `index.html#view/${btoa(JSON.stringify(results))}` ); } } const BENCH_STATUS = { INACTIVE: 'BENCH_STATUS_INACTIVE', RESUME: 'BENCH_STATUS_RESUME', STARTING: 'BENCH_STATUS_STARTING', LOADING: 'BENCH_STATUS_LOADING', WARMING_UP: 'BENCH_STATUS_WARMING_UP', ACTIVE: 'BENCH_STATUS_ACTIVE', COMPLETE: 'BENCH_STATUS_COMPLETE' }; class BenchResult { constructor ({fixture, status = BENCH_STATUS.INACTIVE, frames = null, opcodes = null}) { this.fixture = fixture; this.status = status; this.frames = frames; this.opcodes = opcodes; } } class BenchFixture extends Emitter { constructor ({ projectId, warmUpTime = 4000, recordingTime = 6000 }) { super(); this.projectId = projectId; this.warmUpTime = warmUpTime; this.recordingTime = recordingTime; } get id () { return `${this.projectId}-${this.warmUpTime}-${this.recordingTime}`; } run (util) { return new Promise(resolve => { util.benchStream.on('message', message => { const result = { fixture: this, status: BENCH_STATUS.STARTING, frames: null, opcodes: null }; if (message.type === BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.INACTIVE) { result.status = BENCH_STATUS.RESUME; } else if (message.type === BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.LOADING) { result.status = BENCH_STATUS.LOADING; } else if (message.type === BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.WARMING_UP) { result.status = BENCH_STATUS.WARMING_UP; } else if (message.type === BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.ACTIVE) { result.status = BENCH_STATUS.ACTIVE; } else if (message.type === BENCH_MESSAGE_TYPE.COMPLETE) { result.status = BENCH_STATUS.COMPLETE; result.frames = message.frames; result.opcodes = message.opcodes; resolve(new BenchResult(result));'message', null, this); } this.emit('result', new BenchResult(result)); }, this); util.startBench(this); }); } } class BenchSuiteResult extends Emitter { constructor ({suite, results = []}) { super(); this.suite = suite; this.results = results; if (suite) { suite.on('result', result => { if (result.status === BENCH_STATUS.COMPLETE) { this.results.push(results); this.emit('add', this); } }); } } } class BenchSuite extends Emitter { constructor (fixtures = []) { super(); this.fixtures = fixtures; } add (fixture) { this.fixtures.push(fixture); } run (util) { return new Promise(resolve => { const fixtures = this.fixtures.slice(); const results = []; const push = result => {'result', null, this); results.push(result); }; const emitResult = this.emit.bind(this, 'result'); const pop = () => { const fixture = fixtures.shift(); if (fixture) { fixture.on('result', emitResult, this); .then(push) .then(pop); } else { resolve(new BenchSuiteResult({suite: this, results})); } }; pop(); }); } } class BenchRunner extends Emitter { constructor ({frame, suite}) { super(); this.frame = frame; this.suite = suite; this.util = new BenchUtil(frame); } run () { return; } } const viewNames = { [BENCH_STATUS.INACTIVE]: 'Inactive', [BENCH_STATUS.RESUME]: 'Resume', [BENCH_STATUS.STARTING]: 'Starting', [BENCH_STATUS.LOADING]: 'Loading', [BENCH_STATUS.WARMING_UP]: 'Warming Up', [BENCH_STATUS.ACTIVE]: 'Active', [BENCH_STATUS.COMPLETE]: 'Complete' }; class BenchResultView { constructor ({result, benchUtil}) { this.result = result; = null; this.benchUtil = benchUtil; this.dom = document.createElement('div'); } update (result) { soon().then(() => this.render(result)); } resume () { this.benchUtil.resumeBench(); } setFrameLocation (loc) { this.benchUtil.pauseBench(); this.benchUtil.setFrameLocation(loc); } act (ev) { if ( ev.type === 'click' && ev.button === 0 && !(ev.altKey || ev.ctrlKey || ev.shiftKey || ev.metaKey) ) { let target =; while (target && target.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') { target = target.parentElement; } if (target && target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') { if (target.href) { this.setFrameLocation(target.href); ev.preventDefault(); } } else if (ev.currentTarget.classList.contains('resume')) { this.resume(); } } } render (newResult = this.result, compareResult = { const newResultFrames = (newResult.frames ? newResult.frames : []); const blockFunctionFrame = newResultFrames .find(frame => === 'blockFunction'); const stepThreadsInnerFrame = newResultFrames .find(frame => === 'Sequencer.stepThreads#inner'); const blocksPerSecond = blockFunctionFrame ? (blockFunctionFrame.executions / (stepThreadsInnerFrame.totalTime / 1000)) | 0 : 0; const stepsPerSecond = stepThreadsInnerFrame ? (stepThreadsInnerFrame.executions / (stepThreadsInnerFrame.totalTime / 1000)) | 0 : 0; const compareResultFrames = ( compareResult && compareResult.frames ? compareResult.frames : [] ); const blockFunctionCompareFrame = compareResultFrames .find(frame => === 'blockFunction'); const stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame = compareResultFrames .find(frame => === 'Sequencer.stepThreads#inner'); const compareBlocksPerSecond = blockFunctionCompareFrame ? (blockFunctionCompareFrame.executions / (stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame.totalTime / 1000)) | 0 : 0; const compareStepsPerSecond = stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame ? (stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame.executions / (stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame.totalTime / 1000)) | 0 : 0; const statusName = viewNames[newResult.status]; this.dom.className = `result-view ${ viewNames[newResult.status].toLowerCase() }`; this.dom.onclick = this.act.bind(this); let url = `index.html#${benchmarkUrlArgs(newResult.fixture)}`; if (newResult.status === BENCH_STATUS.COMPLETE) { url = `index.html#view/${btoa(JSON.stringify(newResult))}`; } let compareUrl = url; if (compareResult && compareResult) { compareUrl = `index.html#view/${btoa(JSON.stringify(compareResult))}`; } let compareHTML = ''; if (stepThreadsInnerFrame && stepThreadsInnerCompareFrame) { compareHTML = `
`; } this.dom.innerHTML = `
${stepThreadsInnerFrame ? `steps/s` : ''}
${blockFunctionFrame ? `blocks/s` : statusName}
${stepThreadsInnerFrame ? `${stepsPerSecond}` : ''}
${blockFunctionFrame ? `${blocksPerSecond}` : ''}
Run for ${newResult.fixture.recordingTime / 1000} seconds after ${newResult.fixture.warmUpTime / 1000} seconds
`; this.result = newResult; return this; } } class BenchSuiteResultView { constructor ({runner}) { const {suite, util} = runner; this.runner = runner; this.suite = suite; this.views = {}; this.dom = document.createElement('div'); for (const fixture of suite.fixtures) { this.views[] = new BenchResultView({ result: new BenchResult({fixture}), benchUtil: util }); } suite.on('result', result => { this.views[].update(result); }); } render () { this.dom.innerHTML = `
Project ID
steps per second
blocks per second
Save Reports
`; for (const fixture of this.suite.fixtures) { this.dom.appendChild(this.views[].render().dom); } return this; } } let suite; let suiteView; window.upload = function (_this) { if (!_this.files.length) { return; } const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function () { const report = JSON.parse(reader.result); Object.values(suiteView.views) .forEach(view => { const sameFixture = report.results.find(result => ( result.fixture.projectId === view.result.fixture.projectId && result.fixture.warmUpTime === view.result.fixture.warmUpTime && result.fixture.recordingTime === view.result.fixture.recordingTime )); if (sameFixture) { if ( view.result && view.result.frames && view.result.frames.length > 0 ) { view.render(view.result, sameFixture); } else { = sameFixture; } } }); }; reader.readAsText(_this.files[0]); }; = function (_this) { const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify({ meta: { source: 'Scratch VM Benchmark Suite', version: 1 }, results: Object.values(suiteView.views) .map(view => view.result) .filter(view => view.status === BENCH_STATUS.COMPLETE) })], {type: 'application/json'}); = 'scratch-vm-benchmark.json'; _this.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); }; window.onload = function () { suite = new BenchSuite(); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 130041250, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 2000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 130041250, warmUpTime: 4000, recordingTime: 6000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 14844969, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 2000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 14844969, warmUpTime: 1000, recordingTime: 6000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 173918262, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 173918262, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 155128646, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 155128646, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 89811578, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 89811578, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 139193539, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 139193539, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 187694931, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 187694931, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 219313833, warmUpTime: 0, recordingTime: 5000 })); suite.add(new BenchFixture({ projectId: 219313833, warmUpTime: 5000, recordingTime: 5000 })); const frame = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0]; const runner = new BenchRunner({frame, suite}); const resultsView = suiteView = new BenchSuiteResultView({runner}).render(); document.getElementsByClassName('suite-results')[0] .appendChild(resultsView.dom);; };