const tap = require('tap'); const Target = require('../../src/engine/target'); const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); const VariableUtil = require('../../src/util/variable-util'); let target1; let target2; tap.beforeEach(() => { const runtime = new Runtime(); target1 = new Target(runtime); target1.blocks.createBlock({ id: 'a block', fields: { VARIABLE: { id: 'id1', value: 'foo' } } }); target1.blocks.createBlock({ id: 'another block', fields: { TEXT: { value: 'not a variable' } } }); target2 = new Target(runtime); target2.blocks.createBlock({ id: 'a different block', fields: { VARIABLE: { id: 'id2', value: 'bar' } } }); target2.blocks.createBlock({ id: 'another var block', fields: { VARIABLE: { id: 'id1', value: 'foo' } } }); return Promise.resolve(null); }); const test = tap.test; test('get all var refs', t => { const allVarRefs = VariableUtil.getAllVarRefsForTargets([target1, target2]); t.equal(Object.keys(allVarRefs).length, 2); t.equal(allVarRefs.id1.length, 2); t.equal(allVarRefs.id2.length, 1); t.equal(allVarRefs['not a variable'], undefined); t.end(); }); test('merge variable ids', t => { // Redo the id for the variable with 'id1' VariableUtil.updateVariableIdentifiers(target1.blocks.getAllVariableAndListReferences().id1, 'renamed id'); const varField = target1.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE; t.equals(, 'renamed id'); t.equals(varField.value, 'foo'); t.end(); }); test('merge variable ids but with new name too', t => { // Redo the id for the variable with 'id1' VariableUtil.updateVariableIdentifiers(target1.blocks.getAllVariableAndListReferences().id1, 'renamed id', 'baz'); const varField = target1.blocks.getBlock('a block').fields.VARIABLE; t.equals(, 'renamed id'); t.equals(varField.value, 'baz'); t.end(); });