var YieldTimers = require('../util/yieldtimers.js'); /** * If set, block calls, args, and return values will be logged to the console. * @const {boolean} */ var DEBUG_BLOCK_CALLS = true; var execute = function (sequencer, thread) { var runtime = sequencer.runtime; // Current block to execute is the one on the top of the stack. var currentBlockId = thread.peekStack(); var currentStackFrame = thread.peekStackFrame(); // Save the yield timer ID, in case a primitive makes a new one // @todo hack - perhaps patch this to allow more than one timer per // primitive, for example... var oldYieldTimerId = YieldTimers.timerId; var opcode = runtime.blocks.getOpcode(currentBlockId); // Generate values for arguments (inputs). var argValues = {}; // Add all fields on this block to the argValues. var fields = runtime.blocks.getFields(currentBlockId); for (var fieldName in fields) { argValues[fieldName] = fields[fieldName].value; } // Recursively evaluate input blocks. var inputs = runtime.blocks.getInputs(currentBlockId); for (var inputName in inputs) { var input = inputs[inputName]; var inputBlockId = input.block; // Push to the stack to evaluate this input. thread.pushStack(inputBlockId); var result = execute(sequencer, thread); thread.popStack(); argValues[] = result; } if (!opcode) { console.warn('Could not get opcode for block: ' + currentBlockId); return; } var blockFunction = runtime.getOpcodeFunction(opcode); if (!blockFunction) { console.warn('Could not get implementation for opcode: ' + opcode); return; } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_CALLS) { console.groupCollapsed('Executing: ' + opcode); console.log('with arguments: ', argValues); console.log('and stack frame: ', currentStackFrame); } var primitiveReturnValue = null; // @todo deal with the return value primitiveReturnValue = blockFunction(argValues, { yield: thread.yield.bind(thread), done: function() { sequencer.proceedThread(thread); }, timeout: YieldTimers.timeout, stackFrame: currentStackFrame, startSubstack: function (substackNum) { sequencer.stepToSubstack(thread, substackNum); } }); // Update if the thread has set a yield timer ID // @todo hack if (YieldTimers.timerId > oldYieldTimerId) { thread.yieldTimerId = YieldTimers.timerId; } if (DEBUG_BLOCK_CALLS) { console.log('ending stack frame: ', currentStackFrame); console.log('returned: ', primitiveReturnValue); console.groupEnd(); } return primitiveReturnValue; }; module.exports = execute;