var EventEmitter = require('events'); var util = require('util'); var Runtime = require('./engine/runtime'); var sb2import = require('./import/sb2import'); var Sprite = require('./sprites/sprite'); var Blocks = require('./engine/blocks'); /** * Handles connections between blocks, stage, and extensions. * * @author Andrew Sliwinski */ function VirtualMachine () { var instance = this; // Bind event emitter and runtime to VM instance; /** * VM runtime, to store blocks, I/O devices, sprites/targets, etc. * @type {!Runtime} */ instance.runtime = new Runtime(); /** * The "currently editing"/selected target ID for the VM. * Block events from any Blockly workspace are routed to this target. * @type {!string} */ instance.editingTarget = null; // Runtime emits are passed along as VM emits. instance.runtime.on(Runtime.SCRIPT_GLOW_ON, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.SCRIPT_GLOW_ON, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.SCRIPT_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.SCRIPT_GLOW_OFF, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, function (id, value) { instance.emit(Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, {id: id, value: value}); }); this.blockListener = this.blockListener.bind(this); } /** * Inherit from EventEmitter */ util.inherits(VirtualMachine, EventEmitter); /** * Start running the VM - do this before anything else. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.start = function () { this.runtime.start(); }; /** * "Green flag" handler - start all threads starting with a green flag. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.greenFlag = function () { this.runtime.greenFlag(); }; /** * Stop all threads and running activities. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.stopAll = function () { this.runtime.stopAll(); }; /** * Get data for playground. Data comes back in an emitted event. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.getPlaygroundData = function () { this.emit('playgroundData', { blocks: this.editingTarget.blocks, threads: this.runtime.threads }); }; /** * Handle an animation frame. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.animationFrame = function () { this.runtime.animationFrame(); }; /** * Post I/O data to the virtual devices. * @param {?string} device Name of virtual I/O device. * @param {Object} data Any data object to post to the I/O device. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.postIOData = function (device, data) { if (this.runtime.ioDevices[device]) { this.runtime.ioDevices[device].postData(data); } }; /** * Load a project from a Scratch 2.0 JSON representation. * @param {?string} json JSON string representing the project. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.loadProject = function (json) { // @todo: Handle other formats, e.g., Scratch 1.4, Scratch 3.0. sb2import(json, this.runtime); // Select the first target for editing, e.g., the stage. this.editingTarget = this.runtime.targets[0]; // Update the VM user's knowledge of targets and blocks on the workspace. this.emitTargetsUpdate(); this.emitWorkspaceUpdate(); this.runtime.setEditingTarget(this.editingTarget); }; /** * Temporary way to make an empty project, in case the desired project * cannot be loaded from the online server. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.createEmptyProject = function () { // Stage. var blocks2 = new Blocks(); var stage = new Sprite(blocks2); = 'Stage'; stage.costumes.push({ skin: '/assets/stage.png', name: 'backdrop1', bitmapResolution: 1, rotationCenterX: 240, rotationCenterY: 180 }); var target2 = stage.createClone(); this.runtime.targets.push(target2); target2.x = 0; target2.y = 0; target2.direction = 90; target2.size = 200; target2.visible = true; target2.isStage = true; // Sprite1 (cat). var blocks1 = new Blocks(); var sprite = new Sprite(blocks1); = 'Sprite1'; sprite.costumes.push({ skin: '/assets/scratch_cat.svg', name: 'costume1', bitmapResolution: 1, rotationCenterX: 47, rotationCenterY: 55 }); var target1 = sprite.createClone(); this.runtime.targets.push(target1); target1.x = 0; target1.y = 0; target1.direction = 90; target1.size = 100; target1.visible = true; this.editingTarget = this.runtime.targets[0]; this.emitTargetsUpdate(); this.emitWorkspaceUpdate(); }; /** * Handle a Blockly event for the current editing target. * @param {!Blockly.Event} e Any Blockly event. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.blockListener = function (e) { if (this.editingTarget) { this.editingTarget.blocks.blocklyListen( e, false, this.runtime ); } }; /** * Set an editing target. An editor UI can use this function to switch * between editing different targets, sprites, etc. * After switching the editing target, the VM may emit updates * to the list of targets and any attached workspace blocks * (see `emitTargetsUpdate` and `emitWorkspaceUpdate`). * @param {string} targetId Id of target to set as editing. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.setEditingTarget = function (targetId) { // Has the target id changed? If not, exit. if (targetId == { return; } var target = this.runtime.getTargetById(targetId); if (target) { this.editingTarget = target; // Emit appropriate UI updates. this.emitTargetsUpdate(); this.emitWorkspaceUpdate(); this.runtime.setEditingTarget(target); } }; /** * Emit metadata about available targets. * An editor UI could use this to display a list of targets and show * the currently editing one. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.emitTargetsUpdate = function () { this.emit('targetsUpdate', { // [[target id, human readable target name], ...]. targetList: { return [, target.getName()]; }), // Currently editing target id. editingTarget: }); }; /** * Emit an Blockly/scratch-blocks compatible XML representation * of the current editing target's blocks. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.emitWorkspaceUpdate = function () { this.emit('workspaceUpdate', { 'xml': this.editingTarget.blocks.toXML() }); }; /** * Export and bind to `window` */ module.exports = VirtualMachine; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') window.VirtualMachine = module.exports;