const Worker = require('tiny-worker'); const path = require('path'); const test = require('tap').test; const makeTestStorage = require('../fixtures/make-test-storage'); const readFileToBuffer = require('../fixtures/readProjectFile').readFileToBuffer; const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/index'); const dispatch = require('../../src/dispatch/central-dispatch'); const uri = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/saythink-and-wait.sb2'); const project = readFileToBuffer(uri); // By default Central Dispatch works with the Worker class built into the browser. Tell it to use TinyWorker instead. dispatch.workerClass = Worker; test('say/think and wait', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); vm.attachStorage(makeTestStorage()); // Start VM, load project, and run t.doesNotThrow(() => { vm.start(); vm.clear(); vm.setCompatibilityMode(false); vm.setTurboMode(false); vm.loadProject(project).then(() => { vm.greenFlag(); // After two seconds, stop the project. // The test will fail if the project throws. setTimeout(() => { vm.stopAll(); t.end(); process.nextTick(process.exit); }, 2000); }); }); });