const tap = require('tap'); const path = require('path'); const readFileToBuffer = require('../fixtures/readProjectFile').readFileToBuffer; const VirtualMachine = require('../../src/virtual-machine'); const Runtime = require('../../src/engine/runtime'); const MonitorRecord = require('../../src/engine/monitor-record'); const {Map} = require('immutable'); tap.tearDown(() => process.nextTick(process.exit)); const test = tap.test; test('spec', t => { const r = new Runtime(); t.type(Runtime, 'function'); t.type(r, 'object'); // Test types of cloud data managing functions t.type(r.hasCloudData, 'function'); t.type(r.canAddCloudVariable, 'function'); t.type(r.addCloudVariable, 'function'); t.type(r.removeCloudVariable, 'function'); t.ok(r instanceof Runtime); t.end(); }); test('monitorStateEquals', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const id = 'xklj4#!'; const prevMonitorState = MonitorRecord({ id, opcode: 'turtle whereabouts', value: '25' }); const newMonitorDelta = Map({ id, value: String(25) }); r.requestAddMonitor(prevMonitorState); r.requestUpdateMonitor(newMonitorDelta); t.equals(true, prevMonitorState === r._monitorState.get(id)); t.equals(String(25), r._monitorState.get(id).get('value')); t.end(); }); test('monitorStateDoesNotEqual', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const id = 'xklj4#!'; const params = {seven: 7}; const prevMonitorState = MonitorRecord({ id, opcode: 'turtle whereabouts', value: '25' }); // Value change let newMonitorDelta = Map({ id, value: String(24) }); r.requestAddMonitor(prevMonitorState); r.requestUpdateMonitor(newMonitorDelta); t.equals(false, prevMonitorState.equals(r._monitorState.get(id))); t.equals(String(24), r._monitorState.get(id).get('value')); // Prop change newMonitorDelta = Map({ id: 'xklj4#!', params: params }); r.requestUpdateMonitor(newMonitorDelta); t.equals(false, prevMonitorState.equals(r._monitorState.get(id))); t.equals(String(24), r._monitorState.get(id).value); t.equals(params, r._monitorState.get(id).params); t.end(); }); test('getLabelForOpcode', t => { const r = new Runtime(); const fakeExtension = { id: 'fakeExtension', name: 'Fake Extension', blocks: [ { info: { opcode: 'foo', json: {}, text: 'Foo', xml: '' } }, { info: { opcode: 'foo_2', json: {}, text: 'Foo 2', xml: '' } } ] }; r._blockInfo.push(fakeExtension); const result1 = r.getLabelForOpcode('fakeExtension_foo'); t.type(result1.category, 'string'); t.type(result1.label, 'string'); t.equals(result1.label, 'Fake Extension: Foo'); const result2 = r.getLabelForOpcode('fakeExtension_foo_2'); t.type(result2.category, 'string'); t.type(result2.label, 'string'); t.equals(result2.label, 'Fake Extension: Foo 2'); t.end(); }); test('Project loaded emits runtime event', t => { const vm = new VirtualMachine(); const projectUri = path.resolve(__dirname, '../fixtures/default.sb2'); const project = readFileToBuffer(projectUri); let projectLoaded = false; vm.runtime.addListener('PROJECT_LOADED', () => { projectLoaded = true; }); vm.loadProject(project).then(() => { t.equal(projectLoaded, true, 'Project load event emitted'); t.end(); }); }); test('Cloud variable limit allows only 8 cloud variables', t => { // This is a test of just the cloud variable limit mechanism // The functions being tested below need to be used when // creating and deleting cloud variables in the runtime. const rt = new Runtime(); t.equal(rt.hasCloudData(), false); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), true); rt.addCloudVariable(); // Adding a cloud variable should change the // result of the hasCloudData check t.equal(rt.hasCloudData(), true); } // We should be at the cloud variable limit now t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), false); // Removing a cloud variable should allow the addition of exactly one more // when we are at the cloud variable limit rt.removeCloudVariable(); t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), true); rt.addCloudVariable(); t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), false); // Disposing of the runtime should reset the cloud variable limitations rt.dispose(); t.equal(rt.hasCloudData(), false); for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), true); rt.addCloudVariable(); t.equal(rt.hasCloudData(), true); } // We should be at the cloud variable limit now t.equal(rt.canAddCloudVariable(), false); t.end(); }); test('Starting the runtime emits an event', t => { let started = false; const rt = new Runtime(); rt.addListener('RUNTIME_STARTED', () => { started = true; }); rt.start(); t.equal(started, true); t.end(); }); test('Runtime cannot be started while already running', t => { const rt = new Runtime(); rt.start(); // Start the first time // Set up a flag/listener to check if it can be started again let started = false; rt.addListener('RUNTIME_STARTED', () => { started = true; }); // Starting again should not emit another event rt.start(); t.equal(started, false); t.end(); });