const centralDispatch = require('../dispatch/central-dispatch'); const log = require('../util/log'); const ArgumentType = require('./argument-type'); const BlockType = require('./block-type'); const ScratchBlocks = require('scratch-blocks'); /** * @typedef {object} ArgumentInfo - Information about an extension block argument * @property {ArgumentType} type - the type of value this argument can take * @property {*|undefined} default - the default value of this argument (default: blank) */ /** * @typedef {object} BlockInfo - Information about an extension block * @property {string} opcode - the block opcode * @property {string|object} text - the human-readable text on this block * @property {BlockType|undefined} blockType - the type of block (default: BlockType.COMMAND) * @property {int|undefined} branchCount - the number of branches this block controls, if conditional (default: 0) * @property {Boolean|undefined} isTerminal - true if this block ends a stack (default: false) * @property {Boolean|undefined} blockAllThreads - true if all threads must wait for this block to run (default: false) * @property {object.|undefined} arguments - information about this block's arguments, if any * @property {string|undefined} func - the method implementing this block on the extension service (default: opcode) * @property {Array.|undefined} filter - the list of targets for which this block should appear (default: all) */ /** * @typedef {object} CategoryInfo - Information about a block category * @property {string} id - the unique ID of this category * @property {string} color1 - the primary color for this category, in '#rrggbb' format * @property {string} color2 - the secondary color for this category, in '#rrggbb' format * @property {string} color3 - the tertiary color for this category, in '#rrggbb' format */ /** * Information used for converting Scratch argument types into scratch-blocks data. * @type {object.}} */ const ArgumentTypeMap = (() => { const map = {}; map[ArgumentType.NUMBER] = { shadowType: 'math_number', fieldType: 'NUM' }; map[ArgumentType.STRING] = { shadowType: 'text', fieldType: 'TEXT' }; map[ArgumentType.BOOLEAN] = { shadowType: '' }; return map; })(); class ExtensionManager { constructor () { /** * The list of current active extension workers. * @type {Array.} */ this.workers = []; /** * The ID number to provide to the next extension worker. * @type {int} */ this.nextExtensionWorker = 0; /** * The list of extension URLs which have been requested but not yet loaded in a worker. * @type {Array} */ this.pendingExtensionURLs = []; centralDispatch.setService('extensions', this); } foo () { this.loadExtensionURL('extensions/example-extension.js'); } loadExtensionURL (extensionURL) { // If we `require` this at the global level it breaks non-webpack targets, including tests const ExtensionWorker = require('worker-loader!./extension-worker'); this.pendingExtensionURLs.push(extensionURL); centralDispatch.addWorker(new ExtensionWorker()); } allocateWorker () { const id = this.nextExtensionWorker++; const extFile = this.pendingExtensionURLs.shift(); return [id, extFile]; } registerExtensionService (serviceName) {, 'getInfo').then(info => { this._registerExtensionInfo(serviceName, info); }); } _registerExtensionInfo (serviceName, extensionInfo) { const categoryInfo = { id:, name:, color1: '#FF6680', color2: '#FF4D6A', color3: '#FF3355' }; extensionInfo = this._sanitizeExtensionInfo(extensionInfo); for (let blockInfo of extensionInfo.blocks) { if (!(blockInfo.opcode && blockInfo.text)) { log.error(`Ignoring malformed extension block: ${JSON.stringify(blockInfo)}`); continue; } blockInfo = this._sanitizeBlockInfo(blockInfo); const convertedBlock = this._convertForScratchBlocks(blockInfo, serviceName, categoryInfo); console.dir(convertedBlock); } } /** * Modify the provided text as necessary to ensure that it may be used as an attribute value in valid XML. * @param {string} text - the text to be sanitized * @returns {string} - the sanitized text * @private */ _sanitizeID (text) { return text.toString().replace(/[<"&]/, '_'); } /** * Apply minor cleanup and defaults for optional extension fields. * TODO: make the ID unique in cases where two copies of the same extension are loaded. * @param {ExtensionInfo} extensionInfo - the extension info to be sanitized * @returns {ExtensionInfo} - a new extension info object with cleaned-up values * @private */ _sanitizeExtensionInfo (extensionInfo) { extensionInfo = Object.assign({}, extensionInfo); = this._sanitizeID(; = ||; extensionInfo.blocks = extensionInfo.blocks || []; extensionInfo.targetTypes = extensionInfo.targetTypes || []; return extensionInfo; } /** * Apply defaults for optional block fields. * @param {BlockInfo} blockInfo - the block info from the extension * @returns {BlockInfo} - a new block info object which has values for all relevant optional fields. * @private */ _sanitizeBlockInfo (blockInfo) { blockInfo = Object.assign({}, { blockType: BlockType.COMMAND, terminal: false, blockAllThreads: false, arguments: {} }, blockInfo); blockInfo.opcode = this._sanitizeID(blockInfo.opcode); blockInfo.func = blockInfo.func ? this._sanitizeID(blockInfo.func) : blockInfo.opcode; return blockInfo; } /** * Convert BlockInfo into scratch-blocks JSON & XML, and generate a proxy function. * @param {BlockInfo} blockInfo - the block to convert * @param {string} serviceName - the name of the service hosting this extension * @param {CategoryInfo} categoryInfo - the category for this block * @returns {{json: object, xml: string, blockFunction: Function}} - the converted block information * @private */ _convertForScratchBlocks (blockInfo, serviceName, categoryInfo) { const extendedOpcode = `${}.${blockInfo.opcode}`; const blockJSON = { id: extendedOpcode, inputsInline: true, previousStatement: null, // null = available connection; undefined = hat block nextStatement: null, // null = available connection; undefined = terminal category:, colour: categoryInfo.color1, colourSecondary: categoryInfo.color2, colorTertiary: categoryInfo.color3, args0: [] }; const inputList = []; // TODO: store this somewhere so that we can map args appropriately after translation. // This maps an arg name to its relative position in the original (usually English) block text. // When displaying a block in another language we'll need to run a `replace` action similar to the one below, // but each `[ARG]` will need to be replaced with the number in this map instead of `args0.length`. const argsMap = {}; blockJSON.message0 = blockInfo.text.replace(/\[(.+?)]/g, (match, placeholder) => { // Sanitize the placeholder to ensure valid XML placeholder = placeholder.replace(/[<"&]/, '_'); blockJSON.args0.push({ type: 'input_value', name: placeholder }); // scratch-blocks uses 1-based argument indexing const argNum = blockJSON.args0.length; argsMap[placeholder] = argNum; const argInfo = blockInfo.arguments[placeholder] || {}; const argTypeInfo = ArgumentTypeMap[argInfo.type] || {}; const defaultValue = (typeof argInfo.defaultValue === 'undefined' ? '' : argInfo.defaultValue.toString()); inputList.push( `` + `` + `${defaultValue}` + `` + `` ); return `%${argNum}`; }); switch (blockInfo.blockType) { case BlockType.COMMAND: blockJSON.outputShape = ScratchBlocks.OUTPUT_SHAPE_SQUARE; break; case BlockType.REPORTER: blockJSON.output = 'String'; // TODO: distinguish number & string here? blockJSON.outputShape = ScratchBlocks.OUTPUT_SHAPE_ROUND; break; case BlockType.BOOLEAN: blockJSON.output = 'Boolean'; blockJSON.outputShape = ScratchBlocks.OUTPUT_SHAPE_HEXAGONAL; break; case BlockType.HAT: blockJSON.outputShape = ScratchBlocks.OUTPUT_SHAPE_SQUARE; delete blockJSON.previousStatement; break; case BlockType.CONDITIONAL: // Statement inputs get names like 'SUBSTACK', 'SUBSTACK2', 'SUBSTACK3', ... for (let branchNum = 1; branchNum <= blockInfo.branchCount; ++branchNum) { blockJSON[`args${branchNum}`] = { type: 'input_statement', name: `SUBSTACK${branchNum > 1 ? branchNum : ''}` }; } blockJSON.outputShape = ScratchBlocks.OUTPUT_SHAPE_SQUARE; break; } if (blockInfo.isTerminal) { delete blockJSON.nextStatement; } const blockXML = `${inputList.join('')}`; return { json: blockJSON, xml: blockXML, blockFunction: this._extensionProxy.bind(this, serviceName, blockInfo.opcode) }; } /** * Run an opcode by proxying the call to an extension service. * @param {string} serviceName - the name of the service hosting the extension * @param {string} opcode - the opcode to run, also the name of the method on the extension service * @param {object} blockArgs - the arguments provided to the block * @returns {Promise} - a promise which will resolve after the block function executes. If the block function * returns a value, this promise will resolve to that value. * @private */ _extensionProxy (serviceName, opcode, blockArgs) { return, opcode, blockArgs); } } module.exports = ExtensionManager;