class JSONRPC { constructor () { this._requestID = 0; this._openRequests = {}; } /** * Make an RPC request and retrieve the result. * @param {string} method - the remote method to call. * @param {object} params - the parameters to pass to the remote method. * @returns {Promise} - a promise for the result of the call. */ sendRemoteRequest (method, params) { const requestID = this._requestID++; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._openRequests[requestID] = {resolve, reject}; }); this._sendRequest(method, params, requestID); return promise; } /** * Make an RPC notification with no expectation of a result or callback. * @param {string} method - the remote method to call. * @param {object} params - the parameters to pass to the remote method. */ sendRemoteNotification (method, params) { this._sendRequest(method, params); } /** * Handle an RPC request from remote, should return a result or Promise for result, if appropriate. * @param {string} method - the method requested by the remote caller. * @param {object} params - the parameters sent with the remote caller's request. */ didReceiveCall (/* method , params */) { throw new Error('Must override didReceiveCall'); } _sendMessage (/* jsonMessageObject */) { throw new Error('Must override _sendMessage'); } _sendRequest (method, params, id) { const request = { jsonrpc: '2.0', method, params }; if (id !== null) { = id; } this._sendMessage(request); } _handleMessage (json) { if (json.jsonrpc !== '2.0') { throw new Error(`Bad or missing JSON-RPC version in message: ${json}`); } if (json.hasOwnProperty('method')) { this._handleRequest(json); } else { this._handleResponse(json); } } _sendResponse (id, result, error) { const response = { jsonrpc: '2.0', id }; if (error) { response.error = error; } else { response.result = result || null; } this._sendMessage(response); } _handleResponse (json) { const {result, error, id} = json; const openRequest = this._openRequests[id]; delete this._openRequests[id]; if (error) { openRequest.reject(error); } else { openRequest.resolve(result); } } _handleRequest (json) { const {method, params, id} = json; const rawResult = this.didReceiveCall(method, params); if (id) { Promise.resolve(rawResult).then( result => { this._sendResponse(id, result); }, error => { this._sendResponse(id, null, error); } ); } } } module.exports = JSONRPC;