const EventEmitter = require('events'); const Blocks = require('./blocks'); const Variable = require('../engine/variable'); const List = require('../engine/list'); const uid = require('../util/uid'); /** * @fileoverview * A Target is an abstract "code-running" object for the Scratch VM. * Examples include sprites/clones or potentially physical-world devices. */ /** * @param {?Blocks} blocks Blocks instance for the blocks owned by this target. * @constructor */ class Target extends EventEmitter { constructor (blocks) { super(); if (!blocks) { blocks = new Blocks(); } /** * A unique ID for this target. * @type {string} */ = uid(); /** * Blocks run as code for this target. * @type {!Blocks} */ this.blocks = blocks; /** * Dictionary of variables and their values for this target. * Key is the variable name. * @type {Object.} */ this.variables = {}; /** * Dictionary of lists and their contents for this target. * Key is the list name. * @type {Object.} */ this.lists = {}; /** * Dictionary of custom state for this target. * This can be used to store target-specific custom state for blocks which need it. * TODO: do we want to persist this in SB3 files? * @type {Object.} */ this._customState = {}; } /** * Called when the project receives a "green flag." * @abstract */ onGreenFlag () {} /** * Return a human-readable name for this target. * Target implementations should override this. * @abstract * @returns {string} Human-readable name for the target. */ getName () { return; } /** * Look up a variable object, and create it if one doesn't exist. * Search begins for local variables; then look for globals. * @param {!string} name Name of the variable. * @return {!Variable} Variable object. */ lookupOrCreateVariable (name) { // If we have a local copy, return it. if (this.variables.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.variables[name]; } // If the stage has a global copy, return it. if (this.runtime && !this.isStage) { const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage(); if (stage.variables.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return stage.variables[name]; } } // No variable with this name exists - create it locally. const newVariable = new Variable(name, 0, false); this.variables[name] = newVariable; return newVariable; } /** * Look up a list object for this target, and create it if one doesn't exist. * Search begins for local lists; then look for globals. * @param {!string} name Name of the list. * @return {!List} List object. */ lookupOrCreateList (name) { // If we have a local copy, return it. if (this.lists.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return this.lists[name]; } // If the stage has a global copy, return it. if (this.runtime && !this.isStage) { const stage = this.runtime.getTargetForStage(); if (stage.lists.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return stage.lists[name]; } } // No list with this name exists - create it locally. const newList = new List(name, []); this.lists[name] = newList; return newList; } /** * Post/edit sprite info. * @param {object} data An object with sprite info data to set. * @abstract */ postSpriteInfo () {} /** * Retrieve custom state associated with this target and the provided state ID. * @param {string} stateId - specify which piece of state to retrieve. * @returns {*} the associated state, if any was found. */ getCustomState (stateId) { return this._customState[stateId]; } /** * Store custom state associated with this target and the provided state ID. * @param {string} stateId - specify which piece of state to store on this target. * @param {*} newValue - the state value to store. */ setCustomState (stateId, newValue) { this._customState[stateId] = newValue; } /** * Call to destroy a target. * @abstract */ dispose () { this._customState = {}; } } module.exports = Target;