var EventEmitter = require('events'); var util = require('util'); var Sprite = require('./sprites/sprite'); var Runtime = require('./engine/runtime'); /** * Whether the environment is a WebWorker. * @const{boolean} */ var ENV_WORKER = typeof importScripts === 'function'; /** * Handles connections between blocks, stage, and extensions. * * @author Andrew Sliwinski */ function VirtualMachine () { var instance = this; // Bind event emitter and runtime to VM instance // @todo Post message (Web Worker) polyfill; // @todo support multiple targets/sprites. // This is just a demo/example. var exampleSprite = new Sprite(); exampleSprite.createClone(); var exampleTargets = [exampleSprite.clones[0]]; instance.exampleSprite = exampleSprite; instance.runtime = new Runtime(exampleTargets); /** * Event listeners for scratch-blocks. */ instance.blockListener = ( exampleSprite.blocks.generateBlockListener(false, instance.runtime) ); instance.flyoutBlockListener = ( exampleSprite.blocks.generateBlockListener(true, instance.runtime) ); // Runtime emits are passed along as VM emits. instance.runtime.on(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_ON, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_ON, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_OFF, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { instance.emit(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, {id: id}); }); instance.runtime.on(Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, function (id, value) { instance.emit(Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, {id: id, value: value}); }); } /** * Inherit from EventEmitter */ util.inherits(VirtualMachine, EventEmitter); /** * Start running the VM - do this before anything else. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.start = function () { this.runtime.start(); }; /** * "Green flag" handler - start all threads starting with a green flag. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.greenFlag = function () { this.runtime.greenFlag(); }; /** * Stop all threads and running activities. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.stopAll = function () { this.runtime.stopAll(); }; /** * Get data for playground. Data comes back in an emitted event. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.getPlaygroundData = function () { this.emit('playgroundData', { blocks: this.exampleSprite.blocks, threads: this.runtime.threads }); }; /** * Handle an animation frame. */ VirtualMachine.prototype.animationFrame = function () { this.runtime.animationFrame(); }; /* * Worker handlers: for all public methods available above, * we must also provide a message handler in case the VM is run * from a worker environment. */ if (ENV_WORKER) { self.importScripts( './node_modules/scratch-render-webgl/build/render-webgl-worker.js' ); self.renderer = new self.RenderWebGLWorker(); self.vmInstance = new VirtualMachine(); self.onmessage = function (e) { var messageData =; switch (messageData.method) { case 'start': self.vmInstance.runtime.start(); break; case 'greenFlag': self.vmInstance.runtime.greenFlag(); break; case 'stopAll': self.vmInstance.runtime.stopAll(); break; case 'blockListener': self.vmInstance.blockListener(messageData.args); break; case 'flyoutBlockListener': self.vmInstance.flyoutBlockListener(messageData.args); break; case 'getPlaygroundData': self.postMessage({ method: 'playgroundData', blocks: self.vmInstance.exampleSprite.blocks, threads: self.vmInstance.runtime.threads }); break; case 'animationFrame': self.vmInstance.animationFrame(); break; default: if ( == 'RendererConnected') { //initRenderWorker(); } self.renderer.onmessage(e); break; } }; // Bind runtime's emitted events to postmessages. self.vmInstance.runtime.on(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_ON, function (id) { self.postMessage({method: Runtime.STACK_GLOW_ON, id: id}); }); self.vmInstance.runtime.on(Runtime.STACK_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { self.postMessage({method: Runtime.STACK_GLOW_OFF, id: id}); }); self.vmInstance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, function (id) { self.postMessage({method: Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_ON, id: id}); }); self.vmInstance.runtime.on(Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, function (id) { self.postMessage({method: Runtime.BLOCK_GLOW_OFF, id: id}); }); self.vmInstance.runtime.on(Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, function (id, value) { self.postMessage({method: Runtime.VISUAL_REPORT, id: id, value: value}); }); } /** * Export and bind to `window` */ module.exports = VirtualMachine; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') window.VirtualMachine = module.exports;