const Color = require('../util/color'); /** * @fileoverview * Utilities for casting and comparing Scratch data-types. * Scratch behaves slightly differently from JavaScript in many respects, * and these differences should be encapsulated below. * For example, in Scratch, add(1, join("hello", world")) -> 1. * This is because "hello world" is cast to 0. * In JavaScript, 1 + Number("hello" + "world") would give you NaN. * Use when coercing a value before computation. */ class Cast { /** * Scratch cast to number. * Treats NaN as 0. * In Scratch 2.0, this is captured by `interp.numArg.` * @param {*} value Value to cast to number. * @return {number} The Scratch-casted number value. */ static toNumber (value) { // If value is already a number we don't need to coerce it with // Number(). if (typeof value === 'number') { // Scratch treats NaN as 0, when needed as a number. // E.g., 0 + NaN -> 0. if (Number.isNaN(value)) { return 0; } return value; } const n = Number(value); if (Number.isNaN(n)) { // Scratch treats NaN as 0, when needed as a number. // E.g., 0 + NaN -> 0. return 0; } return n; } /** * Scratch cast to boolean. * In Scratch 2.0, this is captured by `interp.boolArg.` * Treats some string values differently from JavaScript. * @param {*} value Value to cast to boolean. * @return {boolean} The Scratch-casted boolean value. */ static toBoolean (value) { // Already a boolean? if (typeof value === 'boolean') { return value; } if (typeof value === 'string') { // These specific strings are treated as false in Scratch. if ((value === '') || (value === '0') || (value.toLowerCase() === 'false')) { return false; } // All other strings treated as true. return true; } // Coerce other values and numbers. return Boolean(value); } /** * Scratch cast to string. * @param {*} value Value to cast to string. * @return {string} The Scratch-casted string value. */ static toString (value) { return String(value); } /** * Cast any Scratch argument to an RGB color array to be used for the renderer. * @param {*} value Value to convert to RGB color array. * @return {Array.} [r,g,b], values between 0-255. */ static toRgbColorList (value) { const color = Cast.toRgbColorObject(value); return [color.r, color.g, color.b]; } /** * Cast any Scratch argument to an RGB color object to be used for the renderer. * @param {*} value Value to convert to RGB color object. * @return {RGBOject} [r,g,b], values between 0-255. */ static toRgbColorObject (value) { let color; if (typeof value === 'string' && value.substring(0, 1) === '#') { color = Color.hexToRgb(value); // If the color wasn't *actually* a hex color, cast to black if (!color) color = {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255}; } else { color = Color.decimalToRgb(Cast.toNumber(value)); } return color; } /** * Determine if a Scratch argument is a white space string (or null / empty). * @param {*} val value to check. * @return {boolean} True if the argument is all white spaces or null / empty. */ static isWhiteSpace (val) { return val === null || (typeof val === 'string' && val.trim().length === 0); } /** * Compare two values, using Scratch cast, case-insensitive string compare, etc. * In Scratch 2.0, this is captured by `` * @param {*} v1 First value to compare. * @param {*} v2 Second value to compare. * @returns {number} Negative number if v1 < v2; 0 if equal; positive otherwise. */ static compare (v1, v2) { let n1 = Number(v1); let n2 = Number(v2); if (n1 === 0 && Cast.isWhiteSpace(v1)) { n1 = NaN; } else if (n2 === 0 && Cast.isWhiteSpace(v2)) { n2 = NaN; } if (isNaN(n1) || isNaN(n2)) { // At least one argument can't be converted to a number. // Scratch compares strings as case insensitive. const s1 = String(v1).toLowerCase(); const s2 = String(v2).toLowerCase(); if (s1 < s2) { return -1; } else if (s1 > s2) { return 1; } return 0; } // Handle the special case of Infinity if ( (n1 === Infinity && n2 === Infinity) || (n1 === -Infinity && n2 === -Infinity) ) { return 0; } // Compare as numbers. return n1 - n2; } /** * Determine if a Scratch argument number represents a round integer. * @param {*} val Value to check. * @return {boolean} True if number looks like an integer. */ static isInt (val) { // Values that are already numbers. if (typeof val === 'number') { if (isNaN(val)) { // NaN is considered an integer. return true; } // True if it's "round" (e.g., 2.0 and 2). return val === parseInt(val, 10); } else if (typeof val === 'boolean') { // `True` and `false` always represent integer after Scratch cast. return true; } else if (typeof val === 'string') { // If it contains a decimal point, don't consider it an int. return val.indexOf('.') < 0; } return false; } static get LIST_INVALID () { return 'INVALID'; } static get LIST_ALL () { return 'ALL'; } /** * Compute a 1-based index into a list, based on a Scratch argument. * Two special cases may be returned: * LIST_ALL: if the block is referring to all of the items in the list. * LIST_INVALID: if the index was invalid in any way. * @param {*} index Scratch arg, including 1-based numbers or special cases. * @param {number} length Length of the list. * @param {boolean} acceptAll Whether it should accept "all" or not. * @return {(number|string)} 1-based index for list, LIST_ALL, or LIST_INVALID. */ static toListIndex (index, length, acceptAll) { if (typeof index !== 'number') { if (index === 'all') { return acceptAll ? Cast.LIST_ALL : Cast.LIST_INVALID; } if (index === 'last') { if (length > 0) { return length; } return Cast.LIST_INVALID; } else if (index === 'random' || index === 'any') { if (length > 0) { return 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * length); } return Cast.LIST_INVALID; } } index = Math.floor(Cast.toNumber(index)); if (index < 1 || index > length) { return Cast.LIST_INVALID; } return index; } } module.exports = Cast;